Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2352: Professional matters should be left to professionals

You must know that Black Dragon uses Mo Feiren's route to do these things, and the freight is paid in advance by itself.

Now that Cai Huashe has taken over the route and cooperated with Red Hood, he will naturally not let Zhang Jian, the new black dragon, pay the freight in advance.

He is going to deal with those guys by himself, so he will definitely not spoil them.

Not just charge money, but charge more.

If you don’t want to give it, then sell these things directly. Just one item will be enough to cover the shipping cost, and even make up for the previous account.

Let’s see who loses in the end!

On the sofa in the presidential suite, Li Qi hung up the phone and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mo Feiren gave in, and Brother Snake got the route.

Instructor Zhang has already started loading the cargo, and it is estimated that the ship will be able to set off tomorrow afternoon. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Li Qi: "Tell them not to leave in a hurry.

I'll contact Joseph to see what needs to be done to strengthen the firepower systems of those ships! "

Li Qi smiled and said, "Boss, do you want to form a navy?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "I just want them to be able to deal with pirates easily.

And even if you are intercepted by the navy, you still have a chance to escape! "

Li Di started to say, "But that would cost a lot! And it's not something that can be done in a day or two!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "It's worth every penny if it can save your life! How many ships did they capture?"

"It seems like there are five ships!" Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "They all have a displacement of about 100,000 tons. It would be troublesome to modify them. I'm afraid Joseph won't be able to handle this big project!"

Chen Xin'an laughed, shook his head and said, "Of course he doesn't have this ability.

But he has an ability that others don't have, that is, he has many friends!

What he can't do, he will let someone who can do it do it, and he can find this person.

I'll discuss this matter with him. Ask Brother Snake to leave a few people for me.

Except for the one that is leaving the port, all the rest are gathered together. I will take people there in the next few days. "

Li Didian nodded and immediately called Brother Snake.

After a while, Li Qi handed the phone to Chen Xin'an.

"Mr. Chen, I will go there personally for the first delivery.

The shipping fee plus 20%, the profit is 70% for us, 70% for you and 30% for me..."

"Brother Snake!" Chen Xin'an said to him: "Add 40% to the freight. If we can't reach an agreement, just leave without any ink!

Tell them to stop cooperating. After getting the goods in the future, sell the stolen goods directly!

The division between us is the 50-50 principle.

I'll send it to you from my account, and I'll give it to you whenever you have the money, so there's no need to rush.

Remember, in an emergency, sacrifice goods to protect people!

I want you all to live, human life is the most important! "

After chatting with Cai Huashe for a while, Chen Xin'an hung up the phone, handed the phone to Li Qi, and said to him: "Ah Qi, go to bed early. Let's go to Century Square tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Li Dian nodded.

A podium was set up in the center of Century Plaza.

In the morning, Boorman will give a public speech here to canvass votes for the campaign leader.

Now that Chen Xin'an has been hired to be responsible for security, he will do things with money and will not be careless.

So I took Li Qi here early in the morning.

As for the security brothers, they have already gone to Boorman's office and started guarding him throughout his trip.

Li Qi held a notebook and kept drawing on it.

Chen Xin'an knew that he was marking suitable sniper positions, and people should be sent to these positions as soon as possible.

A voice sounded in the headset. Boorman's motorcade had arrived at the west side of the square and would be walking over later.

Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "You will be free later. If you find a situation, you can deal with it first without waiting for orders!"

"I know!" Li Dian nodded.

He knew that the boss would follow Boorman, and with his free position and double insurance, it would be difficult for anyone to do anything wrong to Boorman.

From a distance, I saw a large group of people approaching, followed by team members wearing security uniforms.

Chen Xin'an frowned. He had explained that Anhao Security was the main bodyguard and had to protect Boorman personally.

As it is now, the team members are all pushed to the edge. If something happens, they will have no other role than to serve as cannon fodder.

Chen Xin'an walked over and asked Zuo Meng, "What's going on? Didn't I ask you to follow me closely?"

Zuo Meng pointed angrily at the group of men in suits following Boorman and said:

“Those are from the security team, and they are said to be the most professional.

The key is that Boorman also listens to them, let us obey their command! "

Chen Xin'an walked over with a sullen face and said to Boorman: "If my people can't get close, I won't be responsible if something goes wrong!"

Before Boorman could speak, Mark on the side curled his lips and said: "It's just a small speech, what can happen?

And I checked, your Anhao Security in Kyoto, China, is just a newly formed security team.

I have very little work experience, and this is my first time going abroad for a mission like this!

You asked me to leave my father's safety in the hands of a group of people who don't have much work experience. I'm really worried.

My people are all professionally trained and have undertaken such tasks countless times.

So in comparison, I still believe in my people more! "

Chen Xin'an's face turned livid and she scolded him: "Don't forget what you said when you invited me here before!

Since I am responsible for everything, I have to listen to my arrangements. What does it mean to do this now? "

Seeing that Chen Xin'an was angry, Boorman quickly said to him: "Mr. Chen, please don't be angry.

It's just a small speech, it will end in no more than an hour, so there's no need to be so nervous.

Aren't you always by my side?

That's enough!

It doesn't really matter where other people stand, does it? "

Chen Xin'an really seemed to give him a big mouth.

This is Anhao's first overseas mission. If it fails, it won't matter if you die, but Anhao's reputation will be ruined!

A staff member of the Security Bureau said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I hope you can understand one thing.

You are indeed very powerful, but that doesn’t mean that everyone around you is as powerful as you!

We are the experts in this area!

Therefore, let our professional people do the professional things.

The amateur team will just keep law and order around!

By the way, my name is Kofi, and I am very happy to cooperate with the famous Mr. Chen Xin'an! "

"Who are you calling an amateur?" Zuo Meng was furious, waiting for Kofi to curse.

The selected security team members can be said to be the elite of the entire security industry.

Their strength is not only reflected in fighting, but also in understanding the Eagle Flag Language.

It’s not required to be able to speak, at least you can roughly understand.

For the rest, just come over here and strengthen your training.

Kofi glanced at him and said disdainfully: "Do you understand CQB security tactics?

Do you understand BBL emergency protection? "

Zuo Meng was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

This was the first time he heard these terms, how could he understand them!

Kofi sneered and said: "You don't even understand the most basic international security procedures, and you still want to protect Mr. Boorman personally? Do you have the qualifications?"

The team has arrived behind the podium, and Boorman is getting dressed in preparation for the speech.

Kofi and the security team gathered around him, looking at the people in Zuo Meng with eyes full of disdain and ridicule.

Zuo Meng and his team members all had dark faces, but they were helpless.

Chen Xin'an's face was ashen and he wanted to say something, but his eyes fell on two security team members not far away.

Everyone was cleaning their guns quietly to prevent any changes from happening.

And the pattern printed on the piece of cloth the two men used to clean their guns caught Chen Xin'an's attention!

It was two crossed arms and the head of an old man wearing a top hat and holding a pipe!



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