Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2358 Don’t think I’m as stupid as you

When death is imminent, how many people can be brave and fearless?

Dickens is also a human being. Although he is the leader of the killer army, he feels pleasure when killing others, and he also feels fear when he is killed.

"Mr. Chen, I am just a nobody! Even if you kill me, the pursuit of you will not stop.

Everything is directed by the Golden Gloves from behind, and they are your real enemies. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "You are right. The culprit is the Golden Glove.

But this does not mean that you little people are innocent.

If it weren't for the help of you little characters, Golden Gloves wouldn't be able to carry out those evil deeds.

So, you all deserve to die!

As long as you become my enemy, Chen Xin'an, no matter you are a big shot or a small shot, your fate is already doomed! "

Without saying too much nonsense to him, Chen Xin'an lifted Dickens with one hand, found a piece of rope from the room, and threw it to Li Qi on the roof.

Li first pulled Dickens up, who was unable to move, and then Chen Xin'an also climbed up.

Just as he left the room, a tracer of light flew past!

Chen Xin'an's expression changed, he picked up Dickens and shouted to Li Qi: "Let's go!"

The two of them rushed forward quickly, and at the same time, there was an explosion under their feet!

The powerful shock wave shattered all the glass on the roof, air waves rose into the sky, and even the steel frame was bent and deformed!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were pushed up by the air waves. Fortunately, when they landed, they grabbed the steel frame and hung their bodies in the air.

Dickens was not so lucky. He was cut all over by broken glass and fell from the roof.

But he still had a rope on him, and the other end was wrapped around the steel frame, so he was hung in the air.

Unfortunately, a piece of rope happened to be wrapped around his neck. In this position, it was like hanging!

By the time Chen Xin'an pulled him up, this guy's eyes were already white and he was foaming at the mouth!

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an is here and he won't be allowed to die so easily.

After giving him two injections, Chen Xin'an realized that this guy wasn't lying.

Catching him won't do much, those killers can completely ignore his life or death!

This is the cruel reality of the killer army.

While you are alive, I can treat you as a captain and a colleague, listening to your orders and cooperating with you.

But when you are captured or lose value, they will also give up on you without hesitation, and even kill you with their own hands!

However, Chen Xin'an would not let Dickens go because of this.

As he said before, at best, just kill a few more captains.

As long as I don't die, it will be you!

The hatred between him and the Killer Alliance cannot be resolved. When they meet, it will be a life-and-death fight. The more you kill, the more you kill!

I just don't want this guy to die so easily.

"Haha, they are here!" Li Qi turned his head and grinned at Chen Xin'an.

Following his gaze, Chen Xin'an also looked behind.

A group of killers actually followed suit and climbed onto the roof like them!

It's just that their flexibility is not as good as Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, so they walk unsteadily.

In fact, it's not to blame these guys for imitating others, because once Chen Xin'an and Li Qi get on the maintenance platform over there, they will be in a blind spot for shooting.

The people below can't hit them at all. The closer they get to that place, the less angle they have.

As a last resort, they had to climb up.

But isn’t this someone who came here to give someone a head?

Of course Chen Xin'an and Li Qi would not be polite and shot directly at them.

With screams, several killers fell down.

The two people who were even worse were rolling down the glass surface.

They dropped their guns and stretched out their hands to grab whatever they could.

But in the end, he didn't catch anything. Amidst the screams of terror, he slipped to the edge of the roof and then fell straight down.

At such a height, even if you don't reach the ground, you will die in the fall.

The remaining killers were frightened and did not dare to show their heads again.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi also quickened their pace and quickly boarded the maintenance platform.

This is the highest point of the Twin Towers, and there is a long lightning rod above.

The wind howled so hard that people could not open their eyes.

Li Qi stood aside and observed the wind direction and speed. Without tools, he could only calculate in his mind.

"Boss, I need to measure the current wind strength, otherwise it will be difficult to choose a good route. But we lack tools now..."

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "We have tools!"

He dragged Dickens over, smiled and said, "Just use him!"

"You two devils! God will not let you go!" Dickens turned pale with fright. He already understood what these two guys were going to do!

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, looked at him with disdain and said, "You are a killer, are you kidding me when you tell me about God?"

Dickens knew that his life was at stake and he did not dare to verbally stimulate Chen Xin'an any more. He begged and said:

"Mr. Chen, please don't kill me! As long as you leave me alive, I can do anything for you!

I will give you all my savings, and I can even intercede with the Golden Glove on your behalf to cancel your bounty on the blacklist!

You know, I've been in the Assassin's League for many years, my words still carry some weight, and you need my help! "

"Wrong, I don't need it at all!" Chen Xin'an shook his head sarcastically, looked at him and said:

"I don't care about your little money.

I don't care about the so-called plea to the Golden Gloves!

They want to let me go, but I don't plan to let them go!

As for the gang bounty, I have never taken it seriously!

Come and kill me if you have the guts, as long as I don't kill you in return.

The existence of this thing is always urging me not to relax."

Seeing that Chen Xin'an had no intention of letting him go, Dickens was completely panicked. He shouted at Chen Xin'an:

"You can't do this! I am your prisoner now and have no ability to resist.

According to international practice and humanitarianism, you should treat prisoners well!

The Chinese pay the most attention to treating prisoners well. I don't believe that it is just a deceptive legend!"

Chen Xin'an untied the rope on him and grinned: "You are right. We Chinese pay the most attention to treating prisoners well.

So I let you go now!"

Dickens was overjoyed when he didn't expect his words to work so easily.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Xinan: "God will bless you! From now on, I will never be your enemy again!"

In his heart, he was laughing wildly at the stupid Chinese people and the ridiculous Confucianism.

The Chinese are like this, stupid and easy to fool!

But the next second, when Chen Xinan picked him up and walked to the maintenance table, Dickens realized that something was wrong.

He shouted with a pale face: "What are you doing? Didn't you agree to treat the prisoners well? Didn't you promise to let me go?"

Chen Xinan looked at him with a smile and said: "I am going to let you go! I don't know about my other merits, but everyone knows that I keep my word!"

He picked up Dickens, lifted him over the railing of the maintenance table, and then shook his hands and threw him out without hesitation!

Dickens let out a hysterical scream of despair, and shouted: "God will not forgive you!"

Chen Xin'an curled his lips and said with disdain: "I don't even believe in Buddha, but I believe in you ghost gods!

It's okay that you are stupid, but you also think that we are as stupid as you!

Do you really think this is a battlefield?

And treat prisoners well?

Even on the battlefield, I, Chen Xin'an, will never treat my enemies well!"



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