At this time, everyone discovered that there were hundreds of people standing neatly thirty meters away!

Just judging from their body shapes, these people should be underage children!

They were wearing black clothes and even hoodies on their heads, shrouding themselves in darkness.

He held a variety of weapons in his hands, including long knives, axes, crossbows, sickles...

Walton said excitedly: "Children, some of you will graduate tonight.

Of course, this depends on how much prey you hunt.

Now the prey is ready and the hunting time has arrived!

Go, go to your hunting grounds!

Let the blood of prey witness your glory!

This is the best gift for you to grow as a human being! "

Following Walton's order, hundreds of men in black rushed toward the woods ahead.

At this moment, Zhang Jian on the ground shouted: "Jin Yu!"

There seemed to be a figure in the crowd who paused for a moment, but was quickly pushed away by others.

Several gunmen rushed up and punched and kicked Zhang Jian!

"That's enough!" Walton said sullenly: "Don't beat him to death, that won't be fun!

Our prey are limited, and missing one will affect others.

Okay, the kids are ready, let’s put the prey in! "

At this time, everyone discovered that there were not only ten of them acting as prey, but there were many people like them sitting on the ground around them.

Zhang Jian made a rough estimate, there were about fifty people!

It seems that there are more cells in the base than just theirs!

Now everyone understands what Walton means by the game.

Just let these people act as prey, enter the forest, and be hunted by those children dressed in black!

In normal times, fifty strong men would not be easy to kill against hundreds of children, even if they were armed with weapons.

But now, everyone has been drugged and has no strength.

Let alone fighting, you can't even run, you stagger when you stand, and you're out of breath even after taking two steps, how can you fight?

"Get up! Come in quickly, you useless pigs!" The gunmen rushed up, punching and kicking the people on the ground, forcing them to stand up and walk towards the woods.

Everyone suppressed their dizziness and stumbled forward.

Zhang Jian said in Chinese: "Long Sheng, Xia Hongfeng, Philemon, you all must follow me and must not be separated!"

"Okay!" The three of them responded.

In this case, the only way to survive is to stick together.

"I don't want to die!" A man turned around and ran away, knowing that he would become prey if he entered the woods.

The gunman next to him raised his gun without hesitation and aimed at his body.

With a bang, the bullet broke the man's right arm. The man seemed to have been kicked. His body tilted and fell to the ground. He let out a shrill scream and kept rolling.

But soon a gunman rushed up, raised the butt of his gun and slammed it on his head, knocking him unconscious.

Then two gunmen dragged him forward to the edge of the woods.

One person took out a syringe from his body, which may contain adrenaline, injected it into the man's body, and then kicked him into the woods!

Everyone walked into the woods. Although it was already night, it was not completely dark.

A lot of lights have been placed in the forest. It's not as bright as day, but at least you can see the road ahead.

There is surveillance on the tree and the entire process will be monitored.

So the light is also for the convenience of shooting.

You can escape from here by walking through the woods and climbing up the cliff.

Let’s not talk about whether this promise counts, nor how to climb up the cliff that is at a right angle of 90 degrees. Just walking through this forest has become an impossible task!

Hundreds of children armed with various weapons have been trained to become cold-blooded killers.

They are hiding in this forest, like hunters, looking for their prey.

Once locked, they will use their weapons to slit the throat of their prey without mercy!

The man who was thrown in just now lay on the ground for a while. Under the stimulation of adrenaline, he got up from the ground and started running wildly into the depths of the woods!

He wanted to go through the woods and climb the cliff in the shortest time, so that he could have a chance to survive!

But after running less than ten meters, a cold light suddenly passed by!

Before he could react, his right leg was cut off by a flying ax!

The man couldn't stand firmly, fell to the ground, and let out a shrill scream.

Several black figures appeared around him. One person rushed over, rolled forward and picked up the ax on the ground. While squatting on the ground, he struck the man on the neck with the ax!

Blood splashed all over the black figure's face. He raised his head, revealing a face that was stained red by blood but could not conceal his childishness.

But with the ferocity of a beast in his eyes, he looked around and said, "This prey is mine, get out of here!"

The surrounding black shadows slowly disappeared into the forest.

The boy holding the ax stepped on the man's head on the ground and pulled out the ax.

Then, while the man was convulsing and trembling, he slashed with the ax again, completely decapitating his head!

Although the man was dead, his body was still shaking slightly.

The young man wiped the blood from his face, used an ax to cut off the ears on the head in his hand, strung it around his waist, and then threw the head far away into the forest.

After looking around, the young man disappeared into the darkness again with an indifferent expression.

After a while, everyone from Zhang Ji'an who was hiding not far away appeared.

Long Sheng resisted the feeling of vomiting and asked Zhang Jian: "Instructor Zhang, what should we do? Should we fight back?"

Zhang Jian's face was gloomy and he said nothing.

Lives are at stake, and no one is willing to be prey.

But the other party is a bunch of kids, how can we kill them?

What's more, there is also his niece here. Once they meet, will they kill each other?

Philemon said to everyone: "I think it's better to avoid them as much as possible and don't conflict with them face to face. Our purpose is not to kill people, but to get out!"

Everyone nodded. Although it was difficult to do so, there was currently no better way.

Everyone continued to move forward when a scream suddenly came from not far away.

A dark-skinned man covered his chest with his hands, took two steps back and sat on the ground!

On his chest was a crossbow arrow.

A petite figure appeared on his side, holding a crossbow in his hand, and with a pop, he shot another arrow!

The man tilted his head and fell to the ground instantly. He must have been shot.

The black shadow quickly ran to the man's side and wanted to cut off the ear of his trophy with a dagger.

But at this moment, the man who was supposed to be dead was holding a crossbow arrow in his right hand, grabbed the black shadow's collar with his left hand, and stabbed the arrow down hard!

The black shadow let out a horrified cry, and the crossbow arrows stopped abruptly.

Only then did the man realize that what he was holding was just a little girl of twelve or thirteen years old.

Those big eyes still showed pitiful fear and confusion.

This childish little face is as delicate as a porcelain doll, reminding the man of his daughter at home, who is as big as her.

She was just a child, how could he kill her?

The man gently released his grip on the girl's collar and put down the crossbow.

But the next second, the dagger in the girl's hand stabbed into the man's throat!

Blood spurted out from the man's wounds and mouth. His eyes widened and he looked at the girl in front of him unwillingly.

At this moment, the girl's face changed to a cold expression, she pulled out the dagger suddenly, and then cut off the man's ear!



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