Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2400 We Are Not Here to Save You

The gasoline barrel rolled out of the wooden house, the stopper was opened, and the gasoline barrel leaked oil as it rolled.

The three of them pushed the gasoline barrel and did not dare to stop for a moment.

There was no way, the devil was pointing a gun at them from behind. As long as anyone dared to run, the other party would shoot without hesitation!

Chen Xin'an saw that the three of them had walked far away in three directions, so he moved the gasoline barrel in front of him and spread the gasoline inside and outside the entire wooden house.

Turning around and leaving the cabin, Chen Xin'an continued walking towards the cliff.

After walking twenty meters, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned around and fired a shot.

The bullet passed through the trees and entered the gasoline can in front of the cabin door.

With a bang, the gasoline barrel burst into flames!

Immediately, the flames rushed into the cabin like a dragon, instantly turning the cabin into a sea of ​​fire!

At the same time, the fire dragon divided into three directions and rushed deep into the forest, and the fire spread instantly!

The billowing smoke rushed into the sky and spread rapidly in all directions.

In the main monitoring room, Walton had a sinister smile on his face and said coldly: "It's interesting!

Two people dare to come here and want to rescue people?

I really don’t know, are they blindly confident, or are they really stupid?

The Eagle Flag State and Interpol can't do anything to us, so why do these two bastards look down on us?

Is BH-10 ready?

What's going on over there at the outpost? Why haven't I been contacted yet? "

A woman next to the phone said: "Still trying to communicate, but the line seems to have been cut.

Sir, do you want to send someone to check it out? "

"Send two people to check!" Walton frowned and said, "The blocking has been lifted now, you can call Norris!"

The woman picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed a number. The call was connected, but there was no answer.

"Asshole! What are they doing!" Walton cursed angrily and kicked the table.

The woman asked with a worried look: "Have you been attacked by the enemy..."

Walton sneered coldly and said: "Just two people, how big a storm can they cause!

Even if you add those prey and the two traitors, Norris and the others won't be a problem to deal with! "

Although he said this, Walton was still a little worried about the situation over there and said to the woman:

“Let the fifth team go to the outpost and take a look!

Let the drone lock on to the current location of those people and beat them hard. Don't leave anyone alive!

Once you reach my territory, life and death are under my control!

I gave you a life to come and a life to leave!

Don't wait for the outpost, let the other drones come back and load the BH-10! "

"Sir!" A man sitting next to the monitor shouted, stood up suddenly, and sounded panicked.

Walton scolded angrily: "Why are you so flustered? You are as timid as a mouse! Can't you be calmer?"

The man pointed at the monitoring screen in front of him and said, "Sir, come here and take a look!"

Only then did Walton realize that the entire monitoring screen was glowing red and he couldn't see anything clearly!

"How could this happen?" Walton's eyes widened and he ordered everyone: "Turn the surveillance cameras and drones around to see what is happening here!"

Soon the entire surveillance screen turned into a flash of red light, and everyone finally realized that the woods were on fire!

You must know that the base is also in the woods. If the fire spreads, this place will not be spared!

"What the hell are they doing!" Walton yelled angrily, his face not as calm as he had just said.

A man said to him: "Sir, the fire is too big and the smoke is too thick. The camera can't capture it, and the drone can't get close! What should I do now? Please give me instructions!"

Walton was like a crazy old dog, roaring angrily and pacing back and forth in the room.

The people around him were silent, no one dared to say anything, but their eyes glanced at the monitoring screen from time to time.

After a while, Walton gritted his teeth and said: "Send the fifth and sixth teams to continue chasing those people and kill them without mercy!

Bring all the rest back to me and put out the fire immediately!

Be sure not to let the fire get close to the base! "

There are a lot of weapons and ammunition here. Once it is ignited by fire, the entire Yingzui Pier will be razed!

Of course, the probability of this happening is very low.

Even if the entire base turns into a sea of ​​flames, as long as the bunker door is closed, those explosives will be fine.

But no one dares to gamble with their own lives, not to mention not everyone can evacuate to the bunker.

Once the fire is out of control, Walton cannot afford the loss of the entire base!

Fires were blazing in the woods and smoke was billowing.

Even standing at the edge of the forest, the heat was already unbearable.

Seeing that all the drones overhead had evacuated, Li Qi shouted to everyone: "Let's go, hurry up!"

The boss has succeeded. At this time, we must race against time to get out of here.

Everyone rushed out of the woods and ran toward the cliff.

At the same time, a group of prey also rushed over from different directions, and they quickly noticed the rope hanging down from the cliff.

Without the obstruction of the drone, the group of people began to scramble to climb up the cliff again.

Da da da!

After the gunfire, one of the prey who climbed up the rope first was shot several times and his body fell from the top.

Others screamed in fright and turned to look at the shooter.

Li Qi looked gloomy and said to Philemon, who was carrying Zhang Jian on his back: "I speak, you translate!"

Philemon nodded.

Li Qi's face was gloomy, he looked at everyone with a gun in his hand and said: "This rope was put down by us to rescue our friends.

You can go up if you want, just wait behind me.

The wounded come up first. When our people are gone, you can come up one by one.

Whoever dares to rob me will suffer the same fate as the corpses below! "

With so many people rushing to climb up, the rope cannot bear it and will definitely break.

At that time, it will become difficult for everyone to escape.

Someone came out and said weakly to Li Qi: "I'm seriously injured, let me go first!"

Li Qi refused directly: "Once again, the people waiting for us will leave first!"

The man said angrily: "You just said that the wounded should go first!"

Li Qi looked at him coldly and said, "They are our wounded, not you!

Even if you are allowed to leave first, with your current physical strength, how long will it take for you to climb up?

Did you ask so many of us to wait for you below? "

The man was speechless.

Indeed, in his current situation, it was a bit impossible to climb up alone.

"But..." Others still wanted to speak.

Li Qi cursed impatiently: "Shut up! Listen, we are not good people, and we are not here to save you.

Your life and death has nothing to do with us!

Therefore, if you want to survive, you must obey our arrangements.

If anyone talks nonsense to us again, I won’t be polite and will kill you all first! "

A group of people all shut up.

It can be seen that this person is not just talking, he really dares to do that.

Li Qi ignored those people and said to everyone: "The rope can only bear the weight of two people at a time.

Philemon will take Instructor Zhang up first later.

Two little girls, please follow me.

Long Sheng, Xia Hongfeng, you are behind them,

I'll wait for the boss later!

There's no time to argue, just follow my arrangement! "

Philemon looked at the gray-faced Zhang Jian and nodded.

The fire in the woods is burning and will soon spread here.

However, Chen Xin'an never showed up. Everyone was a little worried, but they all tacitly refrained from speaking out.



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