Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2402 We are the best sisters

On the cliff, Long Sheng was holding half of the rope, his face was gray.

Xia Hongfeng looked at everyone and asked anxiously: "Is there any rope left? Who still has a rope on him?"

Everyone was silent.

Who would bring those things unless they were deliberately prepared?

But without the rope, it means that the boss and brother Qi are cut off from life!

Long Sheng walked towards the edge of the cliff with red eyes. Xia Hongfeng grabbed him and asked sternly: "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to find the boss. If I die, I'll die with him! Don't stop me!" Long Sheng said decisively.

Xia Hongfeng took his arm and cursed: "Are you crazy? There is no point in going there except to die!"

Long Sheng glared at him with red eyes and cursed: "Boss held back the pursuers in order to let us leave safely.

Now that his only way of escape has been cut off, if I leave like this, I will never feel at ease for the rest of my life!

I can't help much if I go down, but at least I can die with him!

I came here to perform a mission this time, and I had no intention of returning alive!

Now that I can die with the boss, it’s worth it! "

When Xia Hongfeng heard this, she felt it made sense and loosened her hold on Long Sheng's arm.

Maybe Long Sheng was right. It was actually pretty good to be able to fight side by side with the boss and die together.

"Let's go, I'll go down with you!" Xia Hongfeng took a deep breath and nodded to Long Sheng.

The two of them walked towards the cliff together.

At this moment, a majestic voice came from behind: "Where are you going?"

Zhang Jian forced himself to stand up and walked behind them unsteadily.

The two of them turned around and just about to speak, Zhang Jian raised his hand and gave each of them a big mouth!

"Go back! Let's go to the beach to find a boat and get out of here!"

Long Sheng said angrily: "The boss is still down there..."

Zhang Jian interrupted him and cursed: "Boss sacrificed his life to fight for us a glimmer of hope, why didn't he let you waste it like this!

If you jump from here, you will only have half your life left. You will be bitten to death by the poisonous snake below before you even see the boss!

The boss knows that the two idiots he risked his life to save are two idiots. He doesn't care about his own life. Is it worth asking him to risk his life to save them? "

"I..." Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng looked at each other, both feeling a little ashamed.

Zhang Ji'an cursed with anger still lingering: "Did the Tiger from Montenegro come out, and this instructor like me is nothing?

So you don’t have to listen to what I say, right? "

Xia Hongfeng quickly said: "Instructor Zhang, no. Once an instructor, always an instructor!"

"Then get the hell out of here and go to the beach!" Zhang Jian cursed:

"The boss is not that easy to fall into. You two don't have confidence in his abilities, but I do!

Let's look for a boat first, and then wait for him to meet us at the beach.

Don't throw your life away easily, that's not brave, that's stupid! "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng lowered their heads and did not dare to refute.

Zhang Jian was furious, his body seemed to be exhausted, his legs went weak, and he fell to the sky.

Philemon next to him quickly hugged him and said to Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng:

"I understand your feelings towards Mr. Chen, but I also believe in Mr. Zhang's words.

Mr. Chen will definitely be able to come up. You don’t need to die needlessly. "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng also sighed and said to him: "Okay, let's go and find a boat on the beach!"

Zhang Jinyu looked at this scene with a complicated expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

Sarah held her hand and said, "Yu, let's go!"

Zhang Jinyu nodded and asked her: "Sarah, where do you want to go after you leave here?"

Sarah shook her head and said to her: "I don't know! My parents have passed away and I have no home.

I don't know where I can go! "

"Then come to China with me!" Zhang Jinyu took Sarah's hand and said, "I think you will fall in love with that place!"

Sarah smiled, nodded and said, "Okay! But I have to go back to Farr first and ask the police station in my hometown if the driver who killed my parents has been found..."

"Sarah!" Zhang Jinyu squeezed Sarah's hand with a complicated expression, shook her head and said:

“Listen, that wasn’t an accident, that was murder!

It was someone here who deliberately caused a traffic accident after choosing a target.

The purpose is to make you worry-free and willing to come to this island with them!

My aunt once told me many things about this herself.

Most of the people in the base were brought here for this reason! "

Sarah seemed to be unable to believe what Zhang Jinyu said, she was stunned!

"No, this is not true!" Sarah shook her head and cried to Zhang Jinyu:

"You lied to me, right?

My parents died in an accident, and I saw it with my own eyes! "

Zhang Jinyu sighed and didn't explain anything more, but just held Sarah's hand tightly.

In fact, she didn't need to explain, Sarah could think of several doubts about the accident that year.

So it can be easily inferred that the so-called accidents are actually arranged by humans.

She turned around and looked in the direction of the woods under the cliff, her face filled with hatred.

After a while, she turned around, wiped the tears on her face, and said to Zhang Jinyu:

"Yu, I'm sorry that I can't go to China with you.

I want to stay in Eagle Flag Country because I still have something to do! "

Zhang Jinyu asked her: "Do you want to seek revenge from people in the base?"

Sarah did not deny it, but gritted her teeth and said, "They killed my parents, and I will not let the murderer go!"

Zhang Jinyu thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll stay with you!"

"Ah?" Sarah was stunned, shook her head and said to Zhang Jinyu: "Yu, I thank you for doing this, but this matter has nothing to do with you at all!

It's too dangerous, you can't come with me, you should go home! "

"Home?" Zhang Jinyu's face showed a hint of trance, and he shook his head with a wry smile and said:

“The Zhang family is gone.

Everyone was poking the Zhang family’s back and watching the Zhang family’s jokes.

I can't stand those looks, nor can I stand those kind of gossips.

Sarah, you betrayed the base for me.

Now you want revenge, how could I not help you?

Don’t forget, we are the best sisters! "

"Sisters?" Sarah looked at Zhang Jinyu with an excited look on her face, nodded and said, "Yes, we are the best sisters!"

Explosions sounded at the edge of the forest, and the pursuers who had just rushed out were beaten back!

At this time, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were no longer stingy with ammunition, and they all used their spare ammunition.

The firepower of two people suppressed more than 20 people in the woods.

Some people couldn't bear the heat of the fire and rushed out as if they were dying, but were instantly turned into a hornet's nest!

Screams came one after another, either in pain after being shot, or in panic as the fire ignited the body.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi had already emptied their bullets, then turned around and rushed towards the cliff.

Don't worry too much about those poisonous snakes on the ground.

Both Chen Xin'an and Li Qi have rich experience in the jungle. Only snakes are afraid of them, and they will definitely not be afraid of snakes.

It's just that without the rope, you can only climb up the cliff with your bare hands, which is a bit troublesome.

Fortunately, for the two of them, rock climbing is something they have trained for many years. It just takes a little more time, but it doesn't mean they can't climb it.

The two of them each chose a starting point and began to climb up.

Behind him, the pursuers who were no longer blocked had already run out of the woods.

However, he didn't have the energy to chase down Chen Xin'an and Li Qi. Instead, he put out the flames on his body first, and then dealt with the gambling snake on the ground!



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