Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2406 You are actually not of much use

So inhumane?

Chen Xin'an and Qinzi both raised their hands obediently and did not dare to move.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Xin'an looked at the situation around him.

There were about seven or eight people in green clothing and one commander at the scene.

All are loaded with live ammunition.

Behind the roadblock in front were six men in green gear and four military trucks.

There is a heavy machine gun on the back of each truck. There is no way to find out how many people are on board.

Once you try to use the method of forcibly flushing cards, there is no doubt that it will directly trigger a fierce battle.

This isn't the smartest thing to do.

Seeing the commander's eyes falling on her, Chen Xin'an immediately made a human gesture and pointed to her bulging pocket.

The commander frowned and strode over.

"What are you going to do? Do you have anything to show me?" The commander came over and asked Chen Xin'an seriously.

Chen Xin'an put down his hand and reached into his pocket.

"Take your hand out! Take it slowly, don't let me see you causing trouble!" A man in green clothing put a gun on Chen Xin'an's head.

Chen Xin'an stiffened and had to slowly pull out his hand, but he deliberately took out a wad of banknotes, exposing a corner.

The commander's eyes lit up, he turned around and cursed: "Don't be so nervous, they are just workers in the meat factory!

You go check those cars and leave this to me! "

"Yes, Captain Ross!" The soldiers stood at attention, turned and walked away.

After the soldiers next to him left, Captain Ross gave Chen Xin'an a thoughtful look and said to the two of them, "What do you want to say?"

Qinzi quickly said to him: "Mr. Captain, we have pork in the car, we can't delay it for too long, we must hurry up and go back to process it, otherwise it will become smelly.

Could you please be accommodating and let us check first? "

While Qinzi was talking, Chen Xin'an took out a wad of money from his pocket and quickly stuffed it into Captain Ross's pocket.

The whole process went smoothly, so no one nearby saw it.

Captain Ross did not refuse, but just touched the thickness of the banknotes with his hands, with a satisfied smile on his face.

He turned around and shouted to the soldiers behind him: "Thompson, Jim, you two follow them over, check their car, and if there is no problem, let it go!"

"Yes, Captain!" Two soldiers came over, saluted Ross, and then followed behind Chen Xin'an and Qinzi.

I have to say that these two soldiers were really conscientious. If it weren't for the pigs and blood in the car, they would have gone up to check.

Several times they were close to the mezzanine, and a soldier was about to knock on the mezzanine baffle. But at this moment, someone drove a car in front of him and suddenly broke into the card, causing a commotion!

The sound of gunfire rang out, and the two soldiers who were checking the car were also attracted. They waved to Li Qi to indicate that he could pass.

The truck drove out of the convoy and drove forward. Curses kept coming from the car next to it, as if they were dissatisfied with the situation of using the back door.

The roadblock in front has been removed, and the truck speeds past.

Next to him was a black car that was on fire.

This is the car that just punched the card.

The driver was a Mofei man. He was beaten like a sieve and was dead in the driver's seat.

A soldier found a white bag containing some powder from the car and handed it to Captain Ross next to him.

Captain Ross, with a dark face, asked people to clear the roadblock, and then put the white bag into his pocket while others were unprepared.

The corner of Chen Xin'an's mouth curled up, remembering the appearance of Captain Ross.

It's obvious that this guy is greedy and loves money, and that's his weakness.

Who knows when this weakness will come into use.

Already far away from the checkpoint behind, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The car drove into the parking lot of the building next to the Four Seasons Hotel, and everyone got out of the car.

Qinzi drove to the meat factory, while the others pretended to be drunk and walked to the Four Seasons Hotel.

When they returned to the room, everyone finally felt relieved.

Chen Xin'an called the senior sister and asked her to drive over and pick up Zhang Jian.

Soon Paul came over with Lisa.

Pegasus is still undergoing rectification, and the factory hospital has been closed.

Paul took his daughter Lisa and stayed at Huilan Clinic.

Li Qi followed Zhang Jian and sent him there. Yan Huilan and Paul would work together for the operation, so Chen Xin'an didn't have to worry about it.

Chen Xin'an said to Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng: "You will stay here for the next few days, and I will have people bring food and other things over.

You cannot leave this room and avoid other people.

When the time is right, I will send you away. "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng nodded.

When the phone rang, Chen Xin'an took it over, took a look, and pressed the answer button: "What's wrong, friend?"

Boorman's voice came from the mobile phone: "Mr. Chen, where have you been these two days? I looked everywhere for you and couldn't find you!"

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to him: "What's wrong? Did the person I arranged have any problems?"

"No, they are fulfilling their duties and I am very satisfied!" Boorman said with a smile:

“It’s just that the election is coming soon and you’re not around, I still feel unsure!

Are you back at the hotel now? "

The hotel has surveillance cameras. It would be easy for Boorman to check this. Chen Xin'an didn't hide it and said with a smile: "Yes, I'm in the room!"

Boorman smiled and said: "That's just right. I'm already here. I'll be there soon. Let's meet and talk!"

Chen Xin'an said hello, hung up the phone, frowned and said to Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng, "You guys come into the room!"

The two of them entered the guest room next to them without hesitation.

The doorbell rang, Chen Xin'an walked over to open the door, and Boorman stood at the door with two men.

One of them is his eldest son Mark, and the other has a hooked nose and is very unfamiliar.

"Mr. Chen!" Boorman and Mark shouted at the same time, greeting him warmly.

Chen Xin'an nodded, smiled and said, "Please come in!"

Everyone entered the room and looked at the traces of people sitting on the sofa in the living room. Boorman glanced at the aquiline nose calmly.

When everyone sat down, Boorman pointed to his aquiline nose and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, this is my campaign assistant and part-time translator, Mr. Buck!

He is a top student who graduated from the Royal Academy of Eagle Banner State, and he is also the foreign affairs officer just promoted by Hexagonal Building this year! "

Buck nodded arrogantly to Chen Xin'an as a greeting.

But Chen Xin'an just smiled and said to Boorman: "Mr. Boorman, is there anything important for your visit today?"

He didn't even look twice at Buck.

Doesn’t matter what official you are, what does it have to do with me?

From the first moment they met, he kept his head raised and his chin raised, looking arrogant, like a rooster in a fighting arena.

Who are you showing this kind of virtue to?

Seeing that Chen Xin'an didn't even say hello, Buck looked angry and said to Boorman:

"Mr. Boorman, I think Mr. Chen's Eagle Flag language is quite good. I don't need to translate."

Chen Xin'an also said to Boorman: "Your election is in the Congress, right? All the people present are your own people. Are there any translators used?"

Buck looked at Chen Xin'an with disdain and said, "The Eagle Flag Nation is the largest empire in the world.

Therefore, the general election of the Eagle Flag Country is also the most watched by people around the world.

At that time, Mr. Boorman's speech will be synchronized to radio stations around the world, and of course a translator will be needed! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, shook her head and said, "You Yingqi people just like to be so arrogant!

I don’t know whose standards this largest empire is based on. I think it’s just your own pleasure, right?

Believe me, this is a family matter in your Eagle Flag country, and not many people pay attention to it.

You, the translator, are actually of little use! "



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