Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2409 I want to ensure my own safety first

The official and military forces of the Eagle Flag State launched an operation in the early morning of that day, raiding an unknown island eighty miles south of the coastline and destroying an armed base.

The two sides engaged in a fierce gun battle, killing 28 militants on the spot, and rescued 123 missing children abducted from various countries.

In the green command center of London City, Lehman held the phone and cursed loudly: "Damn Buck, I'm going to kill you!

I lost eight of my men, but they only served as rescuers for once.

My target is not on the island at all!

We were lied to!

I really don’t want to hear your explanation. Tell Boorman that I will search the city again today!

I don’t even have to tell you how important Diwat is to us.

I will never let his death be in vain, I must find those bastards! "

After hanging up the phone, Lehman's face turned pale. He thought for a while and made another call.

"Bullman, this is Lehman.

I'm going to bring that person to me!

If you can't bear to ask him, then let me do it!

He's just a Chinese. Since he has something to do with this matter, I won't let him go!

Okay, I only give you one afternoon! "

At the Four Seasons Hotel, looking at Boorman arriving again, Chen Xin'an asked with a smile:

"What's the matter, my friend, you look very unhappy."

Boorman glanced at Chen Xin'an, sighed and said, "Mr. Chen, why did you deceive us?

Those two people are not on that island at all. You are just using us to get rid of those people, right?

Is this Mr. Chen’s attitude towards his friends? "

He stared at Chen Xin'an closely, as if he wanted to see a trace of panic or shame on his face.

But in the end I was disappointed.

Chen Xin'an only had a sarcastic sneer on her face, with no other expression.

"Mr. Boorman, first of all, I want to tell you, I am not a policeman!" Chen Xin'an glanced at Boorman and said calmly:

"I cannot give you the precise address of the person you are looking for, nor is it my obligation.

Secondly, let me ask you, have those two people been to the island?

Did I lie to you about this? "

Boorman opened his mouth but was speechless.

Through the interrogation of the armed men on the island, it was found that the two suspects had actually been there and had contact with their boss!

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said to him: "Also, for those rescued children, had Interpol already issued missing reports?

Did you do something wrong by rescuing them? "

"This..." Boorman didn't know how to refute.

What I did was not wrong, but my original intention was not to save the children!

But you can't say this yet, otherwise it will be another excuse for the cunning guy in front of you.

Boorman sighed and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Lehman is very angry.

He is the commander-in-chief of this arrest. He knows that you are related to those two people and to this matter, so he will deal with you personally! "

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said: "Mr. Boorman, I know whether I have anything to do with this matter or not.

Just because I am Chinese and know those two people does not mean that I must know their whereabouts and that I must bear the obligation to find them and hand them over to you.

No matter who wants to frame me and cause trouble for me, it will not end well.

From now on, Anhao Security will protect my safety 24 hours a day.

Annihilate all invading enemies!

Mr. Boorman, I know I'm sorry for what's about to happen.

But you know, I didn’t start this! "

This bastard!

Boorman glared at Chen Xin'an fiercely and said helplessly: "Don't be so impulsive, my friend.

As for Mr. Lehman, I would ask him to restrain himself and also suggest that he sit down and have a chat with you in a peaceful way.

As for the security team, you better not let them withdraw, right?

Today I always feel like someone is following me, it's probably not my imagination. "

Chen Xin'an looked at Boorman and said: "Mr. Boorman, I must first protect my own safety before I can provide protection for others.

If I can't get even the most basic safety guarantee in the Eagle Flag Country, I can only rely on my own strength, do you understand? "

Boorman said with a sneer: "Mr. Chen is joking! You are my friend Boorman. As long as you are in the Eagle Flag Country, your safety is guaranteed.

Not even the military dares to touch you! "

After sending Boorman away, Chen Xin'an sat on the sofa with a sneer on her lips.

Li Qi walked in from the outside and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, Instructor Zhang's surgery was very successful. Just rest for a while."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Don't go there, and make less calls. We should be under surveillance now!"

Li Qi snorted and said with a sneer: "Many people in green uniforms from the Eagle Flag Country came outside and blocked the hotel."

Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes and said: "Inform Zuo Meng to prepare for battle.

Once they dare to take action, we won't be polite! "

A head-to-head confrontation with the regular army of the Eagle Flag Nation looks like an egg against a rock.

But for Chen Xin'an, there has never been such a thing as overestimating one's capabilities.

No matter who you are, as long as you dare to deal with me, you must bear my revenge.

What about the regular army?

Do you dare to be unscrupulous in the city of London?

I dare!

This is not my territory to begin with. Once a fight breaks out, I will not hesitate or be soft-hearted.

And the consequences are definitely not what you want to see!

"That's right!" Li Qi remembered something and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, the leader of the group below should be the person we met when we returned to the city!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and asked him, "That Captain Ross?"

Li Didian nodded.

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to Li Qi: "I'll go down and meet him. You stay here and don't let anyone enter the room!"

In the hotel lobby, several people dressed in green were sitting on the sofa, staring at everyone who came in and out of the door.

When Chen Xin'an walked out of the elevator, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Several people in green clothes sitting on the sofa stood up, looked at Chen Xin'an with evil eyes, and quietly gathered around him.

Professionals are professionals, and they quietly blocked all Chen Xin'an's escape routes.

And all of them have their right hands touching their waists, ensuring that they draw their guns immediately.

Chen Xin'an, however, seemed not to notice and walked straight towards the sofa.

A few people in green clothes were a little strange. Isn't this guy going out?

Of course, as soon as he reaches the door, the brothers outside will stop him, attack him from both sides, and take him away!

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an just walked to the sofa in the lobby, sat down carelessly, and said to the green-suited people around him: "Call Captain Ross over, he and I are old friends!"

Several people in green clothes looked at each other, but someone still took out a walkie-talkie and said a few words.

After a while, Captain Ross really walked in from outside, glanced at Chen Xin'an on the sofa strangely, frowned and said, "Do we know each other?"

When he came back, Chen Xin'an had been put on makeup by Qinzi, and he looked different from what he looked like now, so Ross didn't recognize him.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Captain Ross doesn't know me, but I have a friend who met the captain in Dallas, and he is also your good friend..."

"Don't talk nonsense, I have never been to Dallas!" Captain Ross looked panicked and glared at Chen Xin'an fiercely.

Dallas is a large casino in London, and it is also very famous in the world.

Chen Xin'an knew that Ross was a gambler from the first time he met him!



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