Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2429 You are afraid of him, but I am not.

The killers were screaming and wailing after being beaten, and their position meant that they had no cover at all.

The crowd fell one by one like wheat straw, and the remaining people turned around and ran down desperately!

But not long after, the gunfire became sparse, and someone had run out of bullets!

The people below also heard it, and someone shouted loudly: "They are out of bullets!"

"Hurry up! Take this opportunity to kill these damn Chinese!"

"These bastards have killed so many of our brothers! Later I will put the muzzle of the gun into their mouths and put all the bullets in a magazine into their stomachs!"

It seems that I can no longer wait for the boss to come down!

Mou Wenzhi looked at the people around him, and it was impossible to say that he had no regrets.

But the tight situation did not allow them to think too much.

Seeing the group of killers rushing up, Mou Wenzhi shouted: "Brothers, it's time to take out the glory bombs!"

When everyone heard this, they took out the small pineapple without saying anything.

With a command, all the tabs were pulled off.

Just when Mou Wenzhi was about to take the lead and rush down to die with the enemy, a loud shout suddenly came from the stairs above: "Are you safe, brother?"

This is simply the most beautiful sound Mou Wenzhi has ever heard in his life!

He shouted: "Throw it out!"

All the little pineapples in everyone's hands were thrown down the steps!

Another burst of explosions came, and the killers let out shrill screams.

Mou Wenzhi raised his head and shouted: "Boss, we are here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a person flew down from above like an eagle!

It's Chen Xin'an!

He took off the backpack behind him, threw it to Mou Wenzhi and said: "Bullet, quickly put it on!"

Knowing that once the people below are dragged down, bullet consumption becomes a big problem.

So when Chen Xin'an settled down, he carried a whole backpack full of magazines!

"Boss is awesome!"

"The boss is so powerful! Once the boss comes, we won't have to die!"

"I knew the boss would come, so I didn't panic from the beginning!"

Everyone's morale was greatly boosted, and everyone said with a smile.

Mou Wenzhi opened his backpack, distributed magazines to the brothers, and asked Chen Xin'an: "Boss, where are the other brothers?"

"Here!" A voice came from above, but it was in Eagle Flag Language.

Some team members subconsciously raised their guns and took aim, which frightened the visitor and quickly shouted: "Don't be impulsive, we are friendly forces!"

Chen Xin'an also nodded and said: "Thanks to Philemon and the others. I brought them down, and A Niu took people to the roof to meet A Qi and the others.

The rooftop was also in a tight situation and needed rescue, so our troops were divided into two groups.

You guys hurry up and get your equipment ready, we have to go up and meet our brothers on the roof.

Wenzhi, are there any casualties? "

Everyone fell silent instantly and turned their heads in a direction below.

Mou Wenzhi said solemnly: "Boss, Liangzi died! Four brothers were injured!"

Chen Xin'an's expression darkened, and now he was being pretentious from time to time, he nodded and said: "Take the brothers and go up.

Philemon and I are the queen! "

Philemon waved to the brothers behind him, then looked at Mou Wenzhi and said: "Friend, don't worry, leave this place to us for now!"

Mou Wenzhi walked to him and stretched out his hand.

The two held hands together, and Mou Wenzhi said to him: "Friend, if you survive, I will treat you to a drink!"

Philemon laughed loudly, nodded and said: "Don't worry, you will definitely be able to drink it!

My ability to drink is average, but if I drink with you, I would sacrifice my life to accompany you! "

Mou Wenzhi nodded vigorously and began to evacuate upwards with his brothers.

Chen Xin'an stood next to Liangzi's body, with a gloomy face, and glanced at the group of killers running up below.

"He is Chen Xin'an, I remember his appearance! He is the devil!"

"Is there really that much money for killing him? I heard that his reward is already the most expensive in the history of the reward list!"

"He is just a human being, not a devil! If you are afraid of him, just get out of the way and let me kill him!"

When everyone heard this, they all stepped aside.

The person who just spoke just wanted to show off, but he didn't expect to be betrayed by everyone, and he was stunned.

Before he could say anything, gunfire suddenly rang out from above.

The bullet seemed to have eyes and blew his head off!


The corpse fell heavily to the ground. The person next to him turned pale and shouted:

"Come on! There are so many of us, he is only one person, kill him!"

But at this moment, a group of people suddenly appeared next to Chen Xin'an.

None of them were wearing the same uniforms as the previous enemies, and the weapons in their hands were exactly the same as those of our own killers!

Before they could figure out the identities of these people, there was already loud gunfire from above!

In fact, Interpol's combat capabilities are not strong. Let alone compared to Li Qi, even Mou Wenzhi or a few veterans can crush them in combat skills.

Because they rarely engage in large-scale battles, they only train personal combat skills.

The firearms used are mainly pistols, and at most they are some light assault rifles.

They actually have very little contact with rifles like this.

But at this time, there is no need to use any shooting skills at all, just aim the shuttle below and press it to the end and that's it!

A dozen people fired at the same time, which was much more powerful than when there were five or six people just now.

A round of bullets poured over, and a large number of the killers fell instantly, and the rest turned around and ran away!

Chen Xin'an signaled everyone to cease fire, and then walked a few steps down.

When they reached the break, Chen Xin'an said to everyone in Philemon: "You guys go back!"

Philemon looked at the people around him and didn't understand what he was going to do, so he just stepped back a few steps in cooperation.

Chen Xin'an saw that everyone had retreated almost a distance, so she suddenly raised her right leg and stamped it down!


The steps made a dull sound and dust flew up.

Chen Xin'an suddenly jumped up, and then stomped down with both feet!


There was a loud noise and the steps broke!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an grabbed the railing next to her with her left hand, climbed over, and stood on the steps a few floors up!

There was a crash of broken pieces falling down, the entire staircase was split into two, and part of it had disappeared!

Philemon and the people around him were stunned.

Boss, this is reinforced concrete!

Was he trampled to pieces?

How strong this man's feet must be!

"Let's go!" Chen Xin'an urged everyone who was still in a daze, and pulled Philemon up.

He was really grateful to these Interpol guys tonight.

Originally, they were able to stay here and even put pressure on the Eagle Flag officials through the headquarters, which was considered the most benevolent thing.

After all, we are all friends, and we really haven’t gone to the point of digging out our hearts and souls.

But I didn't expect that Philemon would lead his team directly into the battle.

It doesn’t matter if you lack equipment, just grab it from the enemy!

With their participation, Chen Xin'an can take care of both ends. Otherwise, Anhao Security's casualties would be much greater than what he is suffering now!

He, Chen Xin'an, kept this love in mind and would never treat these friends badly in the future.

But now, we still have to fight this battle well and survive.

If your life is lost, it's useless to say anything!

The sound of slamming doors kept coming from the large iron door overhead.

The killer group used helicopters to transport many people to the rooftop, but the door was locked and they could not get off for a while.

When the banging on the door stopped, Long Sheng said to Li Qi, "Are they gone? Can I go over and take a look through the crack in the door?"

Li Qi grabbed him and scolded him with a smile: "You are looking for death! They have only one way, they will definitely find a way to open the door!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud bang from above, and the big iron door was blown open by a grenade!



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