Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2455 The captain’s mood doesn’t seem right

The storm is getting bigger and bigger, and it feels like the entire cargo ship will be torn apart in the next second!

All the cabins became very messy, and anything that was not fixed was thrown everywhere!

If this is the case below, you can imagine what kind of scene the crew members above are facing.

Everyone's face turned pale, not only because of the unbearable bumps, but more from the fear deep in their hearts.

You can't survive such a big storm, right? Am I going to die here?

So every time everyone shook violently with the cargo ship, they would let out an uncontrollable scream!

At this moment, everyone's eyes suddenly went dark, the lights in the cabin went out, and the surrounding area fell into darkness.

Xu Qing screamed in fear and trembled all over.

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of such an absolutely dark environment!

No one thought that in such an environment, when everyone was forced to lie on the bed and could not move, Qiao Yanhui unbuckled his seat belt and staggered out of the bed!

He walked to Xu Qing's bed opposite, stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly!

Feeling his embrace, Xu Qing's originally frightened heart gradually calmed down.

She moved her body inside and let Qiao Yanhui lie next to her.

Two people lay on the narrow bed, hugging each other tightly to keep each other warm.

Seat belts also tied the two together.

Xu Qing stopped screaming and just buried his head in Qiao Yanhui's arms.

Chen Xin'an sat on the bed and looked out the window motionless.

In the eyes of others, the outside world has plunged into complete darkness, the world has turned upside down, everything has turned upside down, and the whole world has fallen into chaos.

But for Chen Xin'an, he could see the strong wind blowing and the waves surging.

Such a scenery formed a very strange picture in his mind.

It seemed that the breath in his body was just like the heaven and earth, turbulent and overwhelming!

The fourth level of inner strength is followed by the fifth level, and then the sixth level of the Dzogchen realm.

In the world known to Chen Xin'an, the fourth level of inner strength is already the limit of human cultivation.

Throughout the ages, those who can break through to this realm are rare.

As for those who have entered the fifth level or even the sixth level of internal energy, grandpa said that the legend appeared three hundred years ago, but there was no such thing in the world in the past three hundred years!

So no one knows what kind of realm it is and how terrifying the power it will be.

Chen Xin'an didn't know if she was in the fifth level now, but she just felt that her body was a little different before it could.

But I want to understand what is different, but I just can’t!

Someone is coming in!

Even in this state, Chen Xin'an still heard the slight footsteps outside.

Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, someone would actually come to the cabin, and not just one person!

Could it be that those crew members wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to attack Chen Xin'an and the others?

The current environment is even worse than before.

The big storm seemed to be getting more and more violent, and everyone seemed to be thrown into a blender, rolling around.

Chen Xin'an unbuckled his seat belt, turned over and got out of bed.

Next to him, Li Qi closed his eyes tightly and grasped the armrest with both hands, trying hard to keep his body balanced.

Chen Xin'an didn't bother him, just opened the hatch and walked out.

Li Qi's eyes widened when he heard the sound of opening and closing the door.

Just now... someone went out?

That must be the boss!

The boat is shaking like this, can the boss still get out?

The key is what is he going out for?

Li Qi wanted to follow him, but he couldn't even stand still when he was lying down. He probably couldn't even take a step when he stood up!

In the aisle, about a dozen crew members came back in the dark.

Just as two of them were about to open the hatch next to them, Chen Xin'an suddenly asked, "What do you want to do?"

The crew members all screamed in fright. Someone came over with a flashlight, but Chen Xinan blocked his eyes.

However, the other party also recognized him and shouted: "Mr. Chen, why are you here?"

Chen Xin'an waited for him to move away the flashlight, frowned and said, "I should be the one to ask you this.

Wood, why are you here?

What do you want to do? "

Wood quickly explained to him: "It was the captain who asked us to come back!

We are not drivers, so there is no use staying on top. "

Chen Xin'an saw that everyone had empty hands, holding a flashlight at most and not looking like they were planning a sneak attack, so she believed what he said.

Besides, this was originally a place for people to sleep, and my group had occupied it for a week, so they couldn't keep people from coming back.

Pointing to the cabin next to him, Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "We are using these three cabins, you can go into other cabins!"

Wood told Chen Xin'an's words to his colleagues, and everyone turned and entered other cabins, but before leaving, they all said something strange to Chen Xin'an.

Because it was in French, Chen Xinan couldn't understand it either.

Seeing that Wood hadn't entered yet, Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him, "What did they just say?"

Wood looked at him in disbelief and said: "You are a siren! Even our crew can't stand such a storm.

I thought you were so dizzy that you couldn't even stand up, but I didn't expect you to be unaffected at all. "


Chen Xin'an curled her lips, waved her hands and said, "I'm dizzy too, I just can't hold it in!

Okay, you go in and rest! "

"Mr. Chen!" Wood suddenly called him and said with a worried look: "The situation up there is very bad, it seems that the main control room has been destroyed! The captain is not in a good mood, I think something big will happen soon! The captain has never let us go down in the storm before!" Chen Xinan frowned and nodded to him. After Wood went in, Chen Xinan stood in the aisle and thought for a while, then strode forward. For others, the environment in the cabin is now pitch black, and you can't see your fingers. But for Chen Xinan, although it is also very dark, he can see the blurred scene around him. It's not very clear, but it's enough for him to see the road and obstacles. When the cabin door was opened, a violent storm came in, almost blowing Chen Xinan back! Taking a deep breath, Chen Xinan rushed out of the door, and then closed the cabin door with his backhand. The whole ship was shaking violently, and the deck was full of water. The howling wind mixed with heavy rain and huge waves hit the ship hard! Those containers seemed to be about to fall apart at any time.

The whole ship was like a leaf in the wind, constantly flying and falling, and could capsize at any time!

It was at least a hundred meters away from the bridge. If he wanted to rush over, in such an environment, it would be tantamount to risking his life!

But for Chen Xinan, now was a matter of life and death!

If the situation of the ship was worse, no matter where he hid, it would be a dead end!

A flash of lightning fell, and the sky was bright white.

At this moment, Chen Xinan rushed out!

Amid the violent ups and downs of the cargo ship, Chen Xinan ran towards the bridge.

But the ground was too slippery, and he couldn't run fast at all!

Normally, this hundred-meter distance could be controlled within ten seconds for him.

But now, after just two steps, his feet slipped, and as the ship tilted, he slid to the right side of the ship!


Chen Xinan slapped his palms on the deck to stabilize his body. Before he could stand up, a big wave came, and Chen Xinan was thrown into the air with the whole ship!

At this moment, both of his feet left the boat, and when he fell, he would inevitably fall into the sea!

At this moment, Chen Xinan's mind was blank, his eyes were fixed on the cargo ship below him, but his body was still rising with the wind and waves!

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