Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2469 Man-made Natural Disasters

At the front of the curve, there were two Kawasaki motorcycles parked.

This type of motorcycle has a large fuel tank and powerful horsepower, and looks very heavy, and most people can't control it.

Chen Xin'an took out a pistol and fired two shots at the fuel tanks of the two vehicles.

The people around were shocked. Is this guy crazy? What is he going to do!

Before everyone could react, he took out a small pineapple, threw it far away, and then turned and ran!

The surrounding racing parties were also scared to death, and they shouted loudly: "Get out of the way, it's a grenade!"

Everyone ran away, and several people were almost hit by the passing convoy!

The people in the convoy were wondering why the guys outside suddenly ran crazy, and a bright light flashed in front, followed by a huge explosion!

The explosion of the two heavy motorcycles caused a series of chain reactions!

Some motorcycles nearby were affected and caught fire and exploded.

But this is not the most terrible thing.

The real horror is that the mountain was affected by the explosion, and the cracks that already existed suddenly expanded, causing the most terrible consequences!


Huge rocks left the mountain and rolled down, and everyone ran away in panic!

Qiufu Mountain shook and made a rumbling sound.

Hundreds of pounds or even thousands of pounds of rocks rolled down from the top of the head. Several cars in the convoy were flattened by the rocks before they could react, and then rolled down the hillside!

Feeling the vibration of the ground, watching the rocks fall behind them, instantly blocking the mountain road, the people in the business car were shocked and stunned.

"What's going on?" Chu Haitao stared at the outside with wide eyes, and said with lingering fear:

"Qiufu Mountain did have a landslide, but the government has already repaired it.

And it was announced in the media that this kind of thing will not happen within five years!


Longsheng smiled and said, "That's the case without human damage."

Chu Haitao frowned and said puzzledly, "What do you mean?"

Li Qi, who was driving, smiled slightly, looked ahead and said, "The boss succeeded!"

Chu Haitao was even more confused.

Wei Yuan's eyes widened as if he had suddenly realized something, and he said to him in shock:

"You mean, all this was done by Mr. Chen?

How is it possible!

This is a natural phenomenon, right?

How can a person have such great power to control a landslide!"

Xia Hongfeng snorted and said with a smile: "The boss's ability is not something you can guess with normal thinking!"

Fortunately, it was not a large-scale landslide. After all, the Hengban official did a large-scale repair of the safety hazards in this area.

So the landslide caused by the explosion only lasted for two minutes and ended.

But the large amount of rubble that rolled down still produced a strong destructive force, blocking at least two sections of the mountain road!

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to Zhengde, who was still in shock, "You want to compete with me? Then start now!"

Looking at the culprit who caused the landslide, Zhengde didn't know what to say!

He pointed at the scrapped cars that were hit by stones and yelled at Chen Xinan:

"You lunatic!

Look at what you did!

What is he saying?

Tell me, what did he say!"

Ayako, who was trembling and pale, said to him: "He said that we can compete now!"

Zhengde yelled angrily: "Is he blind?

The road is blocked now, how can we compete?"

Chen Xinan didn't have time to waste with him. He bent down and picked up a helmet that fell to the ground after being hit by someone's car and put it on his head.

He turned around and got on the Black Falcon and started the engine.

"What is he going to do? Is he really going to compete? But now the road is blocked, how can we compete?"

"Damn Chinese, he has caused a big disaster!

Afu has already told his father, and the police will be here soon, this guy is waiting to go to jail!"

"Chinese are stupid! Destroying road facilities is a serious crime in Daying! If you don't dare to compete with Zhengde, you can't use such dirty means!"

"What is he going to do? Is he going to commit suicide?"

Everyone watched Chen Xin'an riding the Black Falcon to the side of the road, and the front wheel had already passed the guardrail that was collapsed by the rocks!

Then, amid the exclamations of the crowd, the Black Falcon fell headfirst and disappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone ran to the side of the road, and even those who were forced to stop the team got off the car and looked down.

On the hillside, a beam of light was shaking violently from side to side, but it never stopped and went straight to the next level of the mountain road.

Zhengde looked like he had lost his soul, watching this scene in disbelief.

Just based on this move, he knew that he would never catch up with that Chinese man in his life!

He was simply a madman!

This was not racing, this was playing with his life!

There was no chance of winning a race with such a person!

"Zhengde!" Caizi pulled his arm and whispered.

Feeling defeated and disappointed, Zhengde, who was in a low mood, shouted angrily: "What are you doing!"

Caizi did not speak, but just hugged his arm tightly, trying to shrink behind him.

Zhengde impatiently wanted to push her away, but when he looked up, he saw a group of people around him and was stunned.

The people in the convoy had already got out of the car, and each one of them was surrounding them with sticks and menace.

"You..." Zhengde subconsciously took a step back and frowned.

Then it dawned on him!

These people thought they were the same as that kid just now!

"No, listen to my explanation, we don't even know that guy just now!"

A young man from a racing party pointed at the nose of a man in a suit in front of him and shouted: "My father is a first-level judge on the horizontal board. Get out of here! Otherwise I..."

Before he could finish speaking, the man in the suit who was pointed at his nose raised the iron rod in his hand and swung it hard at his hand!


This stick broke that kid's wrist!

The young man fell to the ground holding his right hand and cried loudly.

At the same time, a group of boys from the Hengshan Group also raised their sticks and started beating the group of racing gangs indiscriminately!

Cries resounded all over the mountain!

The black falcon swoops down the hillside like a panther hunting!

On the next curve, the business car had already moved away, and Tomoe Kanemoto's car and the boys behind were all blocked next to the curve.

Until now, Tomoe Kanemoto’s palms were still sweating!

Just a second or two later, his car was crushed into a ball of scrap metal by the large stone weighing several tons!

Now that piece of scrap metal is so bloody and bloody that it is impossible to recognize it as a human body, so it must be his!

How could something so good go downhill?

What's more, it was a coincidence that the rocks started falling after the car being followed passed. Could it be that they were trying to hit their car and block their road?

Now if you want to continue chasing down, you have to clear the roadblock first. It will take a lot of time, and the car in front has long disappeared!

But it was impossible to go back the way we came. After all, there was a traffic jam behind us. More than 20 cars were stuck on the curve, and we were in a dilemma!

At this moment, there was a sudden roar from the hillside!

A motorcycle rushed down and flew down from above!


The motorcycle leaped into the air and hit the roof of a Honda heavily.

With all the window glass shattered, the motorcycle was riding on the Honda and kept accelerating.

The people in the car seemed to have seen Kanemoto Tomoo's car. When he twisted the handlebar, the motorcycle came quickly on top of several cars!

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