Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2488 He is indeed a pervert

The two of them didn't change coins and just wandered around the place.

Because there were not many people, it was relatively conspicuous, and it quickly attracted the attention of several staff members.

Most people come to play, take the coins, walk to their favorite game machine, and play directly.

The two of them were wandering around empty-handed like this only when tourists came in for the first time.

But seeing as these two people don’t have backpacks or tour guides, they don’t look like tourists!

Several staff members secretly winked and didn't get too close. They just followed him not too far or too close.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi arrived at a large coin pusher and looked at three tall coin towers piled inside. There were also many card rolls and figures underneath, all of which looked like they would fall off at the touch of a touch. It just won’t fall off!


Chen Xin'an slapped the glass cover of the coin pusher, causing the entire coin pusher to shake. The three coin towers instantly fell over, and the cards and figurines flowed down with them!

Cheerful music sounded from the coin pusher, and the coin outlet underneath was crashing like a heavy rain. A large number of game coins filled the coin outlet in the blink of an eye!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi grinned, and they were not polite. They bent down and put a lot of game coins into their pockets!

"Hey!" A staff member glared at the two people, pointed at the game coins and shouted: "Put it down! Those things don't belong to you!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi ignored him at all and just kept stuffing game coins into their pockets.

In fact, there were bags and baskets for coins nearby, but they didn't want them, so they stuffed them into their own pockets, filling every pocket.

Several staff members strode over with dark faces. The person who just spoke cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"I said, take out the things and put them back!

How did these coins fall out? Don’t you have any idea?

Don't let us take action, put it down quickly! "

He came over and took Chen Xin'an's hand, preventing him from taking it anymore.

Chen Xin'an didn't pause at all. She pressed the back of the staff member's head with her backhand and slammed it against the glass cover in front of her!


There was a crisp sound, and the glass cover of the coin pusher made of bulletproof glass was smashed into pieces!

The staff member's forehead was bleeding, his eyes rolled, he fainted and fell to the ground!

The faces of the companions next to him changed greatly, and they all took out their swinging sticks and rushed over, yelling and cursing.

Chen Xin'an was no longer interested in doing anything this time. He simply turned around and looked around, as if he was looking for something.

Li Qi stepped forward, and one person stopped the three people on the other side.

He grabbed a handful of game coins and threw them directly at the opponent. While the three of them raised their arms to dodge, Li Qi rushed forward!

He grabbed the wrist of the person in front, used a move to curl his wrist to seize the knife, knocked the other person to the ground, and slammed his body on the companion next to him!

Taking the opponent's swing stick, Li Qi kicked the man on the ground in the head!

Before the guy could react, his vision went dark, and he lay down with his head drooped, unconscious.

Li Qi slapped the staff member on the head who staggered back after being hit by his companion's body!

The man screamed, threw away the weapon in his hand, knelt on the ground and covered his head with his hands, blood flowing down the seams of his palms!

The remaining person was a little confused. He was holding a swinging stick and charging, neither running nor running.

This guy is so fierce, he is obviously no match for him!

Li Qi struck the man holding his head in the face with his backhand. The man fell to the ground on his back, twitching all over.

The only staff member still standing turned pale with fright and took two steps back.

Li Qi took two steps forward and looked at him coldly.

The guy collapsed, screamed, turned around and ran away!

Li Qi chased after him fiercely, looking like he was determined to beat him to death.

The man rushed to the bar and shouted at two female employees.

Two female employees were listening to music with headphones on and kept shaking their heads to the rhythm.

One of them was holding a pack of new stockings, smiling and saying something to his companion.

The companion had an indescribable smile on her face, covered her mouth and whispered something in the other person's ear. The companion blushed and hit her arm.

When they heard someone approaching, they both ignored it.

Chen Xin'an stood by the counter, looking at the stockings in their hands.

The two female employees looked at each other with disdainful expressions, waved Chen Xin'an away, and tugged on their skirts.

At this moment, a staff member ran over in panic, startling both of them.

The female employee holding the stockings asked the staff member: "Daxiong, what's wrong with you? What did you say..."

Before she could finish speaking, standing outside the counter, the wretched man who had been staring at them suddenly reached out and punched Tatsuo squarely in the nose!

Daxiong's body straightened up instantly, then his mouth and nose started to bleed, his eyes rolled up, and he lay straight on the ground!

The two female employees were stunned for a long time before letting out a piercing scream!

Chen Xin'an grabbed the sign on the service desk and threw it over, hitting one of them and shouted to her: "Hi!"

The female employee was so frightened that she immediately shut her mouth and looked at Chen Xin'an in horror.

"Hmm!" Chen Xin'an pointed at her and then curled his fingers.

A blush appeared on the female employee's face, she bit her lower lip and walked to the counter obediently.

She closed her eyes and slowly pulled down the zipper under her neck with a trembling hand!

He is indeed a wretched man, and he is going to attack me after all!

"Mieko!" the female companion next to her cried out.

The female employee who was only one counter away from Chen Xin'an had tears in her eyes. She turned to her and shook her head, then turned to Chen Xin'an and said:

"I know what you want! But after you are satisfied, please let my friend go!"

There is no way, who can make her more beautiful than Maki!

The other party will definitely insult her and not like Maki.

She just hopes that after the other party succeeds, he will not attack his friends again, and just sacrifice herself once in exchange for the gratitude of this best friend!

"Boss, what are you doing?" Li Qi chased after him and was a little confused when he saw this scene.

Miezi saw another man appear, an accomplice of the murderer in front of her, and knew that her friend was doomed this time.

She has no ability to satisfy two strong men at once!

But that’s fine, good sisters have to face difficulties together, so no one will laugh at anyone!

Chen Xin'an blushed, stood up, grabbed the stocking in Miezi's other hand, turned around and left!

"Are all Japanese women sick? They are so despicable that they have no shame!"

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily and looked at Li Qi next to him who was laughing so hard that he couldn't stand up straight. He got angry and kicked him: "You are so ridiculous!"

Miezi stood behind the counter with a red face, looking at Chen Xin'an's back stupidly.

Absolutely abnormal!

All I want is socks and no one else!

And they are Chinese. Are all Chinese men so perverted?

Mieko felt her face burning. It turned out that what the pervert was looking at was not her at all, but the pair of stockings she just bought!

That’s something I haven’t even worn yet!

But Maki suddenly ran over and pressed the alarm bell under the counter!

Now they finally understood what Tatsuo's purpose was when he came over just now, he just wanted to ring the bell!

The shrill ringtone rang, seeming to echo on several floors, not just in this arcade city.

At the same time, the door and window rolling shutters automatically landed, and all exits were blocked!

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