Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2492 Lend Me Your Brain

The moment he heard the sound, Miyazawa Yuyuki suddenly retracted his sword and retreated, spinning the blade while protecting his body!

However, the opponent did not pursue him. He just stood on the right side of his body and looked at him coldly, with an expression on his face that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Before Miyazawa Yuyuki could breathe a sigh of relief, Chen Xin'an suddenly rushed over again!

Feeling the opponent's approach, Miyazawa Yuyuki's expression changed, his body rotated, and he held the knife in both hands and swung it out again!

He wanted to stop Chen Xin'an and split him into two pieces!

But this sword swing still failed!

Miyazawa Yuyuki did not hesitate, and drew out a flower with the blade. At this moment, his hands took the opportunity to change the grip, from the original overhand grip to a reverse grip!

"Go to hell!" He roared angrily, and suddenly stabbed back with the knife in his hand, tilting it at an angle!

But the result left him disappointed and still made him feel lonely.

The other party moved so fast that he couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes!

Miyazawa Yuyuki turned around, held the handle of the knife again, and struck hard at the afterimage in front of him!

In this round of attacks, only the shadow of the sword was visible, but the blade was not visible. The whistling, swishing, and exploding sounds that broke through the air made people's hair stand on end.

Several Japanese women shouted excitedly: "Mr. Miyazawa is so powerful! He has no way to escape!"

"I've long heard that Mr. Miyazawa's sword skills and divine skills are truly well-deserved! It's so powerful that the man was beaten so hard that he couldn't even fight back!"

"I just missed hitting him! Come on Mr. Miyazawa! He is almost dead!"

Under the sudden attack, Miyazawa Yuyuki used his sword skills to the extreme.

The opponent was forced to retreat in confusion and dodge in vain.

But if this continues, his entire body will be under the blade. If he is just a second slower, he will be chopped down!

Of course, the premise is that Miyazawa Yuyuki must have super physical strength to support this kind of offensive in order to have such an opportunity.

It's a pity that facing a master like Chen Xin'an, it is impossible to maintain an attack with peak physical strength.

Miyazawa Yuyuki felt that the sword he was swinging was getting slower and slower.

He suddenly put away the knife, took a step back, and cursed angrily at Chen Xin'an:

"Is this the skill of Chinese ancient martial arts masters?

Do you just hide and hide like a loach?

If you have the guts, come face to face with me and let me see how powerful this ancient martial arts master you are is!

I have met many ancient Chinese martial arts masters, and I can tell you responsibly that they are all garbage!

It seems that you are just like them, you can only hide by relying on your body skills, and you don’t understand the essence of Kung Fu, which is actually a killing technique! "

As if stimulated by his words, Chen Xin'an actually stood in front of him, looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "You want me to fight you face to face? Okay, I'll make it happen for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Miyazawa Yuyuki suddenly activated and rushed over with his sword raised!

Don't miss this opportunity!

At such a close distance, let me see how you can hide!

No matter where you hide, you are within the range of my blade!

"Go to hell!" Miyazawa Yuyuki held the knife with both hands and slashed with all his might!

This time the opponent did not hide, he just stood there and watched his steel knife approaching!

Miyazawa Yuyuki was overjoyed and had already used all his strength!

Even if there is a big tree standing in front of him with this sword, he can chop it down with one strike!

But just as the blade was about to touch the opponent's body, the person in front of him was enlarged infinitely!

The other party didn't hide, and even took the initiative to greet him!

In just a blink of an eye, we were standing face to face with him!

In this way, the opponent's body pinned his arm, making it impossible for him to strike with the knife!

At the same time, a fist focused on his chest, and the incomparable force instantly broke his rib cage, and the broken bones penetrated into his internal organs!

All the color drained from Miyazawa Tomoyuki's face in an instant, he took three steps back and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

Then he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and the steel knife in his hand fell to the floor with a clang.


Miyazawa Tomoyuki's legs were unable to support his body and he knelt on the ground. The blood from the corner of his mouth gathered in a line and continued to flow down.

The group of women who just thought of cheering and celebrating Miyazawa Yuyuki's killing of the enemy were all dumbfounded and stared at the club master who was vomiting blood without blinking.

They didn't even see clearly how Miyazawa Tomoyuki was injured.

In their opinion, isn't it Mr. Miyazawa who always has the upper hand?

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, looked at Miyazawa Yuyuki with disdain and said: "With this little strength, you still dare to let the two of us join forces to deal with you?

Do you still dare to look down on ancient Chinese martial arts?

Do you still have the nerve to call others trash? "

Chen Xin'an pointed to the corpses on the ground, looked at Miyazawa Tomoyuki coldly and said, "In my eyes, you are no different from them, they are all trash!"


Miyazawa Tomoyuki spat out a mouthful of blood again, not sure whether it was because he was seriously injured or because he was angry.

Just looking at Chen Xin'an's eyes was full of despair.

He didn't expect this person to be so strong. Fighting him face to face was just a matter of one move!

Such strength is simply terrifying to the extreme. Even if the master comes forward, he may not be sure of victory, right?

Miyazawa Yuyuki finally understood what kind of strength the name Chen Xin'an represented.

It's not unreasonable for Sakura Club to treat him as a serious enemy!

It turns out that the person who is truly ignorant and ignorant is himself.

It's a pity that this truth was obtained at the cost of his own life.

He now wanted to tell Master and the President.

Don't underestimate Chen Xin'an, he is very powerful!

But he also knew that there was no chance, Chen Xin'an would never let him go! "


The last thug also fell to the ground and died. Li Qi, covered in blood, turned his head and said to Chen Xin'an apologetically: "It's been a long time since I played with a knife like this. My hands are a little rusty and I wasted time!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook his head, turned his head to look at Miyazawa Tomoyuki, and said to him: "Lend me your dog head!"

Miyazawa Tomoyuki cursed: "Go to hell, you bastards!

My master will avenge me!

You are no match for my master, he will kill you..."

Without letting him waste any more words, Chen Xinan raised his toes and picked up the steel knife that he dropped on the ground, and took it in his hand.

Before the group of women understood what was happening, Chen Xinan had already chopped off Miyazawa Tomoyuki's head with a wave of his hand!


A group of women screamed in fear and dodged backwards.

Li Qi glanced at them and said to Chen Xinan: "These women also..."

He made a gesture of cutting a neck.

Chen Xinan nodded and said: "Okay, you do it! "

As he said this, he took two steps forward, bent down and grabbed Miyazawa Tomoyuki's hair, lifted up the head, and turned to walk out.

Li Qi was stunned, walked to the group of women, hesitated for a long time, turned around and followed Chen Xin'an.

If these women met him on the battlefield, or directly participated in the attack on Chinatown and were seen by him.

Then he would kill these Daying women without any hesitation.

But now, they dare not say that they have nothing to do with this matter, but they are not direct participants. Li Qi really can't make up his mind to kill people.

Chen Xin'an seemed to have guessed it long ago, smiled and shook his head at Li Qi, walked to a table next to him, turned around, and said to the group of women:

"You have about five minutes to go downstairs!

Whether you take the elevator or the stairs, the time will start from now!

If you haven't left within five minutes, then life and death will be left to God!"

As he spoke, he had bent down and picked up the candle on the table that was lit to add interest, and threw it on the ground together with the candlestick.

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