Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2516 Have you been looking for this thing?

Is this a psychopath?

Gao Bu Jianxiong was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He wanted to hack this bastard to death with his sword!

I told you to pick any weapon you want, and I meant to pick the cold weapons on the weapon rack.

In a duel between warriors, you picked up a pistol and a grenade?

Do you still have any shame?

Why don't you carry a cannon and shoot me?

Zang Shan Ren also looked defeated by you, and said to Chen Xinan with a dark face:

"Mr. Chen, this is a duel between Daying warriors and Chinese warriors.

It is a contest between ancient martial arts schools.

They all use cold weapons, please don't insult the ancient martial arts heritage of our two countries, okay?"

Chen Xinan rolled his eyes and said with a disdainful look: "You said you can choose any weapon, and others chose it, and you objected to it.

If you are not so generous, don't act very generous, okay?

What I can't stand the most is the hypocrisy of you Daying people!"

The Daying people on and off the stage were all angry, and Zang Shan Ren also said to Chen Xinan with a helpless look:

"Mr. Chen, we didn't explain it clearly before, please forgive us.

Now please choose your weapons, please let me keep the guns and grenades for you!"

Several apprentices came over with weapon racks and placed them in front of Chen Xinan. Chen Xinan glanced at it with disdain, waved his hand and said: "It's all garbage! Forget it, I'll just use my own!"

He flicked his hand back and took out a sword from his waist.

This is what Chen Xinan brought back from the Eagle Flag Country. He has participated in many battles with it, and it is getting more and more comfortable with it.

Of course, it is still not as good as the tiger-toothed knife of the Black Mountain Tiger.

But the tiger-toothed knife was not brought with him to the Eagle Flag Country, and only this sword can be used as a substitute.

Although it is a substitute, the material and feel are still excellent. Chen Xinan is using it very smoothly now.

It's just that in such an occasion, it makes people feel a little inappropriate, and even a little disrespectful.

"What is he doing? He actually used a dagger to deal with the master's long sword?"

"This is a contempt for our sword style!"

"He is not here to duel, he is here to die! He dares to face the master like this, he will die miserably!"

A group of apprentices were indignant and pointed at Chen Xinan and shouted.

"Okay! Shut up!" Gaobu Jianxiong shouted at everyone, turned his head and asked Chen Xin'an: "You have decided to use it to fight me?" Chen Xin'an grinned and asked him: "Are you secretly happy?" Gaobu Jianxiong looked flustered, feeling guilty that his thoughts were seen by others, and snorted coldly: "Since you want to die quickly, I will fulfill your wish!" "Wait a minute!" Zang Shanren interrupted the two and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, you seem to have forgotten that there is something you haven't given me?" Chen Xin'an pouted and said: "No, but I won't give it to you because I don't trust you!" As he spoke, he took off the pistol and the pineapple on his body and put them in the backpack next to him. "By the way, you have been looking for this thing, right? I'll give it back to you!" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, opened the backpack, took out a black thing from it, and threw it on the ground. The thing rolled over like a ball and stopped at Takanari Mina's feet. Mina Takanari, who was trying to endure the pain, lowered her head and looked at the things at her feet, but she happened to meet a pair of slightly opened dead fish eyes, which frightened her so much that her soul left her body!

It turned out to be a human head!

"Miyazawa!" Takabe Kenxiong cried out in grief and wanted to rush over.

A group of apprentices also shouted, stood up with knives, and wanted to rush over and kill Chen Xinan.

At this moment, Zang Shan Shinobu suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

Everyone screamed and covered their ears with their hands.

Only Chen Xinan and Takabe Kenxiong looked the same.

Chen Xinan frowned and looked at Zang Shan Shinobu again.

Lion Roar Kung Fu?

How could this Daying monk know the ancient martial arts of China?

Zang Shan Shinobu said to everyone with a serious expression: "Everyone sit back, I said, no one is allowed to interfere during the duel!"

Although everyone was unwilling, they still sat back in their original places obediently.

Takabe Kenxiong looked sad and said to one of his disciples: "Minye, collect Miyazawa's head and bury it properly later!"

"Yes, Master!" The disciple stood up and walked towards Takanari Mina.

The frightened Takanari Mina kicked Miyazawa Tomoyuki's head away and screamed: "Take this thing away! It's disgusting!"

"What are you doing!" Minye was angry and picked up the rolling head with both hands, like a goalkeeper catching a football that was attacking the goal.

A group of disciples also glared at Takanari Mina.

They were all disciples of Takabe Kenxiong's dojo. Although they also helped the Daohelian do a lot of things, they were all private jobs assigned by the master to please Takanari Mina.

Strictly speaking, they were not members of the Daohelian, so naturally they didn't need to look at Takanari Mina's face.

It would be strange if these people didn't get angry if they treated their senior brother like this.

Takabe Kensuke turned to Kurama Shinobu and said, "My friend, Mina is in your hands!" Kurama Shinobu looked at Mina Takanari's broken wrist and said to Takabe Kensuke, "If we go to the hospital right now, we might be able to hold her hand..." Before he finished speaking, Mina Takanari looked hideous and shouted at him, "I'm not going to the hospital! I want to stay here and watch that bastard die in front of me!

Uncle, you must kill him for me!

I want him dead! "

"Mina!" Takabe Kenxiong frowned, as if he wanted to persuade her, but thinking of her temper, he knew that it would be useless, so he sighed heavily and nodded.

Kurayama Shinobi shouted at Takabe Kenxiong: "Kenxiong! There are no distracting thoughts in your mind, and there is no one in front of your sword!"

Takabe Kenxiong was shocked and closed his eyes again.

When he opened his eyes again, the anxiety on his face was no longer there, but he had regained his composure. He looked at Chen Xin'an and said calmly: "Let's get started!"

Chen Xin'an dug her ears with her little finger and said impatiently: "Are you feeling better?

The ink is really dead!

Takabe Kenxiong, it’s impossible for you to defeat me like this. This kind of duel is just seeking death..."

Before he could finish his words, Takabe Kenxiong suddenly gave a sharp shout, took the lead in taking out the sword, grasped the handle of the sword with both hands, and slashed Chen Xin'an's head!

He couldn't let Chen Xin'an talk anymore!

If he cannot remain calm, his sword skills will not be able to be used to their full potential.

If he couldn't compete with Chen Xin'an in his peak state, he would definitely be the one who fell!

One of the most obvious characteristics of Da Ying Dao is its speed!

The faster the knife is drawn, the higher the person's knife skills are!

Moreover, the Da Ying Dao technique emphasizes straightforwardness, without too many bells and whistles.

In the eyes of others, this sword is simply a shadow.

No one could see clearly how he took the long knife out of its sheath and which part of Chen Xin'an he struck.

But for Chen Xin'an, it's still not as fast as expected!

He can still capture the traces of the opponent's sword and the movement of the blade.


The moment the long knife struck his head, the sword moved upwards, holding the blade firmly.

The two swords clashed and a string of sparks flew out!

Takabe Kenxiong didn't pause, and with the help of the rebound force of the sword, he reversed his wrist, and the original downward slash turned into a sweep in an instant!

The blade broke the airflow, let out a sharp roar, and slashed Chen Xin'an's neck!

Chen Xin'an squinted his eyes and held the sword in his hand again, standing upright on his side!


The two swords clashed again, but this time, the sparks were bigger, and the sword was broken directly!

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