Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2520 Five Tigers Trouble in Beijing

If you stand at a high place, you can see that the martial arts hall is filled with human heads.

And Chen Xin'an is among this dense crowd. It seems that she is alone and weak, and will be swallowed up by the crowd soon!

But in fact, no one can rush within two meters in front of Chen Xin'an!

What he is holding in his hand now is the Kotetsu sword that Takabe Keno used before his death!

Chen Xin'an finally saw what a sword can cut through iron like clay!

The only outcome for these people's ordinary weapons when they encounter the Kotetsu Sword is to be cut off directly!

When used to chop people, it's like chopping vegetables with a knife. Broken limbs and arms fly everywhere, and the smell of blood in the entire martial arts hall is overwhelming!

But these Dao Helian disciples seemed to be crazy and rushed towards Chen Xin'an desperately.

Outside, a large number of club disciples were rushing towards the martial arts hall.

People from the Sakura Club also arrived with the club's coalition forces.

This is Takanashi Shizuka's overall plan.

Regardless of the outcome of Chen Xin'an's duel, he will not leave Dao Hop Building alive tonight!

Even if the price she has to pay is to sacrifice the entire building, Takanashi Mina will not hesitate!

Because no matter how big her loss is, Sakura Club will double the compensation to her!

But she didn't expect that the price for herself would be so high. Both of her hands were useless!

No matter how much compensation Sakura Club pays, she will become disabled in the future and will have to install prosthetic limbs!

This also made her hate Chen Xin'an even more, and she would not be willing to see him die here!

Funakoshi protected her and evacuated to a safe area, which was next to the body of Takeo Takabe.

Chen Xin'an was already surrounded by everyone, and Gaobe Kenxiong's disciples had no chance to fight him directly, so they returned to their master.

There is no way to send Master's body out now, so everyone can only gather around here to accompany Master.

Looking at this woman who had been entangled with their master for many years, a group of disciples had gloomy faces and remained silent.

Takanashi Mina sneered coldly and said to everyone: "There is no need to look at me like my dead parents!

Do you really think that this master treats you as his own son?

In fact, he just treats you as a tool.

Whatever I asked him to do, he would do it obediently.

You also listen to him obediently.

So in fact, these years, I have just asked you to do things!

Now that he is dead, you might as well join the Dao United Alliance! "

No one said anything, but their expressions were all gloomy.

Although what she said was unpleasant, it was the truth. Everyone was not fools. Of course, everything the master did was clearly understood by everyone.

Takanashi Mina continued: "As long as Chen Xin'an is killed tonight, Dao Helian will get a huge opportunity.

Sakura Club no longer touches the business on the road.

Yamasuke Kazuo wants to compete for parliament, and Sakura Club has begun to completely clean up.

Daohelian will take over everything that Sakura Club has given up, and by the way, take its place and become the number one black club in Great Japan!

Follow me now, and you will become the backbone of Xindao Alliance in the future!

I, Takanashi Mina, will never treat you badly! "

A group of disciples looked hesitant. Without their master, they had indeed lost their direction and did not know their future path.

Takanashi Mina showed a sneer on her lips, pointed at the crowd, and said to the disciples:

"Of course, the premise is that you must kill Chen Xin'an tonight!"

She knew very well that when it came to combat prowess, Takabe Kenxiong's disciples were all masters of swordsmanship, and their combat prowess was much greater than that of a mob!

If such a sharp knife is not used, it is simply a waste!

Toshiya understood what Takanashi Mina meant, and after a moment's hesitation, he made up his mind, grabbed his knife and stood up.

The brothers next to him also stood up one by one, looking at Chen Xin'an in the crowd, with hatred in their eyes, ready to forcefully join the battle.

At this moment, there was a bang, and the door of the martial arts hall was knocked open, and several motorcycles rushed in. With the sound of swishing through the air, crossbow arrows were shot at those Dao Helian people!

The martial arts hall was originally a mess, but with the addition of these rampaging motorcycles, it became even more messy!

Chen Xin'an also looked at the motorcycles inexplicably, not understanding the identities of these people.

They were all wearing motorcycle racer uniforms and had helmets on their heads.

The three riders held the handlebars with their left hands and held a black crossbow in their right hands, constantly making designs for the crowd.

The other three riders were armed with knives. They would chop at anyone they saw, and then run away after they finished the chop!

After the addition of these six vehicles, the battle situation changed drastically.

The original siege of Chen Xin'an was quickly cut open!

Everyone dodged and ran away with their heads in their hands.

A motorcycle saw Chen Xin'an in the crowd, stepped on the accelerator and rushed over!

The people next to him screamed and ran to both sides, and the motorcycle roared over, but they didn't expect that the floor here was covered with blood.

The ground was so slippery that the motorcycle rolled over and hit Chen Xin'an with both the person and the car!


Chen Xin'an stepped on the motorcycle and stopped it firmly, then bent down and held down the rider's shoulders!

The rider grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm, bounced off the ground, stood beside him, lifted his helmet, and grinned: "Brother!"

Chen Xin'an screamed as if he had seen a ghost: "Pigeon?! Why are you here?"

At the same time, the other five motorcycles roared on the accelerator and accelerated over!

The people around Chen Xin'an were unable to resist and fled in panic. Five cars blocked Chen Xin'an and stopped the gang of club boys outside.

A rider in front of him took off his helmet and swung it, sending a club boy flying. Then he turned his head and grinned at Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, have you missed me?"

Chen Xin'an screamed: "Aman?"

Seeing that the person next to him also took off his helmet and looked at him with bared teeth, Chen Xin'an shouted again: "Old Xiao? Why are you here?"

Luo Xiaoman grinned and said, "This is a child without a mother. It's a long story!"

"Then shut up, I said!" Xiao Zhang glared at him and said to Chen Xin'an: "We came back from the Eagle Flag Country, didn't you come with us..."

Luo Qianhe interrupted him and cursed angrily: "Why don't you start talking about Pangu Kaitian!

Yes, Xiruo said that you have arrived in Daying. Sister Qing also went home with Long Sheng and Hongfeng and told us about your situation here, so we came over! "

Luo Xiaoman scolded with dissatisfaction: "Old Chen, you are not interesting enough!

If you had told me to stop in Da Ying, I would have gone with you just like A Qi!

Long Sheng said that you have to do something here. I thought about it, what the hell is this place?

This is Da Ying!

You are causing trouble here, what if we don't come? "

Xiao Zhang nodded and said: "We contacted you as soon as we got off the plane, but we never got in touch.

Later, Ge Ge said to go to Chinatown and ask around. Unexpectedly, when I mentioned your name, the whole Chinatown knew you, and they were all like family!

Then we asked a little girl named Liang Rui to take us to Liugi New Town.

I almost got into a fight with these brothers, but luckily I met Ah Qi.

Then you know you're here.

These three brothers brought us here. "

The remaining three riders on the motorcycle took off their helmets and said respectfully to Chen Xin'an: "Hello, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Xin'an immediately understood that these three people were the people who were following Junko Domoto, and they still had the steel needles he inserted in their heads!

Luo Xiaoman looked around excitedly and said, "Old Chen, you can do it! There are big scenes wherever you go!

This way from

Come on, don't be stunned, keep going!

Let us brothers gather together and give it a five-tiger romp in Yingjing! "

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