Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2531 Have a little more fun tonight

Several members of the Zoji Society who were hiding behind the car were on fire and fell to the ground screaming loudly.

What was even more unfortunate was that the car that was blown up was on fire and hit them hard again!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman rushed towards another group of people with swords in their hands!

Don't give them a chance to shoot, just fight them in close combat.

Seeing more and more people around him, Chen Xin'an jumped up, kicked open the window of the taxi next to him, and sat in the driver's seat.

The key was in the car. Chen Xin'an put it into gear, stepped on the accelerator and started in third gear, knocking the car in front of him away.

With a sudden stop after a sprint, the taxi knocked several members of the Zoji Society flying out!

Chen Xin'an turned around and shouted: "Aman!"

"Here we come!" Luo Xiaoman responded and flew up from the crowd, holding a bald head from Zuojihui in his arms.

Why is this guy running over with a grown man in his arms?

Chen Xin'an was still wondering, but Luo Xiaoman had already rushed to the taxi with the bald head in his arms, and then rushed forward to attack him!


The bald head broke the window glass, his eyes turned white, and he fainted.

Luo Xiaoman threw his bald head to the ground without hesitation and jumped into the car.

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes.

Isn't this a disease?

Why don't you just open the car door and get in?

He even carried a man over to hit him, it was unnecessary!

"Hold on!" Chen Xin'an shouted to Luo Xiaoman, who had just sat in the back seat, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out!

With a violent collision, the car blocking the front was knocked away, and the people around them shouted and fled in all directions.

Chen Xin'an drove the car onto the highway.

A man with yellow hair gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "Stop them! Inform all the brothers on the street to stop this car!"

Chen Xin'an drove the car wildly on the highway, completely ignoring any traffic rules, and even the traffic lights became decorations.

Behind me, a large number of taxis were honking their horns frantically, chasing after me.

Luo Xiaoman sat in the back seat, looking at the taxis gathering from all directions, and said to Chen Xin'an with a dissatisfied look:

"Old Chen, there's no need to be so cowardly, right?

Why are you running? Just go with them!

Isn’t it great that there are so many people?

I didn't take them seriously at all! "

Chen Xin'an snorted and cursed with a straight face: "What did you come to Da Ying for?"

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Of course you are causing trouble! Isn't it a good time? Why are you running?"

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "It's just a small Zuoji Society, how can it cause trouble! If you want to make it bigger, make it bigger!"

While driving, he took out his mobile phone and took out a card from his pocket.

This is the card that the waiter gave him at Tang Yang Izakaya before.

After dialing the phone, Chen Xin'an asked the person over there: "Boss Tang, do you know where the headquarters of the Ice Bear Club is?"

Tang Yang blurted out: "The third district of Yingjing East, the Metropolitan Pedestrian Street area!

Mr. Chen, why do you ask this? "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said into the phone: "You'll know tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an said to Luo Xiaoman: "Sit tight, let's play something exciting!"

Luo Xiaoman now also guessed what Chen Xin'an was going to do. He grabbed the armrest tightly and said with a smile:

"Old Chen, open up and play! It's a pity that Lao Xiao and Ge Ge are not here, otherwise it would be more lively!"

"Who said we weren't here?" A loud shout suddenly came from the headset. At the intersection not far away, an off-road vehicle violently knocked away several taxis that were waiting in front of it and rushed over!

When Luo Xiaoman saw the familiar figure in the driver's seat, he smiled and cursed into the microphone on his collar: "How the hell do you know we are here!"

Luo Qianhe snorted and said, "Does the communication system have frequency modulation? Let's listen to it all night, okay?"

Xiao Zhang scolded angrily: "You two are really not interesting. You were having so much fun and didn't even call us earlier!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "You are all out, where is Aqi?"

A weak voice came from the headset: "Boss, I'm in the car!"

Chen Xin'an was so angry that she almost jumped up and cursed into the microphone: "Are you crazy?

How dare you come out and do something when you are all in vain?

Who asked you to bring him out? "

Xiao Zhang said with some guilt: "I originally wanted the people from Dao Helian to help take care of it, but we don't trust them.

Ah Qi also insisted on following, so..."

Li Qi smiled and said: "Boss, don't be angry, it's not like you don't know people like us.

Life goes on and the fight goes on.

A little injury, plus being poisoned,

Now as long as the poison is detoxified, it will be no big deal.

I can't be absent tonight. At worst, I won't take action until the last minute! "

Even though they were here, Chen Xin'an couldn't possibly drive them back.

How could he not understand the character and temperament of his brothers?

It's useless to say anything now, I can only bite the bullet and continue.

He said angrily: "Pigeon, you are responsible for keeping an eye on him tonight!"

Luo Qianhe hummed and responded to him: "Don't worry, I will watch over him!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head, accelerator, and shouted: "Follow me, target the East Third District, rush!"

The East Third District of Yingjing is where the Weisu people gather.

They like to drink spirits and beer, but they don’t like the Japanese izakaya model.

Therefore, many open-air bars have been opened in the East Third District.

At night, this place attracts a large number of tourists because the drinks here are very cheap.

At a wine table, a strong man with a big beard put the beer bottle in his hand into his mouth before anyone could bring him a screwdriver.

With a snap, he bit off the bottle cap, and also bit off a piece of the glass bottle mouth!

It sounded like he was chewing on the glass like he was eating jelly beans. The people next to him were all frightened, their teeth were sore, and they lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

The bearded man had a sullen face, spat out a mouthful of glass shards, and said coldly:

"So, you told me that Biev and his seven men, armed with ten guns, went to the territory of the Dragon Force and were killed by two Chinese people?

Three were killed and four were injured, and even the guns were given away? "

The two people next to him were trembling and did not dare to speak. They just nodded honestly.

The bearded man held the beer bottle, tilted his neck, and poured the entire bottle of beer into his mouth like cold water.

Then he threw away the beer bottle, held the two people's heads with both hands, and then pushed down hard!


The hard plastic wine table was torn into pieces, and the two people's faces were covered with wounds scratched by the edges of the plastic, bleeding profusely.

But the two of them just trembled, not daring to say a word, not even daring to hum!

The big beard grabbed the hair on the back of the two people's heads, forced them to raise their heads, and said expressionlessly:

"If you can't even do the most basic task of gathering information, then there's no point in living!"

Both of them were frightened and begged loudly for mercy!

"Mr. Brevich, please give us another chance! I will definitely find out the identities of those two people tonight!"

"I have a way to avenge Biev and the others! Mr. Brevich, I am willing to atone for my sins!"

The bearded man let go of his hand, turned to look at them, and said coldly: "Okay, I'll give you a chance!

Now go and check the identities of those two Chinese people. I will get the results tonight!

Before dawn, all the ice bears will be out. Early tomorrow morning, I want to see the bodies of those two people.

Do you understand?

Also, inform the Zoji Association that if they refuse to cooperate, then we will find another helper and let them die! "

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