Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2536 I am beyond the control of all of you

With a gun pressed against his head, Fujiwara Yosuke's face turned blue and white as he listened to Chen Xin'an's words.

He glared at Chen Xin'an, gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Xin'an, have you thought clearly about the consequences of doing this?

You will really become a street rat and be wanted across the country!

There will be no hiding place for you here, and none of you will be able to leave Da Ying alive..."

"Hey!" Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said to him with a look of disdain:

"Now that you've asked about me from Qiao Yanhui, do you think I will be afraid of this?"

Fujiwara Yosuke stopped talking.

Regarding Chen Xin'an, Fujiwara Yosuke did ask Qiao Yanhui more than once, and the questions were extremely detailed.

Even just two days ago, he did not hesitate to make international long-distance calls to ask Qiao Yanhui to learn about Chen Xin'an and his friends.

It can be said that even though Qiao Yanhui only said a few things to Fujiwara Yosuke under Xu Qing's instructions, Fujiwara Yosuke now knows Chen Xin'an very well.

This fierce man is wanted nationwide by both the Inca and Eagle Flag countries!

Even now, he still carries the Eagle Flag Country’s global wanted order on his body!

So with the addition of Da Ying, will people be afraid?

Doesn't exist at all?

But he was a police officer after all, and his status would not allow him to surrender to Chen Xin'an. He snorted coldly and said to his colleagues next to him:

"You don't need to worry about me, just take Chen Xin'an back to the police station!

If we don't have enough manpower, call for reinforcements. Let's see if he dares to kill all the police we promised him! "

He lowered his face and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, you underestimated the determination of the Japanese police to crack down on criminals!

They don’t understand us either. We never negotiate terms with the enemy.

If you think you can escape from here by holding me hostage, you are wrong!

My colleague, I won’t let you go! "

"Oh?" The sarcasm on Chen Xin'an's face became even more intense. She simply took the gun and stopped pointing it at his head. She sneered and said, "Then let them do it!"

"You think we don't dare?" Fujiwara Yosuke shouted angrily and shouted to his colleagues: "Do it! Cuff him!"

There was no movement from the people around, and no one came up.

Fujiwara Yosuke frowned, turned around and shouted: "What are you doing?! Can't you hear the order?"

Kenzaburo, what's wrong with you? "

At this time, Fujiwara Yosuke noticed the abnormality and looked at everyone around him in horror.

All the colleagues were bent over, holding their knees with their hands, as if they were tired, breathing heavily.

The policeman on the farthest side finally couldn't hold on any longer. He tilted his head and fell to the ground with a thud, foaming at the mouth and unconscious.

The others fell to the ground one after another like the tree stumps they had chopped down.

The symptoms were exactly the same as when those coalition soldiers fell to the ground and fell unconscious outside the Daohe Building that night!

"What are you..." Fujiwara Yosuke looked a little horrified. He didn't know what happened to his colleagues?

But at this moment, his head felt dizzy, and an irresistible feeling of powerlessness swept through his body in an instant.

He staggered a step, raised his head and looked at Chen Xin'an, and said belatedly: "It's you..."

Chen Xin'an walked up to him and said calmly: "Remember, don't think that just because you are a policeman, you can easily handle me!

I, Chen Xin'an, am beyond the control of all of you! "

Fujiwara Yosuke felt that his head was getting heavier and heavier, but his body was getting lighter and lighter.

Chen Xin'an's words seemed to come from distant clouds, becoming more and more distant...


Fujiwara Yosuke finally fell to the ground!

Shaking their heads, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other, smiled, and then snapped their fingers into the dark.

Soon, Luo Xiaoman, Xiao Zhang, and Luo Qianhe came out. Luo Xiaoman was dragging a man with a spear in his hand.

"Damn! These Da Ying people are really cunning. There are not enough people, and they actually ambush a sniper!

If Aqi hadn't reminded us, we would have fallen into their trap! "

Chen Xin'an was talking to Fujiwara Yosuke just now, and Li Qi was standing next to them.

But instead of just standing there stupidly like a piece of wood, he looked around and found a faint red dot flashing in the corner of the building, which should be the flash of the lens.

I asked Luo Xiaoman to go over and check, but I didn't expect that someone was actually ambushing him.

Luo Xiaoman kicked the person on the ground and said to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, what should I do? Do you want to kill them all..."

He made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Without Chen Xin'an answering, Luo Qianhe scolded him: "You were kicked in the head by a donkey, right?

These people are the Japanese police! "

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said: "What's wrong with the Japanese police? It's not a good thing to be so insidious!"

We can't just let them all go, right?

I’m not sure what methods they will use next time they come! "

Chen Xin'an said to Luo Qianhe: "Why does this medicine have no taste? How long will it work?"

Luo Qianhe took out an empty medicine bottle and said, "I have specially done odor treatment.

The applicable area of ​​one bottle of medicine is about thirty square meters.

The medicine takes effect in about twenty minutes, and the longest is no more than half an hour! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to everyone: "Their car should be nearby.

Once you find them, throw them all into the car and forget about them! "

"Where is he?" Li Qi pointed to Fujiwara Yosuke on the ground.

Chen Xin'an glanced down, grinned and said, "Take him upstairs!"

Back in the room, a group of people stood up nervously.

Tatsuta Jingyan hurried over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, just be okay!

We were controlled and warned not to call you, otherwise action would be taken against Dao Helian.

We have no choice but to stay here!

Sorry, Mr. Chen! "

Looking at Tatsuta Shizuhiko who was bowing his head and a group of Taoist League members beside him, Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, waved his hand and said:

"They are the police, you don't have to blame yourself! It's okay now, everyone go back!"

My brother can move around freely now. Thank you all for your hard work during this time! "

Ryuuda Jingyan stood up and glanced at Chen Xin'an and everyone, nodded and said:

"Okay, let's go back to the club now.

If you need anything, Mr. Chen calls his wife and we will arrive as soon as possible! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and watched everyone leave.

When everyone passed by Luo Xiaoman and saw that the person he was holding turned out to be Fujiwara Yosuke, a group of Dao United members showed shocked expressions on their faces.

These people are really lawless, even more ruthless than the people in the club!

Even the chief of the Yingjing First Police Department dared to mention it. I am afraid there is no one in the world they dare not deal with or do anything they dare not do!

After they left, Xiao Zhang closed the door and cursed with a cold face: "A bunch of trash!"

Even though they had been warned by the police, if they were so obedient, they were no longer members of Dao Helian!

Moreover, a group of people are staying here without any police guard. It is not a matter of raising a finger to make a phone call.

They didn't fight, they just wanted to see the jokes of Chen Xin'an and the others.

People on the road can't cure this group of people, so are they afraid of the official people?

Junko Michimoto is a very utilitarian person, and everything she does must be beneficial.

The same goes for the collaboration with Chen Xin'an.

If Chen Xin'an can't deal with the Metropolitan Police, then he and his team are just a bunch of reckless people.

When cooperating with such a person, you can only use him as a tool, never as an ally, otherwise you will be dragged down.

Chen Xin'an also sees things through but doesn't tell them. Anyway, everyone uses each other, and Chen Xin'an has never trusted Dao Helian.

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