Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2541 Give me your arm back

There were more than a dozen men in white Taoist uniforms lying on the brown mats. They all looked in pain and could not stand up.

Luo Xiaoman glanced around with disdain, pointed at everyone in circles and shouted:

"Who else! Come with me!

I'll take down this bullshit dojo of yours all by myself! "

"Asshole!" The people in Heguhui couldn't stand such humiliation. They cursed angrily and rushed over together!

Even the students rushed forward with indignation, and hundreds of people instantly surrounded Luo Xiaoman.

Chen Xin'an sneered and said to Xiao Zhang and the others: "Don't move here, I'll go up and help Aman!"

Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe nodded and stood beside Li Qi.

The people from the Dragon Force glanced at the boss Tang Yang and saw that he made a few gestures to everyone, so they gave up going on stage to help, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

Aze and Wang Si'an turned pale, swallowed their saliva, and their bodies were trembling slightly.

This is the territory of Heguhui, and everyone faced hundreds of enemies!

Such a scene indeed made them excited and a little scared.

Of course, not everyone rushed forward, there were some who stood aside and watched the fun.

Naoyan, the boy who was slapped by Hideki just now, is one of them.

When he was a child, he stayed in China with his parents for several years and became obsessed with martial arts, so he practiced Chinese martial arts since he was a child.

Later, my father was transferred back from work, and the family returned to Da Ying.

Unwilling to give up his Kung Fu dream, he switched to Karate.

Unexpectedly, what he once studied turned into his nightmare.

After coming here, he was bullied because of his Kung Fu skills. Even his master was harsh and harsh on him, often beating and scolding him.

Even he himself felt that learning Chinese Kung Fu was a mistake.

Such flashy martial arts are of no use at all.

It wasn't until just now that he truly saw the power of Chinese Kung Fu.

It’s not that it’s useless, it’s that I haven’t learned the essence!

It seems that I am on the right path, I just haven’t met a famous teacher!

Surrounded by everyone, but not giving in at all, Luo Xiaoman was still killing everyone. In the boy's eyes, Luo Xiaoman's figure magnified infinitely, turning into an unattainable mountain!

"Stop!" With a loud shout, a man with a crew cut and a black Taoist uniform walked out of the inner passage!

The people nearby sent messages to him one after another: "The curator is here, everyone stop!"

Soon, those who were besieging Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman all stopped and spread out, leaving an open space.

The flat-headed man came over and saw that more than thirty people were lying on the ground, wailing and unable to stand up. Their faces looked gloomy, as if it was about to rain.

With a straight face and eyes like knives, he glanced around Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, turned around and said to the person next to him:

"Today's display event has ended, let everyone go back!"

The companion next to him immediately shouted to the surrounding students, telling them to leave immediately.

Hundreds of students dutifully put on their shoes and left quickly.

Soon, the gym became quiet and all the students left.

But at this moment, dense footsteps came, and a large number of Heguhui disciples rushed in, surrounding Chen Xin'an and everyone!

The crew-cut man raised his chin, looked down upon Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, and said coldly in Chinese:

"I am Suzuki Rin, the curator here!

I don't know who sent you and what is the purpose of coming here.

But since you have injured my people, don’t walk out of here tonight!

I'll give you two choices.

First, kneel down and admit your mistake to me and compensate for all the losses to the gym tonight.

Then I will break your hands and feet and throw you out. At least you are still alive! "

Second, you can resist, but I will beat you to death!

Don't worry, your body will not be wasted, I will make the best use of it! "

After speaking, Suzuki Rin waved to the crowd.

The crowd dispersed, and two younger brothers came over, holding a bloody corpse in their arms.

But it was not a human, but the corpse of a huge wolf dog!

From the sharp fangs exposed in the grinning mouth, you can see how ferocious they were when they were alive.

Only now, they all have a bloody hole penetrated by a bullet on their head!

Suzuki Rin was also dumbfounded. He stroked the dog corpse with his hand and asked with red eyes: "Who is it? What bastard did this?"

"I did it!" came a voice from behind the crowd.

Everyone dispersed, and Tang Yang came over with several of his brothers and three boxes in his arms.


Tang Yang dropped the box on the ground. Some of the packaging boxes inside were scattered, and it was hard to tell what they were.

He raised his head, looked at Suzuki Rin coldly and said, "As expected, you bastards from the Hegu Association stole our goods!

I didn't expect you to hide the goods in the gym. No wonder we can't find it with our will! "

"Dragon power!" Suzuki Rin panicked when she saw Tang Yang and his men, and she understood what these people were here to do!

But he immediately calmed down and said with a ferocious smile: "So what if I was discovered by you?

We robbed it!

And we have found a buyer and it will be sold soon, making us a huge profit!

Damn Chinese people, you still want to come to Yingjing to make money from us Ying people, I will make you lose everything!

Since it is delivered to your door today, none of you can run away!

Kill them! "

Following the order, everyone from Heguhui shouted and rushed forward!

This is the headquarters of Heguhui. After the students left, more than two hundred people rushed in.

And the door has been closed, just to make these Chinese people have no way to retreat!

Although it was a karate gym, these guys were not empty-handed. They all held knives. They surrounded Chen Xin'an and slashed them to death with knives!

Chen Xin'an shouted to Tang Yang: "Do it!"

Tang Yang grinned, nodded and said, "Copy that!"

Then with a wave of his hand, he took out the backpack from behind, opened the zipper, and took out the gun inside!

Following the clicking sound, there was a burst of panic shouting at the scene.

The boys from the Heguhui who had just rushed forward in a fierce manner now turned around and ran away!

It's a pity that two legs can't run away from bullets after all!

Amidst the intensive gunfire, people kept screaming and falling to the ground, killed on the spot!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman have already met Xiao Zhang and the others.

Seeing Aze and Wang Si'an's faces turning pale and trembling, Chen Xin'an shouted sharply: "Keep your eyes open, watch carefully!"

As he spoke, he had already drawn his sword and rushed towards the crowd.

Luo Qianhe sighed and said to Aze and Wang Si'an: "If you call him Brother An, he will really treat you as brothers!

He was very disappointed in the Chinatown of Eagle Flag Country. After coming to Japan, it was you who changed his bad impression of overseas Chinese.

So he really treats you as fellow human beings.

If you say you want to join the underworld and live a life of fighting and killing, then he will take you to experience for yourself whether this is the path you want to take. "


An arm flew up in the air, spraying blood mist like raindrops on Aze's body.

The rich smell of blood rushed into Aze's nostrils instantly. Looking at the bright red minced meat and thick bone stubble on the severed arm, Aze opened his mouth and spat it out with a loud sound!

What was even more terrifying was that a Hegu Hui disciple covered in blood crawled over with one hand, staring at the severed arm that fell at Aze's feet, and kept shouting:

"Give me your arm! Don't get my arm dirty!"

The hairs all over Aze's body stood up, and he felt like his soul was out of body. If it weren't for Wang Si'an holding him up, he would have collapsed to the ground in fear!

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