Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2552 Beicang Market

The enemies who were fighting to the death just now have now become teammates fighting together.

People from Hegu Society and Sanhe Society were a little confused.

But there was no way, they had no choice but to follow the arrangements from above!

A large number of cars gathered and roared through the streets late at night.

With bursts of harsh braking sounds, the car stopped outside the Yingjing Beicang Market.

This is the largest fish market in Yingjing and the base of activities of the Kawaguchi group.

The bosses in the market come from all over the country, but the young people working there are all from the Kawaguchi-gumi without exception.

It was already past three in the morning, and there were not many people in the market.

But in another hour, the market will be busy.

Preparations for receiving and unloading goods, killing fish and shrimps are all started before dawn to facilitate transactions after dawn.

Several dark figures climbed onto the roof of the market, carrying oil drums and pouring water down.

Shinji Toyomizu said to Rin Suzuki next to him: "What should we do? Ruining the market would be equivalent to forming a deadly feud with the Kawaguchi Group!"

Suzuki Rin said weakly: "It's better than dying in Chen Xin'an's hands, right? If we had known this, we shouldn't have provoked that madman in the first place!"

Thinking of the methods used by Chen Xin'an and his group to deal with Hegu Society and Sanhe Society, Toyomizu Shinji also shrank his neck.

But looking at the big market not far away, he said with a worried look: "Kanakura Kyūichi came from the temple, and this market is one of the temple's industries.

If we become enemies with the temple, we will have no place in Yingjing in the future! "

Suzuki Rin frowned, worried, looked in the direction of Chen Xin'an's business car, and said in a low voice:

"We won't rush to attack later, let them fight first.

After the chaos breaks out, let's find an opportunity to take my father away! "

Toyomizu Shinji nodded and said: "I just saw it. There are only two people watching next to the president. Their strength is very average. It will definitely not be troublesome to take action!"

"Hey! What are you doing?" In a stall, a handyman with dyed yellow hair got up to urinate. When he saw a person squatting not far away, he was startled!

Luo Xiaoman, who was pouring oil, turned around and glanced at him, grinning, revealing two rows of big white teeth.

The next second, he kicked the handyman in the chest and kicked him back into the fish stall!

"There is a thief!" The handyman lying at the door of the fish stall covered his chest with his hands and shouted at the top of his lungs.

The people caught in the fish stalls all around were awakened and turned on their lights one after another.

The bosses live outside the market, but for the convenience of work, some people are left in the market to guard the stalls. These people are all members of the Kawaguchi group.

The bosses pay protection fees to the Kawaguchi-gumi every month and hire the Kawaguchi-gumi's boys as handymen. This ensures that the entire market is in order and there will be no malicious competition.

You know, fish is the main dish of the Ying people. Each family eats more fish in a day than a family in other countries eats in a month.

Therefore, the trading of fish has the largest sales volume in various markets in Da Ying.

The temple is located near Beicang Market, which is enough to feed everyone in the temple.

The bald man, who was bare-chested, revealing the dense tattoos on his chest and back, ran over menacingly with a bunch of flowery arms and a fish-killing knife in each hand!

Luo Xiaoman put his fingers in his mouth and whistled hard.

On the ceiling, Tang Yang shouted to the brothers: "Evacuate!" Everyone ran towards the east gate together.

The handyman who fell on the ground pointed at Luo Xiaoman and shouted to the bald man: "Mr. Hushui, this guy is sneaky, as if he is stealing, and they have accomplices!"

The bald man also heard the sound of running above his head, looked at Luo Xiaoman fiercely, gritted his teeth and cursed:

“You bastard, you actually came here to steal something?

Don't you know where this place is?

who is it……

Forget it, I'm too lazy to ask you so many questions, just stretch out your hands and I'll cut off your hands to make you remember this lesson! "

Luo Xiaoman tilted his head and looked at him without saying a word.

In fact he didn't understand a word of it.

Xiaolan wanted to translate for him, but he didn't listen and was too lazy to pay attention to what these guys said.

Seeing that the other party was motionless, the bald man snorted coldly and cursed with disdain:

"Pretending to be deaf and dumb, right?

You guys go over and hold him down, and I'll chop off his hands! "

Several younger brothers rushed over impatiently, reaching out to control Luo Xiaoman.

But the person in front of them didn't let them get close at all. The moment they rushed over, the other person reached out with his hands.

Before the two of them could react, their wrists were grabbed by each other.

Then the next second, there was a strong force, and the two of them ran towards each other as if they were being pushed, and bumped into each other!

"Asshole!" the bald man yelled angrily, raised his fish-killing knife, and struck Luo Xiaoman's head hard!

Luo Xiaoman swung his hands and threw the two people in his hands into the air, spinning in circles like windmills!

The people next to him were dodging. It was no joke to hit someone with more than 100 kilograms on him!

Even the bald man withdrew his knife and took several steps back.

But Luo Xiaoman didn't let him go. He released his hands one after another. The two of them hit the bald man one after another as if they were aiming!

The bald man rolled around in embarrassment to avoid the two of them.

But the two unlucky guys bumped into the opposite wall, exploding into two puffs of blood and falling to the ground. They didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

The bald man looked at Luo Xiaoman in horror, this guy is so strong!

The next second, Luo Xiaoman was already standing in front of him, and the bald man was so scared that he took the fish-killing knife and stabbed Luo Xiaoman's chest fiercely!


The moment the tip of the knife touched Luo Xiaoman's clothes on his chest, the bald man's wrist holding the knife was grabbed.

The next second, as Luo Xiaoman's hand slashed down, a strong force made the bald man unable to resist. He stabbed the knife into his stomach with a puff, and then slashed left and right!


The smelly blood and intestines flowed out of the wound.

The bald man lowered his head in astonishment, looking at the wound on his stomach, his legs softened, and he sat on the ground!

"Mr. Hu Shui!" The younger brothers next to him were all stunned, and they shouted and wanted to rush over.

But when they saw Luo Xiaoman grinning at them with his teeth bared, they were so scared that their bodies stiffened and dared not move!

Luo Xiaoman walked to the bald man, touched his pocket, and took out a box of cigarettes and a lighter from it.

He took out a cigarette and put it into the bald man's mouth, then used a lighter to help him light it.

The bald man looked at him fiercely, his mouth moved several times, wanting to say something, or maybe wanting to curse.

Luo Xiaoman didn't understand, and didn't mind, just took the lighter and walked to the side, where he had just squatted.

Everyone didn't know what he was going to do, but the next second, when he turned around, there was a lit oil bottle in his hand!

Before everyone could react, Luo Xiaoman smashed the oil bottle on the bald man's head!

With a loud bang, the oil bottle broke, and the oil inside burned with flames, almost instantly turning the bald man into a fire man!

The bald man screamed miserably and wanted to roll over, but because the wound on his stomach was too big, he had no strength.

He only screamed a few times, and then there was no sound, only the raging fire was still burning!


There was a loud noise, and the small house next to the fish stall exploded, and the fire was burning!

The handyman who was kicked shouted to his stunned companion: "That's the fish oil warehouse, run!" Before he finished speaking, a bigger explosion was heard, and a raging fire instantly engulfed everyone, and shrill screams rang out all around!

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