Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2567 The Japanese still know how to play

The other party's movement skills are weird, and they retreat at any time, using their companions as scapegoats to cover them and hide them.

After knocking down several killers with bullets, Chen Xin'an had already climbed to the top of the tower.

Li Qi then jumped down from the fence and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, those people have something!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "The movement technique is weird, he must have been specially trained!

He is proficient in using concealed weapons and has strong hands, so everyone should be careful. "

Everyone nodded together.

Luo Xiaoman took off his backpack and said impatiently: "What are you waiting for? Start preparing!"

There are constant tinkling noises all around.

From time to time, bullets hit the steel guardrail, sending up a string of sparks.

Everyone has experienced strong winds and waves, so how can they be afraid of this.

After quickly putting on his wing suit, Luo Xiaoman said to everyone: "Tang Yang and I rented these sets of clothes from the most advanced flying club in Yingjing.

It's the same model as the one we used before.

The parachute bag is right here, just zip it up.

I have already chosen the location. The large lawn of Kagu Park, more than 600 meters west of Yingjing Tower, is our landing point.

It's dangerous to fly at night, and you might crash into someone upstairs.

So you must fly with me!

I was the first, Lao Xiao and Ge Zi followed, and Lao Chen and A Qi came in behind.

The formation must be maintained well. Once it deviates, you may die! "

Wingsuit flying is not something everyone can do, and this thing might turn into a pile of rotten meat.

Although Aman is a bit talkative, he is very reliable in his work.

And in this regard, even Li Qi said that he is a real expert and very experienced.

After everyone got dressed, Luo Xiaoman checked everyone's equipment, then put his backpack on his back and said to everyone:

“Now the backpack is like sinking in the water and hanging a few bricks on the body, so the distance of falling and gliding will be longer.

Don't tense up, relax your body and try to stretch it out as fully as possible.

The current position is high enough for us to fly up when we hit the tower. Don’t forget what we taught before, it will be okay! "

The body of the Zangshan nin was hanging not far away. Not everyone could lift a dead body with one hand like Chen Xin'an.

Therefore, there is very little room for leverage at this angle, and it is difficult to put the body down, so we can only hang it here first.

Luo Xiaoman stood not far from the corpse, as if he had stepped on the corpse's head. He stood on the fence with his feet, his arms opened, and he fell straight down, shouting: "Let's go!"

Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe also climbed up the fence, opened their arms, and fell down like Luo Xiaoman without hesitation.

In fact, Chen Xin'an was a little panicked inside.

But even his brothers jumped, and if he hesitated, he would be laughed at.

Li Qi saw his guilty conscience and said with a smile: "Boss, it's okay, I'll be by your side to protect you!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and climbed onto the fence, standing on it and feeling the howling wind.

The storm is still going on now, but it's much lighter than before.

As Li Qi shouted a jump, Chen Xin'an's heart skipped a beat and his body fell forward!

The whistling wind passed by my ears, and even though I was wearing a helmet and goggles, I still felt the force of the strong wind blowing against my face.

Chen Xin'an spread her arms as much as possible and stretched her body, allowing the wingsuit to absorb the resistance and buoyancy of the strong wind and airflow.

A group of killers from the Sakura Club finally discovered the traces of Chen Xin'an and the others and started shooting randomly.

Bullets were whizzing by, and it was strange that they could hit them at such a speed.

But the most fearful thing is stray bullets penetrating the wing suit. Any tiny hole will be devastating to the wing suit.

For someone wearing a wingsuit, that's fatal!

As Chen Xin'an's pupils dilated, the black steel frame of Yingjing Tower was right in front of him!

If he still can't glide, he will hit the tower!

That would be the end of being shattered to pieces!

But now that the buoyancy coming from the wingsuit is moving him at high speed, he can't glide yet!

It’s just a little bit off, even if it’s a few more meters, you can fly!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an subconsciously wanted to curl up into a ball to welcome the coming impact.

But Li Qi's loud shout rang in his ears: "Boss, relax!"

Just die!

Chen Xin'an hesitated and stretched his whole body as much as possible. If a steel frame was installed in this posture, he might not even be able to keep his whole body!

But he closed his eyes and was ready to fight!

The moment I felt like I was about to hit the steel frame, my body suddenly rose up, as if someone was lifting me up!


Chen Xin'an lowered his arms slightly, brushed his body against the steel frame and flew past it, and began to glide in the air!

A few red and blue fluorescent lights are in front, that is a group of his brothers.

Not far away was Li Qi, who turned his head and glanced at him.

Although he couldn't see the expression under the helmet, Chen Xin'an knew it was a smiling face.

It was already late at night, and the night in Yingjing was still full of lights and neon lights.

The five people flew over the high-rise buildings, admiring the prosperity and excitement of the city in the night sky.

A young woman with no clothes pressed her hands on the floor-to-ceiling glass in front of her, watching the cars coming and going under her feet, crawling around like a beetle.

The man who was also naked stood behind her with a proud smile on his face.

What happened to the president’s wife?

Haven't you been hooked up with me?

I played with her in front of everyone in Yingjing, who could see?

You never knew that I would be playing with your wife in your office, right?

But just at the right moment, a group of people suddenly flew past outside!

At the moment when the two sides missed each other, Luo Xiaoman gave the man a thumbs up!

Brother, what a great guy!

The Ying people really know how to play, don’t give up!

The woman screamed in fear and huddled on the ground with her arms folded.

The man was so frightened that he turned pale and instantly became depressed!

This is really hell!

At this time, there are people flying in the sky. If you haven’t seen it with your own eyes, who would believe it?

It is estimated that this scene has formed a lifelong shadow in his mind!

Jigu Park is inconspicuous in Yingjing. Its only feature is that it has good greening.

So it is only used for leisure walks and not much entertainment.

There were no walkers at this time, so the park was deserted.

There was no special indicator light to guide them, just relying on the faint light of those lawn lamps, Luo Xiaoman really found this place, and then led everyone to land.

The parachutes had already been deployed, and everyone landed on the lawn one after another. This wingsuit escape was successfully concluded.

Everyone quickly put away their parachutes, took off their backpacks and took off their wingsuits.

It took more than an hour just to sort these things out.

After everything was packed up, Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "We won't be able to take a taxi later. Lao Xiao will see if we can get a car. Let's go back to Shimu Town."

"Okay!" Everyone nodded.

Xiao Zhang stood up and said, "You guys wait at the door. I'll come and pick you up as soon as I get the car!"

Luo Xiaoman stood up and said, "I'll go with you!"

The taxis may all be members of the Zoji Society.

Although the club alliance is now broken up, Chen Xin'an's feud with the Daying Club is still there, so he doesn't want his whereabouts to be under the eyes of others!

Taking Li Qi and Luo Qianhe to the gate, there was no gatekeeper in this kind of street park in Daying.

Xiao Zhang didn't delay for too long, and soon he and Luo Xiaoman came back in a Honda car.

This kind of car is everywhere in Da Ying. For Xiao Zhang, wanting to get one is simply as simple as it gets!

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