Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2592 I am not the Virgin

"That Chinese man killed our compatriots! If it hadn't been for him, the poor man's legs would not have been injured and he could have escaped from the hands of the monster!"

“I really don’t know what that annoying Chinese guy thinks, does he like to be pushy so much?

Everyone was running up, but he insisted on jumping down to anger the monster!

Now that he's fine, doesn't he feel any guilt for killing someone? "

"If you like to die so much, don't run away just now! Send these Chinese people to the monster and let the monster bite them to death, then we can escape for our lives!"

Listening to the shouts from the people around him, Mizutani Chuanmiori showed an angry expression on her face and shouted to everyone:

"Shut up! Don't you really know that he just saved all of our lives?!

If he hadn't sacrificed his life to stop the monsters, do you think you could have outrun those monsters? "

The people around him became quiet, with somewhat ashamed expressions on their faces.

Everyone lowered their heads and walked up. There were so many people in front of them that they couldn't get up quickly even if they wanted to!

Someone muttered from behind: "We didn't let him save him, he just wanted to show off his strength!

If he hadn't been so brave, those friends wouldn't have been hurt, and that person wouldn't have died!

He didn't have the ability to kill monsters and even killed people. Chinese people are the most annoying! "

People around him also echoed.

Mizutani Chuan Miori's face turned blue with anger.

She knew that the Japanese people generally hated, loathed, and despised the Chinese people, but she did not expect that they would confuse right and wrong to this extent.

As a reporter, she has always required herself to be fair and impartial, so seeing this scene made her really filled with indignation and she wanted to have a fight with these guys!

But the situation left her no time to waste any effort, because

There is no living person on the entire tenth floor!

There are bloody scenes everywhere, turning this place into a Shura hell!

As the escaping people poured into the stairwell, the two monsters followed.

Now three monsters are standing on the stairs

"Are all the people above dead? Hurry up and leave! I didn't see them

"One is so scary, but three of us together, we are doomed!"

"It's all those Chinese people's fault! If it weren't for them, these monsters wouldn't have appeared! I heard that it became like this because those Chinese people released the monsters!"

Some people kept crying in the crowd, and they tried to push up but couldn't!

The person who just said that Chen Xin'an was trying to show off his strength was facing

"Damn Chinese people, since you want to be a hero, then use your life to stop them and don't let us have any more casualties!

It is because of people like you that these monsters are allowed to roam everywhere and kill so many of us in Japan!

You Chinese people should be responsible for this! "

People around who could understand the Chinese language all agreed, and those who couldn't understand also shouted together, making Chen Xin'an die even if he died.

The three monsters were already standing opposite Chen Xin'an in a semi-surrounding posture.

The one directly opposite is the one who has been chasing Chen Xin'an. The ones on the left and right are the ones who have just opened their mouths. Blood is still dripping from the corners of their mouths, and their eyes are fierce.

Chen Xin'an snorted, suddenly rushed forward, rushed towards the monster directly opposite, and hit him with a knee to the top of his heart!

This swift movement prevented the monster from reacting at all. It was pushed back a step, and then subconsciously pushed Chen Xin'an's chest!

This is like a human's instinctive reaction, when an enemy gets too close, they subconsciously push away.

The swing distance of the arm was not large, and the force should be very light, but when it was slapped on Chen Xin'an's chest, it made a loud sound.


Chen Xin'an was shot straight away, her entire chest felt deformed, and a mouthful of blood almost spurted out from her mouth!

If he hadn't been prepared, this palm would have been enough to break two or three of Chen Xin'an's sternum!

Fortunately, the internal energy counterattacked and offset part of the opponent's palm force, allowing Chen Xin'an to fly back to the steps without any danger.

On this floor, he didn't bump into anyone. Instead, he turned around and followed the staircase handrail all the way up!

A group of tourists were all shocked!

That guy actually passed them and ran to the front!

Then wouldn't they have to face the attacks of three monsters?

The guy who just said that Chen Xin'an was trying to be brave saw Chen Xin'an climbing up the handrail and cursed angrily:

"Why aren't you here?

If you leave like this irresponsibly, wouldn't we all fall into the hands of monsters?

what are you doing……"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an grabbed his shoulders, lifted him up from the crowd, and threw him away without saying a word.

The guy screamed and fell down, knocking down several people, and then managed to stabilize his body in embarrassment.

He gritted his teeth and looked up, then cursed at Chen Xin'an in the crowd: "You despicable and shameless bastard! Why did you throw me down? I curse your whole family for eighteen generations..."

Suddenly, he stopped talking and stood stiffly on the spot.

He smelled the strong smell of blood in his nose, making him realize that he was standing next to the monster!

Sure enough, from the corner of his eye, he saw monsters approaching from both sides.

Behind him, he felt the heavy breathing of a monster.

His legs were weak, his mind went blank, and there was only fear in his heart. He opened his mouth to scream, but with a click, the monster behind him bit him on the top of his head!

At the same time, two monsters next to him also rushed up, and one of them tore off one of his arms!

The shrill screams scared everyone on the stairs crazy, and they rushed upward desperately!

In just the blink of an eye, the man had been torn into pieces, and even a big hole had been eaten out of his head!

As Miori Mizutani walked up, she blamed Chen Xin'an: "How could you do this! You are like killing him with your own hands!"

Chen Xin'an, who was making gestures on his chest, had a cold face and said to her coldly:

“Listen, I’m not the Holy Mother, so don’t expect me to repay evil with kindness and save you all!

Now that you are here and you are still trying to squeeze up to the tower knowing that something is going on, then none of you Da Ying people who are just watching the fun is innocent.

If you don't know how to be grateful for being saved by others, and keep showing off your superiority as a Japanese, then you deserve to die!

I have no obligation, nor the tolerance, to save a group of white-eyed wolves.

I would be merciful by not killing them with my own hands! "

Mizutani Chuan Miori was dumbfounded and couldn't even utter a word.

She is a reporter, and being eloquent is her strength.

But at this moment, she found that she was rude to accuse Chen Xin'an.

Seeing the blood flowing out of the corner of Chen Xin'an's mouth, and thinking about what those Da Ying people had just done, she really couldn't use her own morals to kidnap Chen Xin'an, so she had to keep her mouth shut!

Catching up!

The tragic scene on the tenth floor happened again in the stairwell. People crowded on the stairs rushed upward desperately!

Chen Xin'an said to Miori Mizutani: "Let me tell you, if you want to survive, don't focus on running up!

You have to enter each floor and spread out to have a chance of survival.

Everything is concentrated here, there is only one way to die! "

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