Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2601 The real killer move you can’t think of

Even though Luo Qianhe was not good at kung fu, he was by no means a weak scholar without any strength.

But he didn't expect that this old man was actually a master!

As soon as the two of them fought, Luo Qianhe knew that he was no match for him.

Fortunately, neither party used weapons, but after a few punches, Luo Qianhe was also beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he grimaced in pain!

Yamasuke Kazuo stood on the stairs, sneered and said to Luo Qianhe:

"Boy, I know who you are!

I have information on everyone around Chen Xin'an!

Your name is Luo Qianhe, you are Chen Xin'an's junior brother, right?

You are proficient in the art of orpiment, but unfortunately, you are a real weakling in kung fu!

Do you know who I am?

Twenty years ago, I was the national karate champion in Japan!

You are simply asking for humiliation by asking me to do something to you! "

Luo Qianhe wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, gritted his teeth and looked at Yamasuke Kazuo, and without talking nonsense to him, he swept his leg and kicked him in the waist.

However, Yamasuke Kazuo's expression changed, his body rotated, facing Luo Qianhe's feet, and he raised his knees to block the leg.

Luo Qianhe also noticed that the old man seemed to be afraid of others attacking his waist.

Is this his weakness?

Does this old man have a back injury?

Now that you know the enemy's weaknesses, why should you be polite?

Luo Qianhe kicked out one after another and continued to attack, forcing Yamasuke Kazuo to retreat continuously, and he was a little overwhelmed.

Although his kung fu is better than Luo Qianhe's, he can't stand his age.

This is the reason why boxing is afraid of young people.

Luo Qianhe is not as good at fighting as him, but he is more durable than him, has good physical strength and recovers quickly.

As long as the injury is not serious, he will always maintain strong attack power, which is something that Yamasuke Kazuo cannot do.

In addition, Yamasuke Kazuo was scrupulous and was held tightly by Luo Qianhe. After a brief advantage, he was suppressed and beaten by Luo Qianhe!

This battlefield was littered with corpses and bloody.

The ghost ninja group almost suffered a disaster, and there were very few survivors.

The Ghost Ninja Killing Formation originally planned for Chen Xin'an turned into a joke.

Not only did he not cause any substantial harm to Chen Xin'an, he was also used by the opponent to lure two monsters to break the formation and kill all the ghost ninja group.

In fact, if this killing array is arranged properly and the timing is good, it will definitely pose a great threat to Chen Xin'an.

The reason for the current failure was the intrusion of monsters, and the absence of the key figure in charge of the formation, the Ghost Ninja King.

Moreover, Luo Qianhe had already reminded everyone of the secret of Huang Yan, and the poisonous gas restraint against the ghost ninja also prevented this killing formation from exerting its maximum power.

To deal with a top player like Chen Xin'an, there can't be any small mistakes.

Now there are so many big loopholes in the Ghost Ninja's Ultimate Killing Formation, so it is natural that it cannot function. These factors have resulted in the Ghost Ninja's Ultimate Killing Formation being unable to trap Chen Xin'an at all.

However, the current situation is not optimistic, because the sightseeing elevator has begun to be restored, and a dark crowd of people rushed up from the stairs below.

This shows that the killers of Sakura Club are beginning to gather upwards!

"Ah!" With a shrill scream, a ghost ninja had one of his arms ripped off by the monster!

But the ninja sword in his right hand also penetrated the monster's heart!

Under the severe pain, the ghost ninja yelled: "Help me!" He lowered his head and bumped into the ghost ninja's arms. He held the handle of the knife with one hand and pushed him back hard!

Several companions rushed over and hugged the ghost ninja's arms desperately!

The powerful monster was about to fight back and throw away these guys around him, but when the ninja sword stuck in his chest stirred, the sharp pain in his heart made him tremble!

It hurts the heart, which is unbearable pain for the monster!

This made him go crazy, and he let out a roar, wanting to tear the ghost ninja on his chest apart.

However, his arms were hugged by several ghost ninjas with all their strength, and his body could only be pushed back continuously!

In anger and desperation, the monster suddenly lowered its head and bit the man in front of him on the top of his head!

The ghost ninja let out a scream, let go of the handle of the knife with one hand, and instead hugged the monster's body, pressing forward even tighter with his feet!


The ghost ninja's body hit the steel frame and his feet stopped!

Blood ran down his scalp and dripped from the ghost ninja's neck.

The ghost trembled in pain, but he hugged the monster's body and refused to let go, and pushed his head into the monster's arms harder.

With a loud roar, the monster's feet lifted off the ground and its upper body leaned back.

The people on both sides suddenly let go, and with his center of gravity unbalanced, he instinctively grabbed the ghost ninja in his arms.

The injured ghost nin shouted loudly: "Pull me away!"

A companion moved forward, trying to pull him back, but the person next to him grabbed his arm.

Several ghost ninjas exchanged glances quickly, and then made a decision in an instant!

A group of people rushed up, lifted the companion whose head was held by the monster by his feet, and then sent him forward!

The ghost ninja, who did not expect his companion to attack, let out a shrill scream, then hugged the monster, his body escaped from the gap in the steel frame, and fell down the tower!

Soon I heard the sound of the body hitting the tower, being bounced off, and continuing to fall!

From such a height, no matter whether it is a person or a monster, the fate of falling down will be certain death!

And because of the obstruction of the tower, it’s not certain whether a whole corpse would fall down, it would definitely be a puddle of flesh and mud!


Yamasuke Kazuo kicked Luo Qianhe away, rubbed his swollen face, wiped the nosebleed with his sleeve, took out a glass needle from his waist, and cursed Luo Qianhe angrily: "Don't come over!"

He is the president of Sakura Club!

His opponent is Chen Xin'an, not such a little-known figure!

Although he didn't know what he had in his hand, Luo Qianhe also knew that it must be dangerous medicine, so he immediately stopped his attack and looked at Yamasuke Kazuo warily.

Chen Xin'an, Li Qi and Yan Chunhua also stopped and looked at Yamasuke Kazuo coldly.

The few remaining ghost ninjas couldn't see their expressions because they were wearing ghost face masks.

But judging from their evasive eyes and retreating steps, they were also full of fear of what Yamasuke Kazuo was holding.

Yamasuke Kazuo held the steel pipe, looked at Chen Xin'an and said through gritted teeth:

"You have no idea what this is.

But I can tell you, it’s called the Red Sakura Flower!

Yan Chunqiao was controlled by this kind of thing!

Such a syringe is enough to turn everyone here into a walking zombie!

And there is no cure! "

Luo Qianhe looked at him coldly and said, "In that case, you won't be able to escape!"

"I'm worth it!" Kazuo Yamasuke showed a proud smile on his face, looked at Chen Xin'an and shouted:

"As long as I can turn Chen Xin'an into a puppet and a war machine that only knows how to kill people, it will be worth my while even if I die!

I have already arranged everything in the company!

This time, I just want to get rid of Chen Xin'an!

As long as this goal is achieved, the Ying official will give my daughter a chance to clear her name.

The Tailan Gold Mine has naturally become an asset of our Shanjie family.

If the government decentralizes power and the gold mine provides money, the Yamasuke family's business will develop again by leaps and bounds.

Everything I have can be inherited from my daughter, and it’s all worth it! "

Kazuo Yamasuke looked at Chen Xin'an with a crazy face and laughed proudly: "Chen Xin'an, do you think I've been avoiding you because I'm afraid of you?

you are wrong!

In fact, I am just waiting for this thing to be refined.

Do you think these people are the key to the demon ninja's killing array?

You are wrong again!

In fact, it’s this tube of medicine!

Do you think I just want to kill you?

You are still wrong!

I want to keep you alive because it's more exciting than killing you!

And I also let so many people accompany you, and together you become a walking zombie that is worse than death!

You didn't expect such a result, right?

Are you happy? "

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