Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2621 The only artifact in the world

Jingju Farm is to the south of the small garden, but Chen Xin'an drove the jeep all the way north.

Li Qi didn't feel weird sitting in the passenger seat. Anyway, the boss had his own reasons for doing things, so he just followed.

Chen Xin'an was not familiar with Yingjing and had no destination. He just kept driving north until he reached the suburbs with relatively few buildings, and then stopped in front of a small supermarket.

This unknown place is a bit like the urban-rural fringe of China.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi went in and bought some physical goods and water, then came out and got in the car, and sat in the car eating and drinking.

The supermarket owner hid behind the door, looking at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi's car, making a call on his mobile phone.

In fact, his behavior had long been noticed by Chen Xin'an, but she just ignored it.

After swallowing a mouthful of bread, Chen Xin'an smiled and said to Li Qi: "There is still half a tank of oil, which is enough for us.

Want to bring something else? If not, let’s set off! "

Li Qi shook his head and said: "That's enough, eat and drink enough. Those people are really ink. They waited for so long to come, let's go!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and started the car. This time, he did not continue heading north. The car turned a corner and entered the side road, heading east!

For four hours, Chen Xin'an drove around the main roads of Yingjing, from south to north, from east to west, sneaking a large number of Zhenguo guards all over Yingjing!

Chen Xin'an just wanted to keep the whole country guessing his destination.

There are not only his friends in Jingkoba, but also Xiaolan and her classmates, as well as many international students.

Once Chen Xin'an appeared there blatantly, it would bring some unpredictable trouble to those people.

Before finding a way to leave Da Ying, he may have to hide in Jingju Chang, so he must ensure the safety of that place.

The night before Aman and the others came to Daying, Konoha made a disguise mask for each of them.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi also had some. They brought them over and they are now in their respective backpacks.

It's just that Chen Xin'an has never used it.

However, during this period of time hidden in Kyokoba, you may have to wear it every day.

Late at night, two figures walked through the garden in the middle of the street and entered Jingju Field.

After entering an apartment, the two took the elevator to the sixth floor and rang the doorbell at the end of the corridor.

When the door opened, the young man standing inside looked at the two unfamiliar faces outside with some astonishment. He looked wary and asked in Japanese: "Who are you looking for?"

The people outside said in Chinese: "Xu Jiaoyang? Don't be nervous, we are one of our own!"

Xu Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, and just when he was about to speak, Xu Qilan came up behind him, slapped him on the shoulder and cursed: "Brother, are you stupid? Can't you recognize that this is the boss's voice?"

Pushing Xu Jiaoyang aside and letting Chen Xin'an and Li Qi in, Xu Qilan glanced outside and quickly closed the door.

"But..." Although Xu Jiaoyang has never met Chen Xin'an face to face, he has also seen Chen Xin'an's photos on his sister's mobile phone.

The young man who looks like a college student in front of me are two different people!

Xu Qilan glanced at him and said with disdain: "Do you know how to put on makeup? I think you are doing research, and people are stupid!"

Xu Jiaoyang suddenly realized it and scratched his head.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi took off their shoes from the entrance and walked into the room.

Houses in Da Ying are generally not very large in order to save space.

Especially for an apartment like this, even if it has two bedrooms and one living room, it is almost the same size as a one-bedroom apartment in Huaxia.

But now this room is relatively spacious. The living room is quite large, and the three bedrooms are not small. It can accommodate seven or eight people without any problem.

There were a few "strangers" sitting on the ground, who were actually Luo Xiaoman, Xiao Zhang, and Luo Qianhe who were wearing masks.

Although Yan Chunhua and Liu Minyong don't have masks, they are also made up by Xu Qilan, so you can't recognize them unless you look carefully!

Luo Xiaoman said with a smile: "If you two don't come, we will go find you! It's such a fun time, but you won't take me with you!"

Xu Qilan smiled and shook her phone and said, "Someone posted a live broadcast. Boss, Brother Qi, you made the Yingjing police miserable tonight!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi also sat on the futon reserved for them and picked up the poured tea.

Taking a sip of tea, Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "If the car hadn't run out of gas, I could have slipped them away until tomorrow morning."

"Thankfully I'm back!" Yan Chunhua looked at him and said, "Now the police have blocked five roads, but they are all in the North District!"

Li Qi smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, you guessed it right. They have indeed focused their investigation on the north!"

Chen Xin'an clapped her hands and said, "Okay, it's safe here for now.

Don't go out these days. If you need to buy anything, let Xiaolan and Jiaoyang help! "

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an said to the Xu family brother and sister: "You will have to work harder during this period, and you may have to come here more often!"

The Xu brothers and sisters quickly waved their hands and said it didn't matter.

As if he thought of something, Xu Jiaoyang said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, wait a moment, I brought you a gift!"

"Gift?" Chen Xin'an was stunned and looked at him strangely.

I saw him taking off his backpack from the sofa next to him, and then gently taking out a box from it.

Opening the box, there was a pair of earplugs, two patches, and an empty shell with a red light on, and nothing else.

Xu Jiaoyang came over, put the earplugs on Chen Xin'an's ears, and then put a patch on both sides of his throat.

"What is this?" Chen Xin'an looked confused.

It's just that the voice he speaks is a bit strange, not the same as his usual tone.

Xu Jiaoyang said to him: "Boss, how do you feel now? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Chen Xin'an smiled, shook her head and said, "There's nothing uncomfortable, I just feel a little strange. These seem to be ordinary earplugs, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that everyone around him had their eyes widened and looked at him in shock.

Chen Xin'an also looked at everyone strangely and said, "Why do you look at me like this?"

Luo Xiaoman asked him with big eyes: "Old Chen, do you understand Ying dialect? Can you still speak it?"


Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Xu Jiaoyang had been communicating with him in Japanese!

But what he heard was Chinese, and what he said turned out to be Yingying!

What's going on?

Xu Jiaoyang smiled slightly, clapped his hands and said, "Success!"

He explained to Chen Xin'an: "This is the HXL-09 simultaneous translation system I developed.

Thanks to the investment and technical support from the boss lady, I successfully overcame the last difficulty!

In fact, the most difficult thing is not the input translation, but the output translation.

In other words, it is not difficult for you to understand, but it is the most difficult for you to speak the other person's language.

These two chips are the most critical, they can make what you speak into any language you need!

The flaw is that it cannot happen simultaneously and there is a delay.

And the technology that cannot rely on the vibration of Adam's apple for translation will make you speak as if you are speaking from outside your throat.

So boss, you need to slowly control your voice and try to maintain your original voice so that it doesn’t sound too weird! "

Everyone was stunned!

This kind of translator means that you can communicate with people from any country without any barriers, even if you don’t understand the foreign language!

Luo Xiaoman said excitedly: "Do you still have this artifact? Give me one too!"

Xu Jiaoyang pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, relaxed his shoulders and said, "Sorry, this is the only pair in the world!"

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