Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2670 These things should be useful to you

Unexpectedly, the vice president of a company had a large safe hidden in his home just for cash and jewelry!

Cash is also available in Eagle flag yuan, Huaxia coins, Daying coins, and Dongchao yuan.

The fat woman was really afraid of death. After being slightly frightened by Chen Xin'an, she obediently led everyone into the bedroom and opened the large safe placed in the corner.

Of course Chen Xin'an is not a robber and looks down on these things.

But the money spent had to be repaid, so all the Yingqi Yuan was taken away.

Seeing Brother Changmin staring at the safe and swallowing saliva, Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said to him:

"If you have the guts, just pretend all these and leave, I won't stop you!"

Brother Changmin looked at the safe and then at the fat woman with a fierce look in his eyes.

He is not a fool, so he naturally knows that if he really takes money from Vice President Ding, the other party will definitely not let him go.

With his status, it is impossible to defeat the vice president, so the end will definitely be miserable.

Unless no one knows he took it!

Therefore, the vice president's wife has become the biggest obstacle.

If he gets rid of her and puts the blame on these people, then he can pocket this windfall.

Find an opportunity to resign. With this wealth, you can go wherever you want, play with any woman you want, and you won’t have to worry about it for the rest of your life!

Turning around, he saw Chen Xin'an looking at him with a half-smile, as if he had seen through his heart and understood his thoughts!

Chang Min's heart tightened, and he quickly smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "I just brought you here, other things have nothing to do with me, and I won't touch other people's money!"

The fat woman on the side took off the dirty mask on her face, revealing a fat face, and gave Brother Changmin a fierce look.

It turns out you, the bastard, brought them here. I will remember you!

Brother Changmin's heart trembled, he must have said too much!

If the wife of the vice-president is interested in her, will there be any good things for me in the future?

Is it possible that he really wants to kill her?

But once the action is taken, it is simply impossible to get a guy with this group of people.

Vice President Ding will definitely not let him go!

How can I get out of this predicament if I can't kill her, but I still feel resentment from her?

Brother Changmin stared at the fat woman without blinking, the look in his eyes alternated between fierce and weak, and he was hesitant in his heart.

But looking at her fat face, I didn't find it disgusting.

Although this woman is fat, her facial features are not bad. I think she was right when she said that she was a star when she was young.

As he watched, his mind came alive.

The fat woman was a little scared when she saw the cold light in Brother Changmin's eyes.

But being stared at by him for a long time made me feel a little uncomfortable.

She is almost twenty years younger than Ding Taiyou.

When he was young, Ding Taiyou went to great lengths to chase her.

But after he got his wife and became his wife, the novelty was gone.

In the past few years, in the name of socializing, he had spent every night living and drinking, leaving her alone at home.

If it weren't for Ding Taiyou, although he was playing wildly outside, he still trusted her the most.

Leave the financial power of the family to her for safekeeping and let her live the life of a rich wife that ordinary people cannot enjoy. She has divorced that dead old man long ago!

After so many years, there was now a strong, muscular man staring at her with unabashed aggression, which made her feel numb all over, and she was so embarrassed.

Brother Changmin suddenly stood up and said to Chen Xin'an: "Sir, I will bring you here tonight, Vice President Ding will not let me go.

So I must find a way to save myself!

She is Vice President Ding's wife and will definitely tell Vice President Ding about me.

I have to deal with her and prevent her from reporting on me!


Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at him and said, "You can do whatever you want, I don't care!

Do we need to make room?

Warning you, there is less than half an hour left, hurry up! "

Brother Changmin blushed, stared at the fat woman and said, "That's enough!"

Chen Xin'an laughed, winked at Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi, and the three of them left the bedroom together.

The moment the bedroom door closed, men's roars and women's screams came from inside.

Immediately afterwards there was the sound of clothes being torn into pieces, and the woman's screams, like those of a slaughtered pig.

The three of them were sitting on the sofa. The soundproofing effect of the bedroom door was average, and the howling of ghosts and wolves coming from inside could clearly be heard in the ears of the three of them.

Luo Xiaoman said helplessly: "This grandson is really a cruel person! Can such a fat pig be able to swallow him?"

Li Qi said with a smile: "Everyone likes radish and green vegetables. Maybe people like this overly plump type!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "It seems that Vice President Ding will wear this hat often in the future!"

Fifteen minutes later, the shouting in the room finally stopped.

Soon the bedroom door was opened, and Brother Changmin looked satisfied as he arranged his clothes and walked out.

"Wait a minute!" The fat woman wrapped in a bath towel chased to the door and stuffed a bag into Brother Changmin's hand.

Then he stood up on tiptoes and kissed him on the face, and said with a shy look: "There is my personal phone number in it, don't forget to call me!"

"Got it!" Brother Changmin said impatiently and walked out of the bedroom.

Seeing the three people sitting on the sofa, Brother Changmin blushed and sat down carefully next to him.

He took out the bag in his hand, put a piece of paper into his pocket, and several other ledgers, all of which were pushed in front of Chen Xin'an.

Brother Changmin whispered: "These things may be of some use to you guys!"

Chen Xin'an couldn't understand the ledger, but she knew that it must be something very important that could be placed in the safe in the bedroom!

Fat women are really cruel!

After spending fifteen minutes with Changmin, she sold her husband of more than 20 years!

Chen Xin'an said to him: "You are a bit lucky! You are actually a blessing in disguise!"

Brother Changmin knew what he was talking about and said with a blushing face: "Thanks to you guys for helping me! By the way, until now, I still don't know what to call you guys..."

Chen Xin'an narrowed her eyes and said to him: "There is no need to call me, and you don't need to know it. Believe me, if you know my name, you will be in more trouble!"

Chang Min's heart tightened and he quickly nodded in agreement.

He didn't think the other party was trying to make things up, after all, everyone was so strong, this group of people was by no means ordinary people.

Maybe they are some big thieves, and if they get involved, they might be in big trouble in the future!

The voice of Xiao Zhang, who was staying in the parking lot to observe, came from the headset system.

“A red BMW stopped, and the person inside pressed the elevator button on the 28th floor!

There were four more people in total, an old man in his sixties and three strong men, who should be his bodyguards. "

"Yeah!" Chen Xin'an responded and looked at the two people beside him.

All three of them knew that Ding Taiyou should be back!

Chen Xin'an winked at Li Qi, and Li Qi understood and put away the account books on the coffee table.

After a while, the doorbell rang outside.

The fat woman who had changed her clothes walked out of the bedroom, ran to open the door, and yelled at the people outside:

"You damn old thing! Why did you come back just now? Do you know that the whole family is going to be turned upside down?"

Ding Taiyou walked in with someone and said with a frown: "Why did you call me back in such a hurry? I'm accompanying an important guest. You... who are you?"

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