Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2721 No, it’s because the grade is not enough

From morning to night, the physical examination in the No. 1 Prison was finally completed.

The bus slowly drove away from the prison, and the doctors on the bus all leaned back in their chairs and took a nap.

The workload on this day was more than usual in a week, so it would be strange if I wasn't tired.

What’s depressing is that this kind of workload happens every week, every day!

This is one of the reasons why many doctors are reluctant to participate.

But it’s not all about giving, there will be a dinner party every night after work.

This is a special reward for the medical team. The standard is not low, and it can be reimbursed even if it does not exceed the limit!

"Captain Yin, where should we eat tonight? I'm hungry!" A female doctor rubbed her belly and asked Yin Hye Kyo with a smile.

As soon as this was mentioned, everyone became active.

Yin Hye Kyo turned her head, looked at Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe, and asked them: "What do Dr. Yanjun and Dr. Shi Gui want to eat?

How about we go to Chinatown for dinner tonight? "

The female doctor who just spoke curled her lips and said: "What delicious food is there in the restaurants in Chinatown? It's not as delicious as our local food.

Everyone says it tastes so good. I went there once and was completely disappointed!

Guess why, because all the restaurants in Chinatown don’t even have our Dongchao kimchi!

I can't figure it out. If a restaurant doesn't have kimchi, is it still called a restaurant?

If you don’t eat kimchi, is it still called eating?

Could it be that Chinese people can’t even afford kimchi? "

Everyone burst into laughter.

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to her: "I heard that in Guanbei, China, there is actually kimchi, and the cooking method is similar to Dongchao.

But it is only when poor families cannot afford fish that they use it as a side dish with meals.

Is there a possibility that the Chinese people think that this kind of kimchi is not of high quality at all, so they don’t sell it in restaurants? "

The people in the car were quiet for a while, all looking a little embarrassed.

The female doctor who just spoke was dissatisfied and shouted: "How is that possible! Dr. Yanjun, which country are you from? How can you speak for the Chinese people?

Let me tell you, Guanbei kimchi and our Dongchao kimchi are not the same thing at all!

That’s what they came up with because they wanted to imitate our Dongchao kimchi but didn’t know how to make it. It’s natural that it tastes bad!

Our Dongchao kimchi is even prepared in the capital at state banquets, how can it be compared with such inferior imitations! "

Everyone nodded, but some lacked confidence.

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at the female doctor and said, "Then how come I heard that Dongchao once had a program dedicated to investigating the origin of kimchi.

Later, officials admitted that it originated from Guanbei kimchi.

Even the cooking methods are exactly the same, and the history of Guanbei kimchi is nearly a thousand years earlier than Dongchao kimchi..."

"Doctor Yanjun!" The female doctor blushed and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Are you a Dongchao person? Why are you always speaking for Huaxia?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "I'm not speaking for anyone, I'm just seeking truth from facts!

A person's arrogance and self-promotion will only make others laugh.

We are doctors, and we respect facts and avoid self-deception, so that we can live up to our identity and responsibilities, right? "

"You..." The female doctor blushed and stared at Chen Xin'an fiercely, but she couldn't say a word.

Yin Hye Kyo quickly came out to smooth things over and asked Chen Xin'an, "Then let's go to Chinatown?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "I won't go, you can go wherever you like!"

Luo Qianhe also pointed to his throat and waved his hand, indicating that he wasn't going either.

"Ah?" There was obvious disappointment on Yin Huiqiao's face. She wanted to persuade Chen Xinan again, but seeing the expression on his face, she knew that he really would not participate, so she had no choice but to give up.

The female doctor had a happy face, glanced at Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe and said, "It's a good idea not to go. I don't even know which country I am from, and it would be uncomfortable to sit and eat with you!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and said with a smile: "If you go to a Huaxia restaurant, don't order kimchi.

People will laugh at you for not being able to eat pork!

Forget it, with your figure, you should eat more kimchi and less meat! "

"You..." The female doctor was so angry that she wanted to come over and beat this bastard.

The good mood was completely ruined and I lost my appetite for this dinner!

At the intersection, Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe got out of the car and took a taxi to Guangtian Hospital, so as not to delay everyone's play.

The two of them are now going to send the small bottle that Jin Enzai vomited out for examination to see what is inside.

In the Haichao Company employee restaurant, Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong were eating, and everyone around them stood up.

Xiao Zhang raised his head and stood up immediately when he saw Minister Cui walking over.

Minister Cui smiled slightly and asked him and Liu Minyong: "Are you full?"

Xiao Zhang, who had already put on the translator, nodded.

Minister Cui said: "Well, come with me, Vice President Ding is waiting for you! If you are not full, continue eating over there!"

Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong cleared the plates, and Minister Cui waved his hand and said: "Stop clearing it, let them pick it up!

Squad leader Cai, please make arrangements here. Guangxian and Minyong will be back very late tonight, so there is no need to wait for them! "

"Yes!" Tsai Chung-ki stood up and responded.

In the envious eyes of everyone, Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong turned around and followed Minister Cui.

"It seems that they are on a mission, and it is a high-level mission! It's really awesome!"

"Tsk, tsk, I've only been here a few days and I'm already assigned a big mission. The mute is really lucky!"

"Good luck? You can say such nonsense? If you were as hardworking as the mute, you could also accomplish big tasks!"

Everyone fell silent.

This is a fact. If everyone were like the mute, with good driving skills and the courage to risk their lives. The most important thing is that they still have the brains to risk their lives without losing their lives and keep their goods. Then a good thing would have happened to them long ago!

But now even Cai Zhongji has to admit that he doesn't have the skills of a mute, let alone the risk-taking skills of a mute!

Therefore, the importance that people receive from the superiors is all earned by their own efforts, and it has nothing to do with being lucky.

Originally, the leaders did not need to eat in the restaurant. After all, there was a meal every night. Even if they went home to eat, it would be better than the food in the employee restaurant.

But there is still a leadership box prepared here, just in case.

It's rarely used in normal times, but it was occupied tonight.

The food here is of course different from the food outside, much richer.

Most of the people sitting there were company leaders, and there were a few people I didn't know.

Sitting next to Vice President Ding was a man in his early thirties, who looked gentle, wearing glasses and serious in speech.

Seeing Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong come in, Vice President Ding said to the man with glasses: "It's them!"

The man with glasses looked at Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong, and said calmly: "Are you brothers Liu Guangxian and Liu Minyong?

Please do me a favor tonight and send a truckload of goods to the beach. This is your overtime pay.

If the goods are delivered, I will reward twice as much as credit to this card!

From now on, you will carry this card with you. Every time you have a task, I will put overtime pay in the card! "

As he spoke, he took out a card.

Someone next to him took it, turned around, walked to Xiao Zhang, and handed it to him.

Xiao Zhang did not answer the card, but turned his head and glanced at Liu Minyong.

"Such a leader!" Liu Minyong quickly said to the man with glasses according to the words Xiao Zhang had taught him before:

"We are drivers of Haichao Company, so we only accept tasks sent by the company!

If you don’t accept outside work, it won’t matter how much money you give.


Ding Taiyou immediately said to him: "Idiot, this is...this is the mission the company has given you!"

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