Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2723 The driver taking photos with his face

In the company's monitoring room, the real-time monitoring of the car has started to operate, and the picture appears on the monitoring screen.

Seeing Liu Minyong shake his head a few times and fall down on the passenger seat, everyone looked at each other.

Minister Cui slapped the table and cursed: "What is he doing? Didn't he do a blood test just now?"

One person said with an aggrieved look: "I did it indeed, his alcohol content is 0!"

Minister Cui cursed angrily: "Why is he so virtuous when he is not drunk? He was like this when he set off. If danger arises and the driver needs to be changed temporarily, how can he change the driver like this?"

"Water!" Ding Taiyou sat on the chair and said with a sullen face: "Liu Guangxian gave him a bottle of water just now, and after drinking it, he became like this!"

Minister Cui widened his eyes, looked at Ding Taiyou in disbelief and asked, "You mean, Liu Guangxian drugged the water and confused his cousin?"

Ding Taiyou didn't speak, but this should be the situation now!


Minister Cui punched the table and said coldly: "I knew something was wrong with this guy!

Working so hard is just to gain our trust quickly.

His ultimate goal is for our batch of goods!

It seems that Liu Minyong is not on the same path as him, or the two of them did not discuss it well, so he defeated his cousin in advance!

I'll ask someone to stop them now and bring them back!

If they dare to resist, I don’t mind sending them directly to see God! "

"Don't be impulsive!" Ding Taiyou waved his hand and said to him: "We don't know his purpose yet, let's take a look first!

It's too late. If we don't take action, the authorities will come looking for us!

If he was just for delivering goods and we wronged him, it would be difficult to find a driver with this skill and we would not have time! "

Minister Cui opened his mouth, unable to say anything.

Indeed, it is just speculation now, and the real situation may not be what you see with your eyes.

After all, there is no sound from the surveillance camera in the car, so you can't hear the people talking over there.

It may also be that Liu Minyong is not feeling well and needs to sleep for a while. If something really happens later, he will wake up.

Anyway, there is an accompanying car. If you really see something wrong, just ask the people in the car to take action.

Looking at Liu Minyong who was already asleep next to him, Xiao Zhang had no expression on his face. He just set the navigation and increased the accelerator.

Eight o'clock in the evening is the time when the Dongchao police get off work, so there are no traffic police on duty on the road, and no police are following behind.

But that doesn't mean it's safe now.

The source of this batch of goods recently sent by Dongchao Company is very unauthentic.

Therefore, it is not only the police who are eyeing this batch of goods, but also people on Dongchao Road.

When they were drinking with Cai Zhongji and others, the drivers also said that Dongchao grabbed some goods and put them in his warehouse.

These goods are not just the one delivered last time, there are many more, and few people know where they are hidden.

Moreover, one of the people who was robbed was the big brother on Dongchao Road.

Because the relationship with the Wen family has always been tense, the Wen family made a plan and robbed the other party's goods, and even sent the eldest brother to prison!

It's just that the Wen family played this game very cleverly, so that the other party couldn't catch it.

Even if the Wen family was suspected, they would not dare to take action directly.

The boss on the road did not dare to take action against the chaebol.

Because once a behemoth like a chaebol is offended, they will never be able to get rid of it for the rest of their lives, unless the entire chaebol falls.

Therefore, the boss's men keep an eye on Dongchao Company all day long, and rob the company whenever it delivers goods, with the purpose of finding their own goods.

If you are blocked by these people and the truck happens to be carrying their goods, it will be a disaster.

Not only would the goods be snatched away, but the driver would also be tortured to the point of death.

The driver is asked to admit that the goods were delivered from Haichao Company, so that he can legitimately go to the Wen family for compensation!

If one person's confession is not enough, then arrest a few more drivers and force them to confess, then the authorities will believe it.

These people will do anything to get drivers to talk.

Several drivers were beaten to death in this way!

Therefore, Haichao Company now offers drivers a very high salary. There are many applicants and reserve drivers, but there are not many people who can do this kind of task.

If Liu Guangxian and Liu Minyong can pass smoothly this time, they will become drivers specializing in delivering these goods in the future.

By then, their status in the company will also rise. Even if they are not squad leaders, their treatment will be much better than Cai Zhongji!

The premise is that they can successfully complete the mission. Even if they fail, they can grit their teeth and keep the secret until they come back alive!

"4458, be careful, a car is coming!" a warning sounded from the intercom.

That was a notification from the accompanying vehicle.

In fact, Xiao Zhang had noticed it a long time ago, but the other party was testing and did not get closer. Xiao Zhang allowed it to follow and did not respond.

A black car was overtaking, and when the co-pilot passed by Xiao Zhang, a person stuck out from the co-pilot's seat, clicked on his cell phone, and took a picture of Xiao Zhang!

A flash of light flashed by, Xiao Zhang just turned his head slightly, and the car didn't move at all.

Then the car stepped on the accelerator and drove past, and soon the taillights were no longer visible.

Everything calmed down, and there was no sound on the intercom. It seemed that the only car being followed was that one.

About ten minutes later, another warning came from the accompanying vehicle on the intercom: "Be careful, another car is coming, a motorcycle team!"

Several headlights came on behind him.

The two accompanying vehicles wanted to come to the side of the container truck and use their own vehicles to block the approach of the other team.

Just with the roar of motorcycles, several motorcycles accelerated forward, crossed in, and used their bodies to block the two accompanying vehicles.

Two more motorcycles came from behind and kept approaching the container truck.

There were two people in each vehicle, one driving the car and the person behind holding a metal grappling hook in both hands.

After approaching the container truck, the people behind will look for opportunities to jump over, use the grappling hooks in their hands to grab the container truck, and then climb to the roof of the container truck.

They will want to force open the door, or directly tear a hole in the roof and sneak into the container.

After checking the goods, if it belongs to them, control the driver and steal it directly.

If not, then go back the way you came and leave without wasting time.

They have done this kind of thing many times.

Last time, because it was during the day and the police were watching, we couldn't do this and had to stop.

It's different now. The police are off duty and no one cares about what they do. They can use the simplest and most effective way to identify targets.

Of course, there is an easier way, which is to directly control the driver and force him to stop.

But they have given up this method now, which means that the car just took a picture, allowing the other party to recognize that the driver was the same person from last time.

The other party also understands that this guy is a desperado, and he will definitely not accept threats easily.

It's better not to waste that time. It would be easier to send people directly to the container truck.

But at this moment, Xiao Zhang suddenly turned the steering wheel, causing the car to swerve left and right.

With two bangs and sparks flying one after another, the two motorcycles were knocked out!

The two motorcycles suddenly lost control and fell to the ground. They kept sliding forward on the road, making harsh friction sounds and sparks along the way. They knocked over several other motorcycles nearby, and a group of people screamed and rolled on the road!

Several people in the accompanying car were also stunned.

Originally, the other party didn't block the car in a face-to-face manner, but to his surprise, the driver on his side actually attacked first!

This time, it is impossible for the other party to be so gentle. They will not give up until they stop this container truck!

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