Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2743: A ruthless, silent mute

Usually in the company, the security department can be said to be a superior department.

They report directly to the company's management and are given the privilege of overseeing the entire company.

Therefore, they have always been arrogant and rude, and do not pay attention to people in other departments.

Especially the transportation class, because their wages are generally higher than theirs, so they have always been jealous.

Cai Zhongji said with a smile: "Monitor Bian, we have already said hello to the office, and Minister Cui allows our transportation class to get together!"

Monitor Bian snorted coldly and said with disdain: "Don't scare me with Minister Cui!

The company system is designated by the president, and no one is exempt!

Our security department has the right to maintain the company's system.

If you don't listen, don't blame me for being rude! "

Liu Minyong stood up, staggered to the monitor's side, put his arm on his shoulder and said vaguely:

"Monitor Bian, right?

Give me some face, we'll be over soon.

I’m having fun tonight, so I’ve been playing for a long time. Why don’t you guys sit down and join us? "


A slap hit Liu Minyong's face.

Liu Minyong covered his face and looked at him in astonishment and asked, "Why did you hit me?"

Monitor Bian said coldly: "Who the hell do you think you are?

who are you?

Do I know you?

Do I give you face? You have such a shameless face! "

Liu Minyong felt a little unable to get off the stage. He glared at the squad leader and shouted: "For the sake of the company, I was beaten by you without saying anything, but you actually..."

Monitor Bian kicked Liu Minyong in the stomach again and cursed with disdain in his eyes:

"Why should you be a waste like this?

You just escaped death by falling asleep!

If you were really sober, you would have betrayed the company long ago!

Don't think I can't see it, you are such a coward!

That one is mute, one cannot speak, and the other wants to say but doesn't know what to say.

I let you all get away with it like this, but if I fight for a little longer, you will all be attacked!

You just got lucky and deceived the president and vice-president. Do you really think of yourself as a hero?

With your virtues, are you worthy of being a hero? "

Liu Minyong's face turned red, he glared at the squad leader and shouted, "You are talking nonsense!"

A group of security guards looked at him with disdain, all curling their lips.

"You are so virtuous, but you still think you are a hero? Are you worthy?"

"Two newcomers are asking for face from us, hahaha. Why don't we ask your squad leader if you dare to talk like that! Whose face does our security department need to see?"

"It's just a play with the company, but you really think of yourself as the protagonist? These stinky drivers still don't understand who is the boss in the company!"

People in the transportation class were often bullied by these security guards, and they didn't dare to say anything. They just lowered their heads and looked like they dared to be angry but dared not speak.

However, Liu Minyong was so embarrassed that he couldn't get off the stage. In anger, he grabbed the monitor's collar and cursed at him:

"You're talking nonsense here! I didn't lie to the president..."

He had drunk too much and couldn't stand firmly. How could he attack anyone?

Monitor Bian just turned slightly to avoid him, then kicked him on the back, knocking him to the ground!

"How dare you attack me?

Cai Zhongji, I find that the people in your transportation class are really becoming less and less ignorant of the rules?

A newcomer who has only been here a few days dares to touch me. Is the security department so ignored now?

I stand here and let you beat me. Do you dare to touch me?

Do you know what happens if you hit a security guard in a company? "

Cai Zhongji looked gloomy and shouted to Liu Minyong: "Minyong, you are drunk! Ayu, send Minyong to rest!"

"Did I let you go?" Monitor Bian squinted at everyone and said, "Aren't you dissatisfied?

Come on, let me see what you want to do?

If you still want to attack me, let me see which of you dares! "


A wine bottle bloomed on the monitor's head!

Xiao Zhang had already stood up and walked in front of Monitor Bian, holding an empty wine bottle in his hand. Before Monitor Bian could react, he swung it with his arm again!

With a crisp sound, another wine bottle exploded on the monitor's head.

Monitor Bian screamed and took two steps back.

Xiao Zhang grabbed two more empty wine bottles from the ground and strode towards the squad leader.

At this moment, blood was already flowing from the monitor's forehead. He looked at Xiao Zhang in disbelief and shouted: "You dare to hit me? You are so damn..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Zhang jumped up and smashed another wine bottle on his head!

The squad leader, who had a bloody head and a bloody head, howled loudly: "What are you doing? Stop him quickly!"

The surrounding security guards rushed forward, but at this moment, Xiao Zhang took half of the wine bottle in his hand and stabbed it into the stomach of the security guard at the front!

Everyone around was stunned and looked at this guy named Liu Guangxian in disbelief.

He really dared to take action!

Are you going to beat monitor Bian to death?

For a moment, no one dared to move forward, and Xiao Zhang also hit the squad leader on the head with the wine bottle in his hand!

"I'll fight you!" The side monitor's face was covered in blood, and he felt like he would be beaten to death if he didn't fight back.

He gritted his teeth and rushed over, hugging Xiao Zhang.

Then, he turned his head and shouted to his men: "I have hugged him, why are you still standing there? Give me a hard beating!"

Everyone in the security department shouted and wanted to rush forward. Cai Zhongji gritted his teeth and said loudly in front of everyone:

"Which of you dares to touch him?

You have also seen the attitude of the president and leaders towards the mute today.

Moreover, the mobile phones of Dumb and Minyong were also handed over.

The company gave the two of them two days of leave to recuperate.

You are all old employees and know what this means!

The people in your security department are awesome and don’t fear anyone.

But if you delay the company's normal plan, I don't need to tell you how the superiors will punish you, right? "

A group of security guards were all stunned.

Liu Minyong's hero has quality, but his performance as a mute is obvious to all.

And even a blind person can see that the president is very satisfied with the mute!

The Security Department does not need to look at the face of any department, but it does not dare to offend the president.

The mute is now a popular person in front of the president. According to his current situation, the president wants him to take on a big mission, and it is very likely that it will be within the next few days.

If you really offend the president's celebrity, or even affect the company's plans, the consequences will definitely be disastrous!

A group of security guards were all wary and did not dare to step forward. They could only watch the squad leader and the mute hug each other.

Fortunately, the squad leader is strong and not an ordinary person.

Although he suffered a loss in the first move, with his strength, it is not impossible to make a comeback and defeat the mute, right?

I never expected that things would develop beyond all expectations

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