Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2761 I won't borrow my friend's life to escape

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The bullets hit the car body, making a crackling sound. I didn't expect that the car was bulletproof.

But despite this, under the siege of five or six gunmen, the car was also hit with sparks and pits.

Chen Xinan, who had parked on the side of the road and had not left yet, also saw the appearance of the person in the car at this time. It turned out to be the person he was looking for, Jin Enzai!

The bulletproof car turned around and began to rush to the road, but before it accelerated, a large number of cars appeared in front of it, completely blocking its way!

This is a planned killing game!

Jin Enzai probably didn't expect that he was ambushed right at his doorstep!

Even a bulletproof car can't withstand the attack of so many bullets. With a click, the front windshield cracked!

At this moment, more gunmen jumped out of the cars that came to block, and all surrounded Jin Enzai's bulletproof car!

"Hey! Ah Huan!" A voice suddenly sounded beside Ah Huan who was shooting with his gun. He subconsciously stopped shooting and turned his head to look.

The man who was sitting in the passenger seat of the Thunder Horse Car just now stood beside him silently.

Ah Huan gritted his teeth and cursed: "Are you fucking sick? What are you doing here!

Can you call my name?

I told you to get out, but you didn't. You want to die, right?

I'll fulfill your wish now!"

He raised his arm and aimed the pistol at the other's head.

But the next second, he felt a sharp pain in his right hand, and when he reacted, the gun was already in the other's hand!

Then the other knee hit him hard in the lower abdomen!

Ah Huan's face turned pale in an instant, his body arched up like a shrimp, and he fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth.

"What are you doing!" Yu He, who was not far away, saw this scene and shouted and raised his gun.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and a steel needle pierced his right wrist, instantly making his right hand powerless!

A figure flashed in front of him, and Chen Xin'an had already arrived in front of him.

Before he could react, the other party held down his gun with one hand.

With a crisp sound of "click", his wrist was broken, and the gun was in the other party's hand!

"Ah!" Yuhe screamed loudly, but was hit on the Adam's apple by Chen Xin'an's gun handle!

His eyes almost bulged out, his hands covered his throat, and he fell on his back.

Chen Xin'an took two guns and quickly searched for the magazine from Yuhe.

After changing, he came to the thunder carriage, threw a gun in through the window, opened the door, and sat in the co-pilot seat.


The door was closed, Li Qi held the steering wheel with his right hand, and held the pistol that Chen Xin'an had just thrown in his left hand. He stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed out with a roar!

The gunman in front was knocked away by the thunder carriage before he could react. The gunman next to him turned around and raised his gun to the thunder carriage!

But their guns had not yet fired, but bullets had already been fired in the car!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, one with the right hand and the other with the left hand, repeatedly pulled the trigger at the surrounding gunmen!

Four or five gunmen were knocked to the ground before they could react!

The rest of the people screamed loudly and dodged to find cover.

The bulletproof car, which was originally suppressed by the gunmen and was in a mess, now got a chance to breathe!

Jin Enzai, who was sitting in the car, just felt that the car in front was a little familiar. After a closer look, it turned out to be the Thunder Horse Cart he sent out.

And the two warriors in the car who appeared in time and turned the tide were Dr. Yanjun and his brother!

"Hahaha! Good fight!" Jin Enzai laughed loudly, sweeping away the haze of being ambushed just now!

He shouted to the driver: "Call the brothers immediately and come to Jindu Building! Damn, you dare to ambush me, I will make sure you never come back tonight!" The driver held the steering wheel and said to Jin Enzai hesitantly: "Boss, let's take this opportunity to go upstairs first! With them attracting firepower, we will be safe when we return home!" The boss's house is decorated like a bank vault. Even if the enemy is bombarding with a rocket launcher outside, it will take a long time to break the door! Jin Enzai frowned and cursed: "Let me, Jin Enzai, escape with my friend's life? I have never been so cowardly in my life! You call and give me the weapon. I want to fight side by side with them!" The driver knew what kind of temper his boss had. He wiped the blood from his wrist, took out a pistol from his waist and handed it to Jin Enzai, and then took out a mobile phone from his pocket. Looking at the driver's bloody right hand, Jin Enzai said to him: "Sangmin, you blocked the knife for me tonight, I Jin Enzai remember it! Don't worry, I won't treat you badly!" The driver said in a deep voice: "It is my responsibility to protect the boss! It was my carelessness that put the boss in danger! The boss's mobile phone was lost, otherwise the brothers' support would have come long ago!" Jin Enzai snorted coldly and said with a straight face: "How can a mere mobile phone be compared with your injury! What happened tonight has nothing to do with you, it is a carefully planned game by Xinghai's people! But don't worry, I Jin Enzai am not a person who swallows anger! Others want my life and hurt my brother. Even if he is a member of the Wen family, I will make him pay the price!" Shangmin nodded vigorously, dialed the phone, and then stepped on the accelerator and rushed out!

While he was talking on the phone, Kim Eun-jae also lowered the car window, took a pistol and started to fight back at the gunmen outside!

Two cars and three guns were in the parking lot in front of the building and on the road, shooting while circling.

The gunmen who were in a suppressed state just now were beaten to the point of running away in an instant!

It was originally a battle of trying to catch a turtle in a jar, but because of the intrusion of Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, the situation was reversed!

Intense trumpets sounded in the distance, and Jin Enzai's reinforcements had arrived.

He knew that once the other party got close, his group would be surrounded.

When the time comes to attack from inside and outside, the possibility of saving one's life is almost zero!

The leader was not willing to fight, and shouted loudly to the group of men in suits: "Retreat!"

A group of gunmen fled in panic and got into the car one after another. With the slamming of the door and the roar of the engine, the cars started up and ran away in panic!

When Jin Eun-jae's reinforcements arrived, only seven or eight injured men in suits were left in front of the building, and the remaining gunmen had already escaped!

"Boss!" The car stopped, and a group of people got out of the car with murderous intent. They stood respectfully next to the bulletproof car and bowed.

Jin Enzai got out of the car, just nodded to everyone, and then walked quickly to the thunder carriage, hugged Chen Xin'an who had just got off the car, and burst into laughter!

"Friend! You saved my life again! I won't say those words of thanks! I know what you want me to do when you come to me tonight, please just tell me!"

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at him and said, "Don't worry! You deal with things here first, and then we find a quiet place to talk!"

"Okay, let's go upstairs and talk!" He turned around and said to the driver:

"Shangmin, I'll leave the matter here to you. You can go to the hospital later and bandage your wounds! Zaizhong, bring a few brothers up with me and arrange for someone to be on duty all night tonight!"

"Yes, boss!" Everyone responded in unison.

Jin Enzai turned around and said to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi with a smile: "Let's go home and talk!"

His home is at No. 3, Building B, on the 22nd floor. The door alone looks quite impressive.

Opening the fingerprint password, Jin Enzai invited Chen Xinyin and Li Qi to go in, but several of his subordinates stayed outside.

The living room is large and luxuriously decorated.

However, this is not attractive to Chen Xin'an. After all, his own home is comparable to a palace.

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