Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2815 Only following them is safe


It was already dawn, and everyone was exhausted after working hard all night.

I don’t know when the big melee stopped.

The threshing floor and the road out of the village were filled with casualties. There were constant wailings and the smell of blood was astounding.

The remaining people gathered together, dejected and exhausted.

There is no winner in this battle, everyone has their own losses, and after not sleeping all night, they are now mentally exhausted to the extreme.

But I still can't rest now because the cargo has not been found yet!

Those policemen were missing, they must have gone looking for goods.

If they were allowed to find the truck in advance, no one would be able to make the wrong decision.

No one from the various forces who have been exposed has the guts to snatch goods from the official hands!

Park Zhenmin threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and shouted to everyone around him: "Let's go, get in the car!"

One of the boys rubbed his eyes and asked, "Boss, are you back?"

Park Zhenmin kicked him angrily and cursed: "What good are you thinking about? Keep looking forward, we must find that car today."

Don’t forget what the boss told you! "

Everyone was listless and sighing.

Park Zhenmin cursed: "Cheer up! If we can't find that truck today, let's not go back!"

Although the boys were full of complaints, they also knew that disobeying orders would never bring good results, so they could only cheer up one by one and follow Park Zhenmin into the car.

As soon as they left, people from other factions also got on the bus.

He has already called his boss. Someone will be sent over there. The corpses and wounded on the ground will have to be taken away. They cannot be left to fend for themselves here.

Li Qi drove the car, while Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman were still sitting in the back.

There was water and food in the car when we arrived, and I was full just now.

Although I haven't slept all night, I feel much better than those who haven't eaten or drank.

Kong Zhenjing and the anti-smuggling team originally followed, but they separated after they reached a fork in the road.

Kong Zhenjing was afraid that if he really found the truck and the driver, he would have a conflict with Chen Xin'an and the others, so he left quietly.

Chen Xin'an saw it, but didn't stop him.

He didn't want to completely fall out with these policemen. Even if they weren't friends, they couldn't become enemies.

The phone suddenly rang. Chen Xin'an took it out and saw that it was Wang Jixing calling.

"Mr. Chen, we found a person!" Wang Jixing's voice was very low. It seemed that he was calling Kong Zhenjing behind his back.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked him, "Found someone? Who is he?"

Wang Jixing whispered: "He claimed to be a delivery driver, named Liu Minyong.

Said another driver knocked him unconscious and dumped him outside the village.

He didn't know anything, he just begged us to take him back to Guangtian City! "

Liu Minyong was found!

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, and then reacted immediately.

Lao Xiao did something very smart and eliminated his foul-mouthed partner directly!

Chen Xin'an responded in a deep voice: "Tell me your current location and I will be there right away!"

Wang Jixing sent the location, and then the two hung up the phone.

Soon, Li Qi turned around in his car and met Kong Zhenjing and the others again.

Seeing Chen Xin'an get out of the car, Kong Zhenjing glared at Wang Jixing fiercely, and seemed to know that he had tipped off the news.

Wang Jixing lowered his head and did not dare to speak, as if he was ready to be beaten and punished, but he quietly winked at Chen Xin'an.

"Mr. Chen, save me!" When Liu Minyong saw Chen Xin'an, he ran over desperately as if he was seeing a savior.

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and was startled.

Why does this guy look like a homeless man? His clothes are in rags, dirty, covered in mud, and smelly. You really can’t recognize him unless you look closely!

Luo Xiaoman covered his nose and laughed and cursed: "Old Liu, how did you become such a virtuous person?"

Liu Minyong said with an aggrieved look: "Wasn't it done by Mr. Xiao... Mr. Xiao?

He didn't know which nerve was connected wrongly, and he suddenly knocked me out.

He also threw me out of the car and made me sleep in the wilderness all night! "

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and cursed: "You think we are blind! What kind of wilderness is this? There is a village just two steps ahead. Don't you know how to stay overnight?"

"How dare I!" Liu Minyong almost cried, pointing his arm and saying to everyone:

“The village entrance was full of people, and they surrounded us all night, and they even got into a fight!

This morning, people were coming and going all the time. If I was caught, wouldn’t I be beaten to death by them?

I hid in the pond below and soaked, not daring to come out.

If the police officer hadn't poured water on my head and almost poured it on my head, I would have planned to soak for a whole day and then come up again after they left! "

Ping Hengjun blushed and scolded him: "What are you saying, I was almost scared to death by you!

Just by peeing, someone can be flushed out of the pond, making my pants wet! "

Everyone was left speechless.

Liu Minyong stood next to Chen Xin'an and begged: "Mr. Chen, take me back quickly..."

"You can't go with him, we still have some things to ask clearly!" Kong Zhenjing said to Liu Minyong with a straight face.

Liu Minyong said anxiously: "Officer, I just told you everything I can tell you.

I don’t know, no matter how many times you ask me, I can’t tell you!

I really don’t know where that truck is now! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said, "Old Liu, you really can't come with us!

I think Moon Jae-hoon is looking for you everywhere now.

The safest place is with Officer Kong and the others.

And you have to stay at the police station for these two days.

We will not go back until we find Lao Xiao.

The only ones who can protect you are the police! "

Liu Minyong opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say.

Chen Xin'an said to Kong Zhenjing: "Officer Kong, send someone to send Lao Liu back, and let him stay in your team for a few days.

After this matter subsides, let him come out again. Can you help me with this? "

Kong Zhenjing glanced at Chen Xin'an and said, "Do you believe me? For this person, Moon Jae-hoon will definitely use all his connections in the Guangtian police system.

Aren't you afraid that I won't be able to withstand the pressure and will turn around and sell him? "

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at him and said, "You are not a good person, but you are definitely a good policeman! I believe you!"

Kong Zhenjing rolled his eyes angrily, is this really a compliment to me?

But there is no way, I can't beat him again and again, it's not a compliment or a curse, just take it as a good word!

He nodded angrily.

Chen Xin'an turned to Liu Minyong and said, "What time did Lao Xiao separate from you?"

Liu Minyong thought for a while and said, "About three o'clock.

I saw it was around 3:20 when he smashed the Patek Philippe that Mr. Moon... Moon Jae-hun gave him.

Then he blindsided me. My head is still swollen and it hurts like hell! "

Chen Xin'an looked at the time, it was 7:30 in the morning.

In other words, Lao Xiao has been walking for four hours.

According to the original plan, he had arrived at Zeshen Port by now.

But he definitely won't go there, so where can he drive the car in these four hours?

Kong Zhenjing's cell phone rang, and he immediately took it out.

After taking a look at the caller ID above, Kong Zhenjing glanced at Chen Xin'an carefully, turned around and walked aside to answer the phone.

"Old Chen..." Luo Xiaoman wanted to talk to Chen Xin'an, but saw him raising his arms to signal everyone to be silent.

After a while, Kong Zhenjing came back with his mobile phone and said to everyone: "Xiandong, Agui, you two send him back to the team, the others follow me!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a smile and said, "Officer Kong, since we have found the wheel marks, let's go and have a look together!"

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