Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2839 We found his location


A person at the bottom of society has experienced all kinds of contempt and humiliation.

Suddenly one day he suddenly becomes rich and powerful, and he will become arrogant and arrogant.

It's obvious that Liu Minyong is like this now.

It is impossible to listen to other people's persuasion.

Chen Xin'an didn't say any more. He was not a person who meant anything sincerely.

The two bottles of wine were almost finished. Liu Minyong wanted to get more wine, but was stopped.

We have to go to a nightclub later, so there's no need to drink too much now.

When Chen Xin'an's phone rang, he got up and walked to the balcony to answer it.

Yan Chunhua called, and now Chen Xin'an already knows where she is hiding, which is over the college area.

"Mr. Chen, I found out the whereabouts of the hermit!" Yan Chunhua said, "He is in Chaojing Yaohan Group!"

Chen Xin'an was shocked, nodded and said: "I knew he had been bluffing and spreading false news, and it turned out to be true!

He has never left Chaojing!

There should be something more important over there, and it happened during this time, right? "

"Yes!" Yan Chunhua responded: "Yaohan Group recently made a large-scale purchase and purchased a large amount of standard equipment from Murphy Theater.

These items were sold by the Eagle Flag Nation to Murphy War Zone through regular channels, and then resold to Dongchao at low prices.

The person in charge is the Hermit, and the disguised recipient is the Yaohan Group! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, snorted and cursed: "This old fellow, the hermit, simply hanged himself because he thought he had a long life?

How dare you resell these things? But why not do it in Japan? The policies there are relatively loose. "

Yan Chunhua said: “Although Japan is loose on guns, it is very strict on smuggling.

Such sensitive goods are too prone to accidents, so it would be safer to put them in Dongchao. "

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized it and said with a hum, "Okay, I'll find a chance to find that old Yinbi. It will be easier if I know where his turtle nest is!"

Yan Chunhua said anxiously: "Mr. Chen, this is not the point.

What we are most worried about is what kind of trouble those goods will cause if they are shipped to Dongchao! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Why are you worrying so much about this? Do you really think of this place as your home?

Whether people are willing to buy or sell, it's none of our business, just let it be chaotic, the more chaotic, the better! "

Yan Chunhua sighed and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, have you forgotten where our black goods from China come from?"

Chen Xin'an's expression changed, and she lowered her voice and asked, "Sister Hua, do you mean that these things are all sold to China?"

"Yes!" Yan Chunhua responded and said to Chen Xin'an: "After Li Guangmin, chairman of Yaohan Group, took office, the most important thing he did was to open up Dongchao's smuggling channel to China.

And it’s a black gun line! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "At least they can't get in from Dongshan!"

Yan Chunhua sighed and said: "They don't go to Dongshan, they go to the outer port. Then through the current preferential trade policies between the outer port and the inland, they bring in illegal goods.

Mr. Chen, imagine what impact these things would have if they flowed into our country? "

"These bastards!" Chen Xinan gritted his teeth and cursed, with a gloomy face.

He took a deep breath and asked Yan Chunhua: "Sister Hua, how did you arrange it?"

Yan Chunhua made no secret and said to Chen Xin'an: "It is absolutely impossible for Yaohan Group to accept these goods.

We're going to let it sink directly to the bottom of the ocean!

We will go to sea to intercept them the day after tomorrow, but we are not sure whether the Hermit will personally go to sea to greet them.

The information we have received now is that there are not only black goods on this ship, but also white goods.

The Hermit wants to make Yaohan Group the largest smuggling company in Asia.

So a lot of effort and money was invested in this one.

I want to open up smuggling channels in several surrounding countries in one go.

Therefore, he attaches great importance to the ship and will send people to meet the escort.

We are short of manpower and would like to ask Mr. Chen for help! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely intervene in this matter.

Regardless of whether Lao Yinbi goes there in person, I will go to sea with you.

But if we want to intercept, we have to go a little further and go to the high seas.

Otherwise, we have to deal with Yaohan's escort ship first, which will be very troublesome! "

Yan Chunhua said excitedly: "With Mr. Chen's help, this matter can be done!

Don’t worry, we can find the exact information about the other party’s ship, but it requires official approval to go out on the high seas, which is difficult to obtain!

Once the officials are alerted, I am afraid they will alert others..."

"Don't worry about this, I'll take care of it and prepare the boat." Chen Xin'an said to her, "Just set the departure time and I'll tell you the meeting point then!"

Yan Chunhua breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Xin'an: "Okay! Mr. Chen, whether this matter is successful or not, I will report it to Longya Headquarters and give you credit!"

"Sister Hua, you know I don't care about that! My request is very simple, be careful, and you and your people will live. Let's go together and come back together!"

"Okay!" Yan Chunhua responded and hung up the phone.

Back in the room, everyone had already started to pack up and prepare to go to the nightclub to fight again.

Chen Xin'an didn't object. Now that he knew the hermit's current whereabouts, he didn't need to be as cautious as before.

It seems that the hermit is not an accomplished outsider, and the main purpose of coming to Dongchao is not to seek revenge against Chen Xin'an.

People are here to do business and make money, and to resolve their personal grudges.

From the beginning to the end, this expert did not regard Chen Xin'an as a despicable person who was not worthy of his full efforts to deal with her.

Chen Xin'an was not angry, but instead sneered in her heart.

The less you pay attention to it, the more painful it will be and the more serious the injury will be!

By the time you react, you are already scarred and you are powerless to take revenge!

The three cars set off towards Yinchuan Road.

The two girls were the most excited in the car, chattering and laughing non-stop.

They were originally at a playful age, but they were so suffocated some time ago that they finally came out to relax. It would be strange to be unhappy.

When they arrived at the gate of NB3, everyone got out of the car. Liu Minyong, who was drunk, put his arm on Jin Enzai's shoulder, smiled at him and said:

"Lao Jin, the gatekeeper, you are quite capable, you are awesome! Are you still making a lot of money in one day?

You kid is so mean that you don’t even invite old friends like us over when you open your business!

What, you look down on us? Do you think we are embarrassed? "

The younger brother who was following him had a straight face and wanted to pull him away. Jin Enzai waved his hand and said to Liu Minyong:

"It's just a trial opening, not officially opened yet. When that day comes, I'll definitely invite you over!"

Liu Minyong punched him in the chest and said with a smile: "That's interesting! You have a great place, you can make money in everything you do!

In the future, I will persuade my sister to invest and open a nightclub here, just like yours!

If we have money, let's make money together and let people from Guangtian City come to our place to play at night without going anywhere. What do you think? "

Jin Enzai looked at him with squinted eyes, put on a smile and said, "Okay! I'll listen to you!"

While they were talking, everyone had already entered the door, and there were quite a few people inside.

Although it is a trial opening, its popularity has already exploded.

Amidst the loud music, the men and women on the dance floor were all swaying and screaming with excitement from time to time.

Yi Lian'er and Shen Youzhen were both frequent visitors to such scenes, and they rushed over with excited screams.

Jin Enzai pointed to the top and said to Chen Xin'an: "I left a booth on the second floor, let's go up and play!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Someone behind him shouted loudly: "Brother Minyong!"

A group of yellow-haired and red-haired men swaggered toward Liu Minyong, holding cigarettes in their mouths.

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