Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2847 I know you by name


The sharp sword light intertwined into a spider web, covering Chen Xin'an's whole body.

As long as the reaction is just a little slower, it may leave a deep wound on the body, or even directly lose one's life.

There were several times when both swordsmen felt that the other was doomed and there was no way to avoid their attacks.

But always at the most critical moment, I don't know what method the opponent used, and I narrowly avoided it.

However, with the continuous cooperation between the two of them, this opponent also had a hard time. They were forced by them tightly and retreated to the railing. They almost couldn't hold on anymore!


A swordsman suddenly raised the knife, pointed the blade upward, and cut Chen Xin'an's right arm under the armpit.

Chen Xin'an screamed strangely: "You are Yida-ryu people!"

With a bang, his armpit clothes were cut. As for whether he was injured, the two knifemen could not see clearly.

Just seeing the shocked look on his opponent's face, he looked at each other with a sneer on his face.

"Not bad, you can actually recognize our origins from our sword skills!

It seems that you have seen our one-sword style sword skills before!

Tell me your origins and I will spare your life! "

"Fujita-kun, you can't let this person go..." The companion on the side frowned and whispered to him.

Fujita glanced at him and said calmly: "Tanaka-kun, calm down, I know what to do!"

This idiot's intestines are really straight!

If I didn't say that, would that guy tell us the truth?

We can also save a lot of energy by using the name of Yi Dao Ryu to scare him and stabilize him!

Chen Xin'an looked around, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately there are only two of you, the others are not experts!

We will reach Dongchao soon, and there is no need to fear the revenge of Yidaoliu! "

Fujita's expression changed, he looked at Chen Xin'an coldly and cursed: "Idiot, who told you that there is no one-to-ryu in Dongchao?

Let me tell you, if something happens to us, even if you hide to the ends of the earth, Yidaoliu will not let you go!

Hundreds of our Yidao-ryu masters have come to Dongchao.

With one order from the Holy Master, your whole family can be exterminated, leaving no one alive! "

At first glance, this guy looks like someone who is full of gunfire.

Yida-ryu was originally just a martial arts sect in Japan, but now it has been turned into a killer organization by the Hermit.

As a loyal supporter of the Hermit, it was natural to accompany him to Dongchao.

However, it is definitely impossible for hundreds of people to come here. There should still be thirty or forty people.

In other words, the one who is staying with the hermit to protect him is the killer of Da Ying Yida Ryu.

It's not surprising when you think about it. Although the combat power of the Gym Alliance is not low, they are still serious martial arts people from Dongchao.

No matter in terms of assassination skills or ruthlessness, they are not as professional as Yi Dao Flow.

Since you have to deal with Chen Xin'an when you come to Dongchao, the chores of finding out the information will be left to the people in the gym alliance. If you want to kill people, it is more suitable to let the killers of the Yitou style do it.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's dull look, Fujita thought that this guy had been frightened by his words, and sneered and said: "You have met a master of Itto-ryu, right?

Tell me your name and let me see if you recognize him. Maybe he will come to Dongchao this time.

Since he has let you go, then there is friendship.

Give you a chance, kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake, and then take your people and leave here immediately.

How about I not hold you accountable? "

Tanaka next to him frowned and said: "Fujita, since we already know about this, we can't let him leave alive..."

"Shut up, you idiot! Didn't you see that I have already taken control of the situation!" Fujita wanted to kill this stupid companion with a knife!

How could there be such a stupid person? When did the promises I made count?

We have been partners for so many years, but you still haven't figured out my personality and temper yet?

Suddenly there was a shout not far away: "Old Chen, why are you still inking here? The goods have been found over there, what to do with them is waiting for you!"

When Chen Xin'an heard this, she stopped pretending, stood up straight and said to Luo Xiaoman, "Okay, I'll be there right away!"

He turned his head and said to the two one-sword killers: "Think about it for yourself. If there is any other useful information for me, tell me quickly.

If you don’t say it now, you won’t have the chance to say it later! "

The two killers looked at each other.

Tian Zhong pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Did you just speak Chinese? Are you Chinese?"

He couldn't figure it out. Although this was the high seas, it was close to the Dongchao Sea.

How could these Chinese people come all the way here to rob the ship?

Fujita's eyes widened, he looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Are you scared out of your wits? You should think about what else you have to tell us!

Who is that one-sword-style master you know?

As long as you tell me your name, I will definitely know you! "

Chen Xin'an said with a half-smile: "It's a woman, her name seems to be Takanashi Shizuka.

By the way, she also has a sister named Takanashi Mina.

There is also a man named Yamasuke Kojiro, and he has an older brother named Yamasuke Kazuo.

They are the masters of the one-sword style I know. Have you heard of them? "

The two Itto-ryu killers were completely stunned. They stared at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes without blinking, but they had not yet reacted.

Fujita raised his knife and shouted: "Asshole, who the hell are you?"

Chen Xin'an scratched his head and said, "By the way, these people I'm talking about are all dead!

What a coincidence, I killed them all!"

Actually, Takanari Mina was killed by Michimoto Junko, and Yamasuke Kazuo also died at the hands of Yan Chunqiao.

But it was all because of Chen Xin'an's involvement that they ended up like this, and it's not wrong to put all these accounts on him!

The two One-Sword Killers turned pale, and Tanaka suddenly realized, pointing at Chen Xin'an and shouting: "He is that Chen, Chen... He is wearing a mask!"

Chen Xin'an suddenly came in front of him, punched him in the face, and laughed and scolded: "Idiot! Now I am my true self!"

"Asshole! "Tanaka shouted angrily, holding the knife with both hands and slashing at Chen Xin'an's arm.

But the opponent's attack speed exceeded his expectations, and the punch hit his face with a bang!

Due to inertia, the knife in his hand continued to move up, but his body leaned back.

Chen Xin'an's left fist had arrived and hit the blade hard. With a snap, the fine steel blade hit his face!

In less than a second, the face that suffered two heavy blows instantly became bloody!

The front teeth were broken and the entire nose bridge collapsed completely!

Tanaka could no longer see the opponent's position, but he still vomited blood and cursed: "Damn Chinese, I'm going to kill you! Fujita, what are you waiting for! "

Just now, the two of them joined forces to deal with this guy. Now Fujita must act as soon as possible to have a chance to kill him.

However, as his vision gradually recovered, he also saw the situation of his companions.

At this moment, Fujita was holding the knife with both hands, but his wrists were strangely twisted.

The blade of the scimitar also cut deeply into Fujita's stomach, and it was completely embedded, and a large part of the blade disappeared.

It was obvious that when he took action, Fujita was already cooperating with him.

It was just that the opponent who was stretched to the limit by the joint attack of the two just now seemed to have changed at this moment.

Almost At the same time, he completed the counterattack against the two!

He flattened his face, broke Fujita's hands, and chopped the scimitar into Fujita's own stomach!

It turned out that this guy was just teasing the two!

This opponent who made the Saint Master specially mobilize the one-sword killer to cross the ocean to Dongchao is really powerful!

But it's too late to know this now!

Chen Xin'an didn't have time to waste on these two killers, and slapped them on the head!

Blood burst out of their mouths, noses and ears. The two fell headfirst on the deck without saying a word, and died on the spot!

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