Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2851 I will take you with me when I leave


Park Zhenmin shouted angrily as he watched the car rush into the alley.

A large group of cars followed them into the alley, but the road here was too narrow, so they could only line up one behind the other, and it was impossible to overtake.

Park Zhenmin gritted his teeth angrily and shouted to the driver: "Get up here and hit them hard! Hit them to death!"

The driver hesitated for a moment, but finally pressed the gas pedal and the car slammed forward.


Jin Enzai's body hit the back of the chair in front of him so hard that he almost flew out.

With a gloomy expression on his face, he turned around and half-knelt on the seat, firing several shots at the rear window.

"Get down!" Park Zhenmin shouted, curled up and used the seat in front of him to block it.

Unfortunately, the driver had nowhere to hide and was shot twice in the chest, killing him instantly!

But his upper body was lying on the steering wheel, and his right foot was firmly pressed on the brake!

The car roared forward, pressing against the trunk of the car in front, and rushed forward.

Fortunately, the alley is not deep. After rushing up a high slope, there is a main road ahead.

It's just that the speed was too fast, and the two cars flew up the high slope one after the other!

The moment he landed, Jin Xiu turned the steering wheel hard, causing the car to spin ninety degrees and then turned onto the road.

The driver of the car behind had been killed, and the car flew out of control in mid-air.

As the people inside screamed, the car hit the ground hard, the body tilted severely, and hit a lamppost on the roadside with a bang!

"What the hell..." Park Zhenmin shouted angrily, preparing to ask the co-pilot's younger brother to take over the driver's seat.

But as soon as the co-pilot stood up, a dark shadow flashed in the corner of his eye. He subconsciously turned his head and saw that the car behind him couldn't brake in time, so it also flew up and hit him head-on!

"No!" The unlucky co-pilot just screamed, and his body smashed through the windshield due to the violent collision and flew out.

The moment he left the car, his head hit the lamppost, smashing it into pieces. Red and white things sprayed out. His body fell to the ground and rolled around a few times, motionless.

Park Zhenmin's head was also hit and his head was bleeding. He sat up holding his head, gritted his teeth and cursed loudly:

"You idiots!

Come on, no matter what the cost, we must stop that car! "

The convoy behind didn't dare to delay, turned the steering wheel fiercely, and chased forward along the road!


The car stopped and Jin Xiu said solemnly: "Boss, Zai Zhong, you guys get out of the car!"

Jin Enzai frowned and shouted: "Jin Xiu, what are you doing?"

Jin Xiu gritted his teeth and said: "Boss, the target of the car is too big, I will lure them away!

You go into the gas station in front and hide first.

When you find a suitable opportunity, you can find a way to get out of the city! "

Zheng Zaizhong held his shoulders and felt his body trembling. He said worriedly: "Jin Xiu, it's too dangerous for you to do this. I'm with you!"

"Stop being so verbose!" Jin Xiu gasped for breath and scolded him: "Protect the boss, we only have a chance if we run separately!

Time is running out, the car behind is catching up!

If you don't run now, you won't be able to get out!

Go quickly! "

Zheng Zaizhong also knew that this was the only way to get rid of the pursuers. He gritted his teeth and opened the car door, took Jin Enzai's arm and said, "Boss, get out of the car!"

Jin Enzai didn't hesitate, pressed Jin Xiu's shoulders, and said in a deep voice: "Brother, no matter what situation you encounter, I want you to survive!"

Jin Xiu nodded vigorously, and when the two got out of the car, he slammed the accelerator and the car rushed out.

In less than ten seconds, the Flying Stars team, who were chasing after them, rushed over and chased the car in front of them while roaring.

When the street became quiet, Kim Eun-jae and Zheng Jae-joong walked out of the gas station. They glanced left and right and secretly climbed into the back of a truck that had just been filled with gas.

On the eighth floor of the treatment department of Guangtian Hospital, Chen Xinan took off his rubber gloves and said to the excited surgeon Park Xiyuan who was following him:

"Just use the medicine you prescribed and nurse yourself back to health for three days.

For the herbal medicine, just ask Luo Qianhe and he will tell you how to cook it.

Those antibiotics can no longer be used. The so-called rapid healing effect is based on organ damage, and the gain outweighs the loss!

For the time being, I will use this plan and observe it 24 hours a day.

If something unexpected happens, notify me and Luo Qianhe as soon as possible! "

"Yes!" Park Xiyuan nodded respectfully in response.

At the beginning, he felt that these ancient Chinese doctors were all big liars without real information.

So he was very domineering and looked down upon the other party at all.

During these days, Chen Xin'an gave him countless shocks.

The miraculous ancient Chinese medical skills displayed by him and Luo Qianhe shocked him beyond words!

Now he admires Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe so much that he worships them as gods.

If Dean Yin Zhihuan hadn't stopped him, he would have worshiped these two as his disciples long ago!

Back in the office, Yin Zhihuan stood up and said to him: "Mr. Chen, thank you for your help!

Without your help this time, Guangtian Hospital's reputation would be in ruins! "

Yin Huiqiao on the side also nodded excitedly, looking at Chen Xin'an with a pair of big eyes without blinking, with admiration on her face, like a little fan girl.

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said: "The situation is not that serious!

The ancient Chinese medical society has a detailed discussion on the mutual incompatibility of drugs, but modern medicine does not mention it too much.

So it is natural that even hospital experts cannot see this situation.

If you happen to meet someone, just help him by the way. After all, he is a young person.

Dean Yin, when it comes to thanking you, I should thank you.

The hospital is under a lot of pressure right now, and my brothers haven’t recovered yet, so I’ll have to trouble you for a while in the future..."

"Mr. Chen, let's not say such polite words between us!" Yin Zhihuan quickly interrupted him and said with a smile:

"I don't care about any disputes in the world, nor do I care about patriotism and treason.

I am the doctor, and those who come to my hospital are my patients.

I'm responsible for them!

What's more, Qianzuru is still my senior brother, and his friends are my friends. This is a matter of course! "

Yin Hye Kyo smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, why don't you stay in Dongchao!

With your medical skills, it won’t be long before you become a well-known medical professor in Dongchao!

By the time……"

Seeing Chen Xin'an's half-smiling expression, she suddenly couldn't speak anymore.

A small place like Dongchao cannot accommodate this real dragon!

Dongchao can't give them the fame they want.

A famous medical professor in a small country is unattainable in his own eyes, but is easily accessible in the eyes of others.

When it comes to money and wealth, there is no shortage of it!

With my condition, ordinary people may be tempted, but for Chen Xin'an, it is not worth mentioning!

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook her head, and said to Yin Huiqiao: "Of course I can't stay in Dongchao, but I may come here again in the future.

However, I sincerely invite you two to go to China. Whether it is for fun or work, I can arrange it! "

Of course, Yin Zhihuan could tell that these were polite words, so he smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, definitely!"

However, the daughter seemed to take it seriously, looking at Chen Xin'an with surprise and said: "Mr. Chen, can I really go to work in China?

To be honest, I called the number you left for me.

Miss Mu and I had a very good chat on the phone, and she invited me to meet in China.

We have a lot of things in common, and I really hope to communicate with her in person! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, nodded and said, "Okay, then prepare yourself. When we leave, I will take you with us!"

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