Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2868 Their target is me


The vehicles that followed closely also entered the tunnel one after another.

At this moment, a Mercedes-Benz roared across the road, and all the tracking vehicles ducked aside to give way.

The Mercedes-Benz Cross-country quickly moved forward along the left lane and rushed into the tunnel.

The car window came down, and two long gun barrels poked out from the passenger seat and the back seat. This was the arrival of the machine gun killers from Xing Yaotang!

It was also the first time for Yaohan Group to use long spears against enemies in Chaojing Circle!

It seems that Li Guangmin's attitude towards Chen Xin'an is to kill without mercy!

Koloda was speeding forward in the tunnel, followed by the killer vehicle in hot pursuit.

The Mercedes-Benz roared across the country, getting closer and closer to Koloda.

This car has obviously been modified and is so fast that Koloda can't even outrun it.

Intensive gunfire suddenly rang out, and bullets rained down on Koloda!

It even landed on the wall of the tunnel, throwing up a cloud of sparks and stone debris.

Luo Xiaoman was beaten so hard that he couldn't lift his head, and Chen Xin'an also swerved hard to make the car snake forward, but did not dare to slow down. Several times, he almost hit the wall and even overturned, but fortunately, he was safe.

The gunshots from behind were sparse, and they were probably changing magazines.

Luo Xiaoman seized the opportunity, raised his head from the car window, and fired several shots at the Mercedes-Benz Cross-country!

The bullets hit the hood and windshield, but only left a few sparks. The other party's car was intact!

"Bulletproof vehicle!" Luo Xiaoman yelled angrily: "Old Chen, it's over! Those bastards don't respect martial ethics and opened an armor!"

Chen Xin'an looked at the reversing mirror and shouted to Luo Xiaoman: "Hold on tight and sit tight!"

Luo Xiaoman knew what he was going to do. He curled up on the seat, raised his feet, and stepped on the driver's backrest in front of him.

Koloda made a harsh roar, and the accelerator was almost depressed.

The Mercedes-Benz Cross-country is getting closer and closer, and it is only smart from the side, not in the same lane as Koloda.

The cars behind were not far away, and they were all chasing after Koloda!

Seeing the muzzle of the gun sticking out of the rear seat window of the Mercedes-Benz Cross Country again, Chen Xin'an suddenly made a long hard stop!

The tires of Koloda rubbed against the ground violently and a large amount of white smoke was emitted!

The Mercedes-Benz Cross-country had no time to react and passed by Koloda.

The cars behind saw the Koloda in front braking suddenly and quickly evaded or braked.

After all, there is still a little distance, and there is still time to react.

For a moment, the entire tunnel resounded with a screeching sound of brakes.

"Get out of the car, take everyone with you, and rush into the car formation as fast as possible!" Chen Xin'an loosened his seat belt, gave an order to Luo Xiaoman, turned around and opened the car door!

"Old Chen!" The back door was also opened, and Luo Xiaoman threw out two crossbows.

Chen Xin'an caught it and carried it behind his back, then grabbed two quivers and hung them on his waist.

Luo Xiaoman was also equipped with the same equipment as him, got out of the back seat, and the two of them stood side by side, raising their guns and shooting at the same time.

Before the stopped pursuers could react, they were shaken by a burst of pistol fire.

Several gunmen had no time to fight back before they were beaten to death in their seats.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman rushed to the cars and used the cover of the cars to shoot at the gunmen.

The tunnel is comparable to a shootout movie, with constant gunshots!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman seemed to be surrounded, but they told each other to be wary and did not dare to shoot, because their people were everywhere, and if their marksmanship was not accurate, they would kill each other!

The Mercedes-Benz cross-country also stopped. The Xingyaotang killer carrying an automatic rifle ran to the outer edge, lay on the front of the car, and aimed at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman in the car formation.

Now is the best time to destroy your enemies.

The positions of the two guys have been locked, and several guns were fired at them. Even if they grew wings, they couldn't escape from the tunnel!

But they didn't dare to shoot. They were surrounded by their own people everywhere. Even if they were killers, they were not so perverted that they would not distinguish between friend and foe in order to achieve their goals.

"Old Chen, what should I do?" Hiding in the gap between the two cars, Luo Xiaoman frowned and asked Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an looked outside with squinted eyes and said to him: "I'll attract their attention. You touch to the right. Then seize the car and the gun!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened, he pointed at the Mercedes-Benz Cross-country and said to Chen Xin'an: "Over there?"

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at him and said, "Aman, it's up to you!"

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "What the hell! You are risking your life!

No, I'll attract them, you go grab the car and the gun! "

Chen Xin'an scolded with a straight face: "You can't attract them! Their target is me. Only when I appear can I attract everyone's attention!"

Luo Xiaoman was extremely aggrieved, but he also knew that what Chen Xin'an said was the truth.

He took a deep breath, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Old Chen, be careful, don't let anything happen!

If not, just grab the car and run away, don't worry about me, I can stop these brats! "

Chen Xin'an glared at him, stopped talking nonsense, and whispered: "Get ready!"

Suddenly, he jumped onto the front of the car next to him and shouted: "Come on, catch me!"

Then he turned over, jumped down, and ran towards the tunnel entrance from where he came from!

That’s where the most people are!

Everyone was stunned by his actions!

He missed a good opportunity to shoot. When he turned over and got out of the car, he was blocked by the car and his companions!

Chen Xin'an, however, had no inhibitions. He quickly jumped between the cars, firing his pistol continuously. Amidst the screams, seven or eight gunmen fell down!

"Idiot! Stop him and beat him to death!" A killer next to the Mercedes-Benz SUV looked at the battle ahead and gritted his teeth angrily.

He simply raised the automatic rifle in his hand, fired a few shots at the roof of the tunnel, and shouted: "Get out of here! Let me do it!"

Several killers followed him with guns in hand and rushed towards Chen Xin'an.

The gunmen around them all gave way, but the people could move, but the cars couldn't move, and they were still blocked in front of them.

Chen Xin'an can't stop now.

We have already been surrounded by gunmen. It is impossible to stop and find a place to hide. We will be blocked in a blind corner and it will be too late to run away.

So he kept changing his position, which gave the gunmen a lot of opportunities to shoot.

But if he stops for more than a second now, he may be hit by a bullet!


Chen Xin'an was in the air, kicked the glass of a car with her feet, and slid into the car.

The bullets hit the car door, leaving several bullet holes and hitting the seats.

But Chen Xin'an had already gone out of the car door on the other side, and shot a gunman in the face!

The guy lay on his back and spat out a mouthful of blood, and his front teeth were smashed out.

But this kid was pretty good. He just took two steps back and steadied his body. He stared at Chen Xin'an with blood-red eyes and shouted, "He has no bullets anymore! Kill him!"

Chen Xin'an had indeed emptied the magazine and had no ammunition ready.

The pistol became a burden to him, so he threw it away!

The guy whose face was smashed with blood had just raised his hand to aim at Chen Xin'an, when a pistol was thrown and hit the hand holding the gun.

With a bang, a gunman on the right side of Chen Xin'an was shot in the head and fell to the ground dead without a groan!

Seeing that he had hit the wrong person, the guy with a bloody face cursed angrily at Chen Xin'an: "I'll kill you!"

Regardless of the pain in his fingers, he aimed at Chen Xin'an again, and all around, the gunmen knew that Chen Xin'an had no bullets, and they all rushed over!

But what greeted them were two black crossbows!

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