Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2873 You are the spy girl


Just when the exhaust fan was put on, the door to the inner room of the office was opened, and a bald middle-aged man came out.

He looked like he hadn't slept well, with black circles under his eyes, listlessness, and a gloomy face, as if someone owed him two hundred yuan.

Someone knocked on the door outside. The bald man sat on the sofa and shouted. Several people came in with walkie-talkies in their hands.

Li Qi estimated the time and knew that he couldn't stay here for long. He didn't care about eavesdropping on what the people below were saying. He climbed forward carefully and tried not to make any noise.

Suddenly, Li Qi's whole body became stiff and motionless.

A premonition of danger that was beyond ordinary people made him realize that he was being targeted!

The man was not far behind him. He had no idea when he came up or how long he had been here!

But he clearly felt that the other party was hiding in the dark, watching him motionless.

In this narrow channel, it was impossible to turn around, so he couldn't fight the opponent face to face.

In this way, he was giving his entire back to the other party.

If the opponent wanted to kill him with one blow, Li Qi had no room to dodge or resist and could only crawl forward!

However, for some unknown reason, the opponent did not attack immediately, but just hid in the dark and watched.

This made Li Qi even more alert, his whole body tensed up, and he tentatively crawled forward.

Less than ten meters away, there is a fork in the road, which separates the left and right.

With the help of the faint light, Li Qi saw the fork in the road and immediately made up his mind.

Soon they came to the fork in the road. Li Qi turned to the right, then slowly stepped back and climbed to the left fork in the road.

The person behind him also slowly followed. Just when he was approaching the fork in the road, Li Qi suddenly rushed forward and grabbed the other person's neck!

At the same time, he took out a dagger with his right hand and was about to stab the opponent's chest, but at this moment, a woman's exclamation came to his ears!

Unexpectedly, the person following him turned out to be a woman!

Li Qi immediately relaxed his right hand and covered the other person's mouth.

The other party seemed to be greatly frightened. His whole body curled up, his eyes widened, and he looked at Li Qi without blinking. His whole body was trembling.

With the faint light coming from the front, Li Qi saw the blurry outline of the woman in front of him.

She was a young girl, in her early twenties.

She was wearing a pink and white cheongsam and her hair was in a bun. Her appearance was unclear, but her outline was very feminine.

Why is there a girl here?

She doesn't look like a killer!

"Who are you?" Li Qi asked in a low voice, then frowned and said, "Listen, I let you go, but you must not make a sound, otherwise I will kill you, do you understand?"

He was not sure whether the other party understood Chinese, so he spoke very slowly.

Unexpectedly, the girl nodded to him.

Li Qi carefully released his hands, but still held the dagger in his right hand.

The girl shrank to one side, folded her arms in front of her chest, looked at Li Qi in fear, and asked in a trembling voice: "Are you...Chinese?"

She can actually speak Chinese!

Although the tone of voice is a bit strange, it should be no problem to communicate!

Li Diding nodded and said: "Yes! You are... Oh, I know, you are the girl they called the spy, your name is... Han Yunmei!"

The girl nodded, looking a little sad.

Li Qi said in disbelief: "You have been staying here? Why don't you leave?"

Han Yunmei shook her head and said, "I don't know where to go!"

She was just in a hurry, using her body with some dancing skills to hide up here.

But she had no idea where to go after coming up or how to get out of trouble, so she stayed in the dark and remained motionless.

She could clearly see Li Qi's every move below just now through the exhaust window.

She didn't know this person, but she could tell that Li Qi was definitely not Li Guangmin's.

The enemy of your enemy is unlikely to be an enemy, if not a friend.

So when Li Qi also came up, she decided to follow this person and maybe she could escape.

She is not afraid of death, but she is unwilling to die now.

The revenge of her parents has not yet been avenged, and the humiliation she has suffered has not been washed away, so she wants to watch Li Guangmin go to hell!

Unexpectedly, even though she was careful not to reveal her voice, she was still discovered by Li Qi.

Before he could say anything else, Li Qi lowered his voice and said to Han Yunmei: "We have about ten minutes to leave here. Follow me, and we'll go out first!"

Li Qi said to her: "You go first and keep crawling forward. Stop when I tell you to!"

"Ah?" Han Yunmei seemed a little surprised and a little reluctant, but Li Qi didn't have time to be pretentious with her, so he frowned and said:

"I put something in the office just now, and it will explode and catch fire in less than ten minutes.

If we don't leave this pipeline by then, we'll be waiting to become a roast pig! "

As soon as she heard what he said, Han Yunmei didn't dare to waste any more time. She turned around and turned to the passage on the right, slowly crawling forward.

Both of them were unfamiliar with the environment here, so after groping forward for a certain distance, they found that it was a dead end and had to turn back.

"I'm tired!" Han Yunmei whispered to Li Qi behind her as she climbed: "Find the nearest exhaust vent, let's get down!"

Li Qi said helplessly: "Hold on for a while, there is a corridor downstairs, we have to find a way to turn into an empty room."

At this moment, there was a sudden bang behind him, followed by a buzzing sound from the exhaust duct!

Han Yunmei stopped immediately and exclaimed: "Ah... Ouch..."

The first one screamed because she was frightened by the strange noise, and the second one because Li Qi stopped unprepared and bumped into her butt!

Both of them felt awkward and embarrassed. Fortunately, the light was too dark to see clearly, otherwise they would have been able to see each other's red face.

Li Qi quickly said to Han Yunmei: "Don't stop, it's already burning, and there's heat coming from behind!"

Han Yunmei also knew that she didn't mean it, and now was not the time to care about it, so she quickly crawled forward using her hands and feet.

"Turn left!" Li Qi shouted, seeing the fork next to him, he pointed the direction to Han Yunmei.

Han Yunmei hurriedly climbed to the left, already feeling the hot wind rushing from behind.

She was still in front, so you can imagine how intense the heat felt by Li Qi from behind!

I'm really worried that once the hot wind comes, the two of them will be burned!

In desperation, she crawled faster, but she could already feel the hot wind coming from behind, causing a terrifying whining sound in the pipe!

The heat wave was so intense that she was about to scream, but at this moment, Li Qi behind her shouted: "Stop!"

With a loud shout, Li Qi wanted to pick up the exhaust fan under him, but he didn't expect that unlike the vent in the office just now that had no screws, this one was screwed shut!

Without any time to hesitate, Li Qi shouted loudly and hit him hard with his elbows!


The exhaust fan was shattered. Li Qi took a few steps back and shouted to Han Yunmei: "You go down first! Slide your feet down, I will grab your arms with my hands and put you down!"

"But..." Han Yunmei didn't dare.

Li Qi didn't have time to waste time with her, the heat wave was already sweeping over her!

He grabbed Han Yunmei's feet and pulled her back, then carefully put her down along the air vent.

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