Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2882 You are just his pawns


No one can withstand the hermit's charged punch, not even a master of the third level of internal strength.

With this punch, Luo Xiaoman's heart and lungs would be instantly shattered and he would be killed on the spot!

And the foot that was originally intended to be injured has been firmly clamped between the hermit's legs, causing him no harm at all!

This is equivalent to allowing the hermit to kill a master with the third level of internal strength in one move!

The premise is that Chen Xin'an is not around.

The moment the hermit's fist hit Luo Xiaoman's chest, Chen Xin'an suddenly took action, not to intercept the hermit's fist, but to hit his right shoulder joint hard!

The hermit's expression changed, and he quickly withdrew his strength and turned around to avoid the punch!

He knocked back Chen Xin'an with one punch, proving that he was much stronger than his opponent.

But this doesn't mean that he can ignore Chen Xin'an. The other party's attack will not cause any harm to him!

Facing opponents like Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, even a hermit would be seriously injured or even killed with a punch if he did not respond with all his strength!

If Chen Xin'an directly blocks his right fist, the hermit can still use his left hand, and he can still deal with Chen Xin'an with one hand and Luo Xiaoman with the other.

But Chen Xin'an is now attacking his right shoulder directly. This punch can break his shoulder joint!

His left hand can't stop him, so even if he can kill Luo Xiaoman, he can't deal with Chen Xin'an again when one hand is disabled and his strength is greatly reduced. He will probably kill him back!

Such a result was not what the hermit wanted, so he decisively gave up the attack and took a step back.

Luo Xiaoman retreated and stood beside Chen Xin'an, with lingering fear.

This Lao Yinbi is too powerful. With his own strength, he is no match for Lao Yinbi.

The hermit's face was gloomy. He couldn't remember how many years he had retreated in battle!

No opponent could make him feel so scrupulous!

Chen Xin'an raised the corners of her mouth and showed a smile.

The Hermit's strength is really strong, but it is by no means unattainable.

Whether you join forces with Aman or Aqi, you can defeat him.

If the three of them attack together, this old Yinbi will definitely be defeated!

Moreover, Chen Xin'an vaguely felt that the difference in strength between him and the hermit was actually not that big.

It's like there is a thin wall between them. As long as this wall can be pushed open, his strength can advance by leaps and bounds, reaching the realm of a hermit, or even surpassing him!

Now he is more confident in defeating the Hermit!

Contrary to him, the hermit became cautious and looked at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman with uncertain eyes.

Although there are two apprentices, a male and a female, and four killers from Xingyao Hall beside him, if a fight really breaks out, these people are just a bunch of trash, a bunch of burdens, and can't be of much help.

In a battle like theirs, even if outsiders intervene, let alone help or stop them, their lives may be lost!

No wonder they couldn't stop these guys in Da Ying and let them run away. It turned out that there were really two brushes.

Unless you personally deal with them, those people sent out are no match for them!

It is not surprising that they were killed again and again.

But that doesn’t mean those guys are useless!

The hermit took a deep breath and said to the man and woman beside him: "Do you still remember the tricks I taught you?

Now it's time for you to put it to the test!

There are two most suitable opponents in front of you. As long as you kill them, your kung fu will break through the limits, your strength will greatly increase, and you will become my proudest successor!

What are you still doing?

Do it! "

The man and woman looked at each other and saw the fear in the other's eyes.

They are not stupid, they can definitely tell that Master is deceiving!

You want us to join forces with an opponent that even you can't beat for a while?

Isn't this just seeking death?

But even the disciples dare not disobey the master's orders.

And with the master at his side, there won't be too bad results!

The master just wants to take a rest, resume his breathing, and deal with these two people in the best fighting condition.

And I am trying to get more rest time for my master. This task shouldn’t be too difficult!

The two sighed and seemed to have made up their minds, suddenly attacking Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman at the same time!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman saw each other's moves and hit each other's wrists with both hands to prevent the dagger from getting close.

It has to be said that it is rare for a man and a woman to be able to use such swift sword skills.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman did not dare to be careless and dealt with it carefully.

And the four men in suits also rushed over at the same time, using desperate moves with Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman!

Chen Xin'an kicked the woman away, then turned around and punched a man in a suit, knocking his feet off the ground, spinning his body twice in the air and hitting the ground heavily.

He snorted coldly and said to everyone: "Do you really want to die for a heartless old man? How much benefit can he give you?"

The woman slapped her stomach with her hand, gritted her teeth and rushed forward again, yelling:

"Shut up! Don't insult my master!

Don't think that you can deal with Master. When he rests, it will be your death!

My master is God. No one in Dongchao dares to disobey him or offend him!

If you blaspheme God, you will suffer God’s punishment! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at her with a mocking look and said: "Your god has run away!

You are just the tools he uses to hold us back!

He sent you to fight for the two of us, and then fled with Li Guangmin himself.

Are you still defending him like this? "

Everyone was stunned and turned around in disbelief.

Sure enough, the Saint Master and Li Guangmin were no longer around!

Master actually left them and took Li Guangmin away alone!

The woman's face was pale and she looked around in disbelief. There was anger and despair on her face as her faith collapsed!

They thought that the Holy Master just wanted to rest and let them buy time, while he would always be by the side.

They never imagined that they were just asking them to die, using their own lives to hold back the enemy so that he could escape with Mr. Li!

Is this still the omnipotent God in their minds?

There were times when he ran away without fighting!

The so-called direct disciples and so-called disciples are just chess pieces that can be discarded at any time in his heart!

The man turned his head, glared at Chen Xin'an, and said to the woman: "Su Li, don't listen to his nonsense and sow discord!

Master must have left in an emergency and will come back to save us later!

Our master taught us all our skills, so it is natural to die for him..."

"Then you go to hell!" Luo Xiaoman looked impatient, stepped forward and punched the man in the face with his right fist.

The man turned his head to avoid it, stabbed Luo Xiaoman in the chest with the short knife in his hand, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Go to hell, you bastard!"

But the next second, his wrist was grabbed by Luo Xiaoman, and then he suddenly twisted his wrist away, took his hand, and stabbed the dagger into his heart!

The man opened his mouth wide, lowered his head with pain on his face, looked at the knife inserted in his heart, and shouted in a trembling voice: "Master..."

Luo Xiaoman kicked the handle of the knife, driving the entire knife into the man's body, and cursed with disdain:


They use you as a pawn, and you show your loyalty to them!

Even if you are stupid, you have to lead others to be stupid with you!

Even if I kill you, what kind of bullshit master is here to save you?

If you are so willing to work like a dog for others, then go die! "

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