Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2934: The tiger fell to the ground and was bullied by the dog


If you want to get something, you have to pay the same price.

Blood transfusion can indeed help the Holy Master maintain his youthful physical strength, but because it is not a blood transfusion and does not require blood type matching, it will cause blood incompatibility in the body.

This creates something similar to blood poison, which will attack from time to time.

During this period, Miyamusashi seemed to be seriously ill, and his body became extremely weak. He had to meditate quietly and use all his energy to resist and resolve in order to make a smooth transition.

This is the reason why Gong Musashi has been avoiding Chen Xin'an and does not dare to confront him head-on.

He didn't know when his blood poisoning would attack, and as he got older, blood poisoning attacks became more and more frequent and his symptoms became more and more severe.

Now he almost had a terrifying trend that he couldn't suppress, so he changed his secret technique, upgraded it, and used baby blood!

Compared with the blood of young people, baby blood is purer and gentler, but the disadvantage is that the amount is too small.

Moreover, he was too frantic and the source of blood was extremely difficult to find, so Miyamusashi did not dare to drain the blood like he did with young people, and could only turn the blood source into a long-term supply.

After drawing some blood, the blood source must be carefully fed, and the blood source must not be allowed to get sick, let alone die.

The previous blood source was too little. Now that another one was sent today, Miya Musashi wanted to use infant blood. Unexpectedly, he heard such a thing that made him angry and heartbroken.

And I saw such a fool!

You killed his son and you still dare to ask him for credit?

Who gave you the courage?

He now wanted to slap this idiot to death, but the blood poison suddenly increased his reaction, and now he almost didn't have the strength to stand up!

Yuan Jinghai was so frightened that he almost collapsed!

Seeing the Holy Master kicking him, he felt that he would definitely die!

Who can withstand the angry kick of the Holy Master?

Even if it is a car, the Holy Master can kick it out and move it several meters!

This is something he has seen with his own eyes!

But what shocked him was that the kick on his body had no strength at all. Instead, the Holy Master took two steps back, holding on to the table next to him, and his body was shaking!

How is this going?

Yuan Jinghai, who had narrowly escaped death, broke out in a cold sweat, but his face was filled with shock.

He looked at the Holy Master in horror, making sure that he was not pretending to tease him, but that he really seemed to be sick!

good chance!

If you don’t run away now, when will you wait?

Yuan Jinghai turned around and ran away, not forgetting to turn around and peek at Miya Musashi. He was very happy to find that he was indeed unsteady on his feet and did not catch up with him at all.

But when he ran to the door, he suddenly stopped and turned around to look at Miya Musashi, with a sinister look in his eyes.

He killed his son. Even if he ran away today, when the old boy returns to normal, would he still kill him?

Since he is a dead man anyway, why not just kill this old guy!

Take out what you want from him by the way, this guy is full of treasures!

Just squeeze out some of it, and it will be enough for you to eat and drink for several lifetimes!

He turned around and walked over step by step, with a cautious but sinister smile on his face, and said to Miya Musashi:

"What's wrong with you, Holy Master? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Can I help you go to the bed inside and rest for a while?"

Miya Musashi's forehead was already covered in cold sweat, and he tried his best to keep himself from falling.

Seeing this idiot coming to help him, Miya Musashi wanted to do something to him, but he was unable to do so at this moment.

Sensing Miya Musashi's weakness, Yuan Jinghai was overjoyed.

Yuan Jinghai trembled with excitement when he thought that the life of the holy master who was famous in Dongchao and worshiped by hundreds of millions of people was now in his control.

Even his speaking voice was trembling.

"Holy Master, I really didn't know that Li Guangmin was your son!

But now the mistake has been made and it is irreversible.

No matter how angry you are, it won't help, right?

It's better to do this. What he can do, I can do too.

What he can't do, I, Yuan Jinghai, can do.

So please give me Chaojing Yaohan’s CEO seal.

Of course, Chaojing Yaohan suffered heavy losses during this period and the capital turnover was inconvenient.

I know that the Holy Master has suffered a lot on this tribute day, and I am not greedy. I ask the Holy Master to return the share that Yaohan handed over to us first, and next year we will pay a double share!

Is this a reasonable request? "

Miya Musashi's face was pale, his body was trembling slightly, his expression was painful and angry, he stared at Yuan Jinghai, and squeezed out one word from between his teeth: Get out!

Yuan Jinghai burst out laughing.

Now he has confirmed that the Saint Master next to him has no ability to kill him!

Otherwise, it would just be a slap in the face, so there is no need to scold him!

"Holy Master, if it's not convenient for you to take it, let me help you!" Yuan Jinghai turned around, put his hand into Miya Musashi's pocket, and looked up and down.

Miya Musashi's face turned dark. What Yuan Jinghai was doing now was a humiliation for him!

He suppressed the trembling of his body, used all his strength, and raised his arms.

At this moment, Yuan Jinghai's hair suddenly stood up, thinking that the other party had regained his strength.

He was about to run away, but Miya Musashi's hand just rested on Moto Kyōkai's arm, and he didn't even have the strength to push it away!

Yuan Jinghai breathed a long sigh of relief, became a little angry, and slapped Miya Musashi on the face!

"You scared me to death!

You old goblin, you have become so virtuous and you are still pretending to me!

Where is the president's seal of Yaohan Group?

What about the money you collected?

Where are they kept?

Your son is stupid and you are bad!

You have done many evil things and are full of evil, so you have retribution today!

Don't think that I don't know the inhuman things you do!

If nothing else, if the authorities knew what happened in this little house, they would be enough to shoot you eight times!

Okay, you don’t want to give it to me, right? I have a way! "

He pushed Miyamusashi away and let him fall to the ground. He turned around and walked to the futon, picking up a bag he had brought with him before.

Inside were many contracts that had been printed and stamped in advance.

Yuan Jinghai walked back to Miya Musashi, holding a thick contract in one hand and grabbing Miya Musashi's hair with the other, lifting him up and sitting on the ground.


Yuan Jinghai put all the contracts in front of Gong Musashi and said to him: "This is the president rotation letter of Yaohan Group, this is Li Guangmin's equity transfer contract, this is the equity gift contract for other people in the Li family..."

He placed those contracts in front of Miya Musashi one by one, and said to him with a smile:

"You don't have the strength to kill me, but do you have the strength to sign?

Just sign your name on these contracts. That's not difficult, right? "

Picking up the pen next to him, Yuan Jinghai wanted to put it into Miyamusashi's hand.

But he found that although he had no strength, his fists were clenched so tightly that he couldn't get it in at all!

The extremely angry Yuan Jinghai punched Miya Musashi twice on the head and cursed through gritted teeth:

"Don't be so shameless, you old goblin!

I'm so worried that I want you to go find your bastard son now! "


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Miya Musashi's mouth. He looked at Yuan Jinghai with eyes like knives, wanting to cut him into pieces!

What an identity and dignity he had. He was once admired by hundreds of millions of people. Even the capital of Dongchao respected him.

But now, he was beaten, kicked and humiliated in every possible way by such a bastard.

It would be strange if he didn't vomit blood when he was so angry!

Yuan Jinghai snorted coldly, grabbed his hand and said, "It's okay if you don't sign, then just press your fingerprints!

If you don't know how to lift, I'll chop off your claws and press them myself! "

At this moment, there was a muffled sound, and a bloody sword tip emerged from Yuan Jinghai's chest!

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