Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2959 Your man is a monk


Li Qi and the three opponents who ran out had not returned yet, but gunshots were heard from time to time in the corridor.

It can be seen that the battle over there is also very dangerous, and there is no time to care about this side.

Although there are only three people on the other side, for everyone in the room, they are three insurmountable mountains. Even if everyone goes up together, they are no match for these three people!

Rather than risking so many lives for a useless person, it would be better to free yourself, die with your husband, and let innocent people leave alive.

Jin Soyan, who had already made up her mind, simply opened the door, supported Fang Chenggang who was still staggering in the doorway, looked at the three people and said:

"No matter what you want to do, just let them go, this matter has nothing to do with them!"

Fang Chenggang became anxious and shouted to her: "Suyan, you can't..."

Before he finished speaking, his throat felt fishy and he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood!

With red eyes, Jin Soyan took out a white handkerchief, wiped the blood stains from Fang Chenggang's mouth and face, shook her head and said:

"I can't just watch you struggle, hiding in your room and unable to do anything!

And, I'm really tired!

I think he was tired too and we both wanted relief!

I just wanted to ask you guys to wait a moment because I have a question. "

The last words were said to the three people in sweatshirts.

She raised her head, looked in the direction of the kitchen, and said loudly: "Cousin, come out, I know you are hiding there!"

After a while, a person came out of the kitchen, it was Cui Zhenshu who had been hiding in there from the beginning and did not dare to come out.

At this moment, she lowered her head, as if she didn't dare to look into Jin Soyan's eyes.

Jin Soyan looked at her and asked: "Cousin, why? You have indeed helped us a lot over the years, but we have never treated you as an outsider.

Why did you betray us?

Dongjun is your cousin! "

Cui Zhenshu lowered her head and said: "I'm sorry, Soyeon! I'm also sorry to Dongjun, I don't want this either.

Back then, Dongjun discovered some secrets and offended someone.

And that person is my man!

It was I who begged him to save Dongjun’s life, and also came to your house to take care of Dongjun personally, in order to prevent him from waking up and telling the secret. "

With a look of sudden realization, Jin Soyan stared at Cui Zhenshu and said, "So it was you who drove away those ancient Chinese doctors in these years, right?"

Cui Zhenshu nodded and said: "Yes! Some of them are liars, and some are really cheating.

But I won’t give them the chance to treat Dongjun.

Because as long as Dongjun wakes up, my man will kill you!

Everyone who knows that secret cannot live!

In order to let you live well, I can only let you maintain your current life.

It's just that these people today are different from those who have been here before. I felt it the first time I saw them.

I couldn't let Dongjun tell my man's secret, so I called them!

In fact, they just need to get rid of these people, let Dongjun continue to be in a coma, and you can still live as before.

This is for your own good! "

"Hahaha!" Jin Soyan laughed, but tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes.

She looked at Cui Zhenshu with a mocking look and said, "It's for our own good!

I really should thank you for your mercy, because it was all thanks to you that Dong Jun has been lying on this bed for five years!

He lay there like a piece of wood for five whole years without eating or drinking!

For your man, you turned my man into a useless person!

He is also your cousin! "

Cui Zhenshu slowly raised her head, looked at Jin Soyan and said: "What can I do with my cousin?

He doesn’t want to live with me!

What can he do to help me when I can't survive?

Why does his life have a pleasant life while I have to suffer and work hard just for a meal?

Why can you fall in love, get married, and be together every day?

But even when I saw that man, I had to be secretive and cover up?

I just like to see you like this. Even if you are tired of being together every day, you can't do anything else.

I can only lie in bed like a dead person and have to be taken care of for everything.

This goes on day by day, wearing away all the patience, until the former vows of eternal love become a joke.

The heart that vowed to take care of the other person for the rest of his life turned into wanting to strangle the other person to death immediately to be free!

Seeing you like this makes me happy and satisfied! "

Kim So-yeon's face was livid, she glared at Cui Zhenshu and cursed: "You are simply a bastard! You are just a pervert!"

Anyway, having revealed her inner secret, Cui Zhenshu simply tore off all disguises and said to Jin Soyan with a sinister smile:

"No matter how much you scold me, you won't be able to scold me for long anyway!

The only thing to blame is Dongjun being too stupid and provoking someone he shouldn't offend!

I advised him not to investigate that matter, but he just didn't listen!

Anyone who knows my man's secret will have a bad end, even his cousin!

My man is a man who does great things. How can you ants hinder him?

Even if our relationship is not blessed, I will not regret following such a man!

Sooner or later, I will make you all envious, all..."

Chen Xin'an on the side said coldly: "Is it honorable to be a monk's concubine?"

Cui Zhenshu turned pale instantly, looked at Chen Xin'an in horror and asked, "What did you say? How did you know that my man is..."

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, turned to look at the three men in sweatshirts and said, "Okay, you don't need to cover up anymore, I know you are all monks from Haiyan Temple!"

The three people looked at each other and put down their hats, revealing three bald heads.

One person squinted at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Who are you? How could you tell our identities?"

Chen Xinxin said that I met you last night and even fought against each other. How could I not recognize you?

But he's not wearing a mask now, so it's normal that the other party didn't recognize him!

"Mingwu, stop nagging him! Now that we have recognized our identities, no one here can stay!"

"A bunch of ants who don't know how to live or die, since they only want to die, then we will help you tonight!"

"Hurry up, don't waste time, get rid of these little rubbish, let's go outside and help Ming Fan and the others!"

The three bald heads quickly exchanged opinions, then separated and pounced on everyone!

In their eyes, these people are just rubbish and don't require much effort at all.

The only guy who still had some fighting ability was beaten so hard by them that he couldn't even stand!

The guy who rushed to Chen Xin'an was the guy named Mingwu.

When he came up, he hit Chen Xin'an in the face with a cannon!

He has already seen that this sick man is not even as good as those two women, he is so weak and has no strength at all!

Dealing with this guy was just a matter of punching him, so he picked the weakest opponent.

Pick persimmons that are soft!

But this time he was wrong. The sick man had already tilted his head to avoid it the moment he punched.

However, his body suddenly rushed forward, the middle finger of his right fist protruded, and he suddenly dug a finger into his armpit!

At this moment, Mingwu felt that all the strength in his body was blocked. Under the severe pain, half of his body could not move!

His expression changed drastically, and he shouted at his two companions: "Help me!"

But when the two companions saw this scene, they turned around and rushed to the bedroom!

Fang Chenggang and Jin Suyan who were blocking the door were easily knocked away by them. They ran directly to the bed, pulled out the knives on their bodies, and stabbed the person on the bed fiercely!

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