Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2982 I just gave them a chance

With one successful move, Hughes kicked away the corpse in front of him and rushed out first!

The four people in the room did not dare to delay and rushed out together!

They just catch the enemy by surprise before they form an encirclement!

If you are trapped in a room, no one can escape!

But the other party has a lot of people, and it’s dark outside with people everywhere. I don’t know when they came!

Fiton shouted, "Boss, medicine! Give me medicine!"

Hughes scolded with a dark face, "How can I give it now? We'll wait until we run out!"

There are enemies all around. Even if I take out the medicine, do you have time to take it?

Do you think that everything around here is just wood, and they will wait for you to take the medicine before attacking you?

Hughes had a box of syringes on him.

It is full of drugs that stimulate the human body's potential.

Gold thieves have saved themselves from danger several times, relying on these drugs to help everyone get out of danger.

Just one injection can turn a mortal into an omnipotent superman in an instant.

Even in the face of thousands of troops, he will not have any fear and can make moves that ordinary people cannot do to help everyone get out of trouble.

But after using this thing too much, it has a strong dependence.

Now Fiton is dependent on this stuff and needs an injection every now and then to keep his body in peak condition.

It's just that all the medicine he brought has been taken, so he asked the boss to bring him medicine when he came over.

Fortunately, the boss did bring medicine, but in this situation, there is no way for her to take medicine!

As his mind raced, Feiton thought of a place and shouted to Hughes in front of him, "Boss, go to International City and turn right in front!"

International City is a building built by Dongchao officials in the eastern suburbs.

There are many architectural landscapes inside, which are landmark buildings in many countries around the world.

This is actually a leisure attraction created to please the foreigners in the eastern suburbs.

It's just that few people go there to play, so it seems rather deserted.

So it takes a long time

It was overgrown with weeds, and no one went there.

The terrain inside is complicated and it is indeed a good place to hide.

But Hughes was so angry that his mouth was full of smoke and he cursed a few words.

He just arrived in Dongchao today. How could he know about International City?

Fortunately, Lina reacted quickly. With her light body, she quickly broke through to Hughes, took his arm and said, "Boss, I'll take you there!"

Seeing this scene, Miller didn't have any jealous expression on his face.

The four of them are two couples on the surface, but in fact they are in a relationship to hide their relationship from others.

Of course, he and Lina don't know each other, but this is an adult game.

Even with Dai Shan, it's not like he hasn't experienced it before.

Everyone is just playing along, and they are very open-minded about this, and no one is responsible for anyone else.

Under the leadership of Linna, everyone quickly arrived at International City.

The other party's people had also been killed. Only then did Hughes realize that at least hundreds of people were coming from the other party!

The surroundings are densely packed with enemies!

Fortunately, we and the enemy were mixed together, and the other party did not fire.

However, the cold light shining in the hand of the knife under the illumination of the street lamp is enough to make people frightened!


The iron gate of International City was kicked open by Hughes.

Facing the building is the power building where the heads of state work.

However, it is much smaller than it actually is, and it looks like it has been scaled down.

But even so, it is still two or three meters high, and the area is large enough for people to walk freely inside.

Hughes called everyone in, but Fiton at the back tripped and fell to the ground.

Before he could get up, several machetes had already caught up with him and slashed at him!

Feiton screamed in fright, rolling his body on the ground to avoid these knives, but was still hit by

The knife cut his arm, and blood immediately stained his clothes.

Fortunately, Miller rushed over, kicked one person away, and pulled him up from the ground.

Fitton followed Miller and rushed in, panting and saying, "Miller, these people are killers and very experienced! You have to be careful!"

Miller frowned and said in a deep voice, "I know, you should be careful yourself and stop being careless, otherwise your life will be left here tonight!"

Fitton nodded as he ran.

People from the police, bank security, whoever came to Miller would not be surprised.

But if it is a group of killers, this will make people suspicious.

Even if they mistakenly think that we are the ones who robbed those properties, this is not a personal vendetta. Why would they send a killer?

Because when people with other identities come here to investigate, they must mainly ask about the whereabouts of the property.

But if a group of killers come, then the main purpose is to kill them!

We don’t want any property, but we have to take their lives as a reward. How much hatred and resentment is this!

"After passing the intersection in front, you will find the Hidden Soldier Cave!" Han Yunmei, who was in the passenger seat, pointed forward with her hand and said to Chen Xin'an behind her.

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Jin Enzai beside him said to him, "The terrain here is complicated, let my people take the lead!"

Chen Xin'an hung up the phone and said to everyone, "Don't worry! The life and death of those guys actually doesn't matter to us.

I came here in a hurry just to help my two little brothers grab the credit. "

Jin Enzai asked with a smile, "Those two little policemen from Guangtian City? Did you just call them?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and did not deny it.

Jin Enzai said with a smile, "With you as a backer, those two little policemen can't even think about their success!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "I just create some opportunities for them. Whether they can seize them or not depends on them!"

Li Qi, who was driving, suddenly said, "Boss, there's a situation on the right! At three o'clock

direction! "

Chen Xin'an turned around and looked over, vaguely seeing a lot of people standing on the roadside.

Behind them, there was a dark building complex with no lights on, but there were faint shouts and there were many people inside.

It seems like it should be there!

Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi, "Find a secluded place to park and let's walk there!

Brother Enzai, let the brothers spread out and don't disturb that group of people.

Try to find out the identities of those people. I want to find those gold thieves. "

"Okay!" Jin Enzai nodded, took out the walkie-talkie, and began to issue orders.

Soon all the cars following him turned off their lights and dispersed left and right.

It has to be said that Jin Enzai was not living in Guangtian City for nothing in the past few years since he was kicked out of Chaojing Yaohan.

The trained brothers are very disciplined, different from ordinary street gangsters, and have relatively high combat effectiveness.

The car stopped, and Chen Xin'an didn't rush to get out of the car, but just sat in the car and waited.

About half an hour later, Jin Enzai came back in a hurry and said to Chen Xin'an, "Brother Yanjun, we are in a little trouble!

The people trapped inside are indeed those gold thieves.

But the people who trapped them are a bit tricky. They are all consortium killers, which are the private armies of major conglomerates.

These people are not here to arrest people, but to kill the gold thieves! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, tilted her head and said, "These guys are already furious! Are you sure no one from Haiyan Temple is involved?"

Jin Enzai shook his head and said, "I didn't see it!"

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and said, "Old Yinbi, are you hiding again? Or are you looking for me secretly?

It doesn't matter, I'll put these baits out, so I won't worry about you not taking the bait! "

Li Qi whispered, "Boss, I'll go over and check it out to see if I can avoid these people and bring out the gold thieves!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Be careful! Try not to conflict with anyone!"

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