Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2989 I will give you a happy death

The medicine was pushed out very cleanly without any residue.

Chen Xin'an broke off the glass needle tube and smelled the smell inside, which was slightly familiar.

It's a bit like the drug developed by Decela Biotech that can turn a person into a beast.

Tugreev of the Timberwolves injected himself with this drug when he played against Chen Xin'an.

This thing can make an ordinary person's combat power increase exponentially in an instant, and make him immune to pain.

Could it be that someone here also uses this thing?

Are they gold thieves or people from Haiyan Temple?

The ultimate goal of this game is to draw out Lao Yinbi.

Therefore, the appearance of people from Haiyan Temple means that Lao Yinbi has made some moves.

Chen Xin'an threw away the needle and continued to chase forward, and soon found several corpses not far away.

These guys all had their heads covered. Chen Xinan pulled off the cloth on their heads, revealing their bare heads.

Sure enough, he is from Haiyan Temple!

But their death conditions were extremely miserable, with their throats broken and blood gushing out.

Looking carefully at the wounds, these people's throats were actually bitten open!

That must be the gold thief using drugs!

Miller has been caught, and the two female thieves are also blocked in the Hexagonal Pavilion. In addition to Fitton, there is also Hughes who has just appeared and is their boss.

Aqi was lured there by this Xiusi.

This guy 100% has been on a real battlefield and should be a retired member of a foreign special operations team.

He has rich combat experience, especially in offensive and defensive battles in urban areas like this. According to Li Qi, the chaebol killers he walked alone were all around!

With such skill, there is no need to take that kind of medicine.

So the one who injects that kind of medicine can only be Fiton!

This guy's mouth was penetrated by Chen Xin'an with a mutton chop. Unexpectedly, after the drug was injected, the wound could be ignored and he turned into a biting dog!

The person chasing him should not be Lao Yinbi himself.

Otherwise, even if Fitton is injected with drugs

, in front of Lao Yinbi, it is still not enough, and it is easy to kill him.

So the person fighting with him should be the abbot of Haiyan Temple!

This abbot is Lao Yinbi's eldest disciple. If he is caught, Lao Yinbi can be forced to show up!

Chen Xin'an no longer hesitated and rushed out from the west gate.

In the woods 100 meters west of International City, several people stood in a row, holding knives in one hand and mobile phones as flashlights in the other, and walked forward cautiously.


Someone stepped on a dead branch, which was not a big deal at first, but this kid scared himself and screamed, even dropping his cell phone on the ground, startling the people next to him.

"Sorry, I missed it!" He quickly picked up the phone and gave everyone a smile.

Everyone glared at him and continued walking forward.

He also breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest with his mobile phone.

His eyes suddenly went dark, and a black shadow appeared in front of him without any warning!

At this moment, he was so frightened that he opened his mouth to shout, but before he could scream, the black shadow rushed over and bit his neck!

The people nearby also noticed the movement here, and they all shouted and rushed over!

Under the light of the mobile phone, the black figure suddenly turned around, with a bloody face and a piece of bleeding meat in its mouth!

Everyone was shocked by this terrifying appearance!

In this moment of confusion, the black shadow turned and ran away, quickly disappearing in front of everyone.

The person bitten by him threw away what he was holding, covered his throat with both hands, opened his mouth wide, and couldn't scream even if he wanted to!

But blood flowed out from under his hands, and he couldn't control it no matter how hard he covered it!

But soon, his struggle lost strength, and he stared blankly at the sky, his pupils gradually dilating.

It’s already the sixth one!

The companions around him all showed the sadness and fear of a rabbit dying and a fox pitiful.

That person hiding in the dark... No, he is no longer a human, but a wolf, a beast!

When he was still a human, he wasn't that strong. He might not have the advantage if he fought alone. If two people dealt with him together, they would be able to win.

But ever since he got an injection in public, his whole person has changed!

Everyone witnessed with their own eyes the whole process of how a person turned into a beast, which scared everyone.

When the beast showed its ferocious fangs, the original siege turned into a safari, but the hunter and the prey were completely reversed!

What's even more annoying is that at this juncture, the abbot has disappeared!

Has he been scared away?

Of course, this was just a pique. In fact, everyone knew that the abbot was not far away.

He used everyone as bait to lure the beast out, and then looked for opportunities to give him a fatal blow!

Although there is a lot of reluctance in my heart, after all, no one likes to be a bait.

However, everyone did not dare to disobey the abbot's intention, so they could only make themselves more careful.

There are fewer and fewer companions around me, and everyone is getting closer and closer.

The beast was hiding in the woods. Find him and bring him back. Everyone has completed their mission.

At this moment, a person on the side screamed and fell to the ground!

A dark shadow originally wanted to pounce on him, but unexpectedly, this guy's legs weakened as soon as he saw him, and he escaped!

The black shadow turned to face the others. Just as he was about to attack, a man suddenly rushed out from behind and kicked him into the air!

The black shadow flew nearly two meters, hit a big tree heavily, and then fell to the ground.

This blow was quite severe. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably have broken several ribs in his sternum.

But not yet


The attacker from behind didn't even wait for the black shadow to stand up. He had already rushed to him, using his hands and feet to beat him wildly!

"Master, good job!" Several people behind them all shouted excitedly!

Of course they know how heavy Master's fist is!

Ordinary people simply can't withstand the master's punch. That Yuan Zaiming died under the master's fist!

Even the Holy Master has said that if a foreigner has mastered Kung Fu to the master's level, he has already entered the palace!

The beast was finally caught by the master, and now he has nowhere to escape and will soon die under the master's iron fist!

When the person under him was already motionless, the abbot stopped his hand, looked coldly at the guy on the ground who was bleeding from all his orifices, and said in a deep voice

"Fiton, you're done! Tell me where the Red Buddha is and where the escort vehicle is, and I'll give you a happy death!"

Fiton was motionless on the ground, his eyes closed tightly, and he even stopped breathing.

Could it be that he was beaten to death by himself?

The abbot frowned. Before he could ask about the whereabouts of the property, he accidentally killed someone. The Holy Master would definitely not let him go!

He quickly bent down and stretched out his hand to test Feton's breath.

At this moment, Fiton suddenly opened his eyes!

The abbot secretly said something bad, and just as he was about to distance himself, Feiton grabbed his wrist as fast as lightning and pulled him into his arms!

The strong man, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall and weighed nearly 200 kilograms, jumped into Feiton's arms like a bird clinging to him!

The next second, the two were rolling and tearing on the ground, looking like a couple fighting.

The people next to them looked at each other and wanted to go over and pull the two away. As soon as someone came up and stretched out his hand, he screamed and fell to the ground, rolling and crawling away!

Everyone ran over and held him down, and then they discovered that there were scars on his arms and legs, whether they were scratched by knives or grabbed by hands, and the bones were visible!

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