Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3013 They are not ordinary people

Not knowing what they found, the two people who had already walked past suddenly stopped.

One of them kicked his feet with his toes, and the other person walked over and took a look and said impatiently.

"Wild rabbit droppings! Hurry up, I haven't slept at noon today, I'm so sleepy! I have to squint for a while after returning from patrol!"

"What the hell! I lost so much last night, I must win it back today! Go back and continue!"

"You want to die, don't you? How dare you play cards during the day? The boss said you have to keep an eye on me these two days. You must patrol the mountain every two hours! If a wild monkey climbs up, you and I can't afford it!"

"Isn't it once every two hours? It's enough for us to play a few times! Don't worry!"

They drifted away, and when there was no sound at all, Chen Xin'an and the other three walked out from under the stone.

Han Yunmei patted her chest, terrified, and said to Li Qi, "Master, thank you for picking up that bag of snacks, otherwise we would have been exposed!"

Li Qi smiled and said, "But Master can't follow you to pick up snacks at any time.

Therefore, you must develop good habits. When going on a mission, your own unintentional actions may affect the overall situation! ” .??.

"I know!" Han Yunmei blushed and nodded.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to Li Qi, "There are informants at the foot of the mountain, and there are mountain rangers on the mountain. The security here is really not that strict!"

Li nodded and said, "The professional team should be official people! And they are all not marked on the sketch, indicating that they were added temporarily in the past few days.

Boss, could it be that Sister Hua and their actions have been leaked in advance? "

"We won't know until we find them!" Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said to Li Qi and Han Yunmei, "From now on, be even more careful and never act without authorization!"

"Understood!" Li Qi and Han Yunmei nodded together.

The three of them continued to move forward in the opposite direction to the two people just now. They walked for about half an hour. When Chen Xin'an raised his hand, all three of them stopped.

In front of us is a small mountain col with several

A building is like a relatively large tube building, only one floor.

Because there were many trees and he couldn't see inside, Li Qi put his backpack at his feet and said to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, you and Yunmei wait here while I go over to investigate the situation!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, be careful!"

When Li Qi turned around and left, Chen Xin'an said to Han Yunmei, "Yunmei, find a good angle to set up your gun and support your master!"

"Okay!" Han Yunmei quickly put her and Li Qi's backpacks together, opened the zipper, and took out the kc13 disassembled into parts.

This kind of disassembly and assembly is already very skilled for Han Yunmei.

After all, whenever she had free time, all her entertainment turned into disassembling and assembling various firearms.

Master has said that a qualified sniper must be familiar with various firearms as he is familiar with his own body.

In less than three seconds, a gun was assembled.

Han Yunmei put the gun back on her back, observed her surroundings, turned around and climbed up a big tree.

When she came to the tree, she did not immediately find a place to set up the gun. Instead, she picked branches and leaves and made a simple disguise for her body from head to toe.

In this way, even if someone is passing by, even if he looks up and sees her, as long as he doesn't look carefully, he won't be able to recognize that there is a person lying on top!

After finding the right position, Han Yunmei and the tree have become one.

She made an OK gesture to Chen Xin'an, who had been looking at her under the tree, and then immediately shook her arm at him and pointed forward.

Chen Xin'an nodded, someone is coming!

Two men in ranger uniforms came out and walked into the mountains.

It seems that we have changed shifts with the previous two, and it is another two hours of mountain patrol time.

Chen Xin'an hid, not wanting them to find out.

But the two people did not leave immediately. Instead, they walked to the big tree where Han Yunmei was hiding and chatted there.

Looking at the movements in their hands, Chen Xin'an also understood that these two guys came here to pee and were taking off their belts!

Damn it, you can't pee anywhere, under the body of a big girl...

Chen Xin'an looked up the tree and saw Han Yunmei leaning her head and looking down with wide eyes.

She was not deliberately watching the two grown men pee, but she was afraid of being exposed, so she wanted to see what the other man was going to do.

I didn't expect to see such a shocking scene. In shame and anger, I wanted to make a sound, but hurriedly covered my mouth with my hands!

But then, there was movement, and the two people under the tree subconsciously looked up!

Before they could see clearly, someone suddenly rushed over, covered one person's mouth, and stabbed a steel needle into his neck!

Another person hurriedly pulled out a gun. Chen Xin'an let go of the person in his arms, and a steel needle popped out of his hand!

Just as the man next to him was about to scream, the steel needle pierced his throat and he could no longer make a sound!

But he pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Chen Xin'an!

But before he could pull the trigger, Chen Xin'an was already in front of him!

The guy subconsciously pulled the trigger, only to find that he couldn't pull it at all!

Turning his head, he saw that Chen Xin'an had hooked his index finger behind the trigger and pressed it on his finger!

The guy reacted quickly and kicked Chen Xin'an in the stomach. At the same time, he flicked his right hand to the side, trying to get rid of Chen Xin'an's fingers.

But Chen Xin'an didn't give him this chance at all. He clasped the gun body with his thumb and turned it over violently!

The opponent's pupils dilated instantly, as if he wanted to scream, but with a steel needle stuck in his throat, he couldn't make a sound at all!


The kick was retracted before it touched Chen Xin'an's body, his upper body bent down, and his right arm was raised high.

Chen Xin'an didn't show mercy at all. She took advantage of the situation and strangled his neck and pulled him into her arms. The man's eyes instantly turned white and he fainted!

Han Yunmei on the tree took a long breath and apologized to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand, saying there was no need to feel guilty.

After all, she is still a newcomer to the industry, and many of her instinctive reactions cannot be changed in such a short period of time.

Instructing her to continue to keep an eye on the building in front of her, Chen Xin'an bent down and looked at the two people on the ground, thinking about how to deal with it.

At this moment, Li Qi came back.

Seeing the two people who were knocked down by Chen Xin'an, Li Qi smiled and said, "The boss was still one step ahead!

As soon as I saw them going out, I followed them, trying to find a chance to kill them both! "

Chen Xin'an asked him, "Can't I get in there?"

Li Qi shook his head and said, "It's closed, leaving only a gate.

I walked around outside but couldn't find a place to go in.

You can climb over the wall, but it's broad daylight and it's too easy to be exposed! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him, "Search these two people!"

Li Qi was not polite and directly attacked the two people on the ground.

Soon all the belongings they carried were dug out, but Li Qi's expression became more and more solemn!

"Boss, we're in trouble!" Li Qi clapped his hands and said to Chen Xin'an, "These people are all official. They don't look like green outfits, but their equipment is of a special standard!"

Chen Xin'an threw a dagger on the ground to Li Qi and said to him, "To wake him up and ask questions, stab him here with the knife, but don't stab him too deeply!"

He pointed with his finger at the man's ribs next to him.

Li nodded, picked up the dagger, and stabbed it directly into the man's body!

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