Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3028 The Real Boss Is Not Me

Who among his men would dare to treat him with such an attitude? Talk to him in this tone?

And the guy in front of me looks more and more strange.

His clothes looked like he was wearing someone else's. They didn't fit him and were obviously one size too small.

At this moment, the other party raised his head and grinned at him, "Mr. Boss, your reaction is a bit slow, right?"

Only now do you realize something is wrong? It's too late! "

Seeing him raise his head, Che Zhengxian squinted his eyes and carefully identified the person in front of him. Then his eyes gradually began to enlarge and he shouted loudly, "Chen Xin'an! Come on, catch him!"

He never dreamed that this guy would appear in front of him!

After searching all night, you were running around like a mouse.

Are you dizzy from running now?

They actually delivered it to your door!

His right hand was grabbed by Chen Xin'an's wrist, and his left hand reached to his waist to draw the gun.

At the same time, the agents in the command car rushed out and pounced on Chen Xin'an!

Without even looking at them, Chen Xin'an stabbed a steel needle into Che Zhengxian's left shoulder, causing him to scream and his arm dropped, unable to use any strength at all.

Immediately after his chest tightened, Chen Xin'an grabbed his right arm with one hand and his chest clothes with the other, and swung him up!

Bang bang bang!

With a crash, Che Zhengxian's body turned into Chen Xin'an's weapon and hit the agents who ran out of the car.

A group of people screamed and fell to the ground. Chen Xin'an grabbed Cha Zhengxian, who was dizzy with a bleeding nose, and put him on the ground. He looked at him coldly and said

"Are you their leader?

Didn't Cha Min-ki tell you not to appear in front of me? "

At this time, Che Zhengxian finally remembered what the boss said before leaving.

This guy really likes beheadings!

At that time, Che Zhengxian was still a little disdainful, thinking that as long as Chen Xin'an dared to use this trick on him, he would make it impossible for him to come back!

There are so many agents around you. They are not just decorations. Let alone letting the target touch them, they may have been discovered by his men before they even get close.

Got it!

I never expected that the boss’s words came true and such a thing actually happened!

This guy actually used this trick!

Chen Xin'an looked at Cha Zhengxian with a smile and asked, "Mr. Boss, now that you are in my hands, how do you think I will deal with you?"

Che Zhengxian slumped on the ground, shook his head, looked at Chen Xin'an, and said nothing.

Chen Xin'an knew that he was feeling very uncomfortable now, so she was not in a hurry. She just looked down at him with a smile.

"I advise you not to act rashly or force me to attack your boss. I don't want to hurt anyone. The premise is that you can't hurt me or my friends!"

Standing up with difficulty, Che Zhengxian took a deep breath and looked at Chen Xin'an, with a smile on his lips.

"Chen Xin'an, do you think you have succeeded?

Do you think that coming to me so easily and holding me hostage means you can escape?

Haha, you seem to have forgotten who you are dealing with!

Chen Xin'an, we are from Blue Cube, the famous Dongchao agents!

Do you think I don’t know you?

Now that I know you, I deliberately gave you a chance. Why do you think it is? "

Chen Xin'an frowned slightly.

At this moment, Cha Zhengxian shouted, "Come out!"

Following his shout, all the cars parked on the roadside turned on their lights.

Countless people came out of the car, guns in their hands, all pointed at Chen Xin'an, and walked over here calmly!


When Chen Xin'an saw such a battle, he understood instantly.

That's right, if you let yourself escape like this, Dongchao's top secret service agency will be really useless!

Knowing that he liked beheading operations, Cha Zhengxian used himself as bait and arranged

Such a trap, just waiting for the fish to take the bait.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an came.

If Cha Zhengxian hadn't stopped him just now and asked him to walk to the other side of the road, he wouldn't be able to get out of this encirclement.

Because this was originally an arrangement of looseness inside and strictness outside, it was simply impossible for Chen Xin'an to escape without anyone noticing!

What Chen Xin'an is most worried about now is whether Ah Qi and the others have been caught in this trap?

But since we haven't seen them yet, it means they are still safe.

Standing in front of Chen Xin'an, Che Zhengxian sneered and said, "Do you think everything is under your control?

Chen Xinan, you are wrong!

This is Dongchao, and you are facing the Blue Rubik's Cube!

No country dares to underestimate the Blue Rubik's Cube!

What you think is a way out of trouble is, in our eyes, just a ploy to get you into trouble!

So you can't escape from our grasp! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him and smiled and said, "Are you so confident that you can catch me?

Don't forget, your life and death are still in my hands! "

Che Zhengxian laughed loudly, looked at Chen Xin'an and shook his head and said, "Why at this time, Chen Xin'an, you still don't give up?

Do you think you won’t lose as long as I’m still under your control with your decapitation move?

There is an error here, do you know?

Beheading is a good move, but the one you want to behead must be the boss!

That is the person who really decides the outcome of the battle!

Unfortunately, I'm not!

I am just a small operations captain, the real boss is not here.

So even if you can decide my life or death, you can't change the entire situation of the war.

The person who really directs this battle is not me! "

What he said was not wrong. This was called a cat-and-mouse game within the Blue Rubik's Cube, and the commander was Cha Min-ki.

At the beginning of the game, he had already withdrawn himself from the game and made sure to make himself invincible!

r\u003eSurrounded by dense agents, Chen Xin'an has been trapped in a heavy siege.

No one can escape from such a siege.

After all, Chen Xin'an is a human being, not a god. It is impossible for him to really give himself wings and fly out of this place.

He could only surrender.

What I hope most now is that Aqi and the others are not caught.

He was kind to Dong Chao, and even if he was caught, he would not be punished to death.

The Blue Cube will not kill him, but if Sister Hua and Brother Gang are caught, they will definitely die!

So as long as they can escape, this battle is not lost.

Seeing Chen Xin'an calmly and waving his hands as if to let you do whatever you want, Cha Zhengxian felt very unhappy in his heart!

"Chen Xin'an, have you admitted defeat? Or are you still taking chances?

Do you think you can still escape?

I advise you not to take any more risks, and don’t think that we really dare not take action against you.

Even if someone is protecting you, they just want to keep you alive.

We can keep you alive, but how you live is not certain.

You may lie in bed for the rest of your life. Do you want to try living like this? "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at Cha Zhengxian and said, "Mr. Boss, there is no need to scare me!

It's your Blue Cube's ability to catch me, so I have nothing to complain about.

So I don’t want to fight you to the death.

The current situation is already a desperate situation for me.

You can catch me and bring me back to life! "

Hearing what he said, Cha Zhengxian finally showed a proud smile on his face!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the omnipotent Chen Xin'an would take the initiative to admit defeat to our Blue Rubik's Cube!

I really want many people to see this scene, especially the former Holy Master!

But, dear Mr. Chen, do you think it’s enough to admit defeat?

Don't pretend to be confused!

Tell me, where are the others hiding now! "

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