Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3041 This is not an accident, this is murder

In fact, even if he has known Chen Xin'an for several years, he can still be regarded as Chen Xin'an's friend.

But in terms of close relationship, she is not even as good as Duan Changkong and Jing Jing!

In the eyes of his former colleagues, Xiao Qin looked down upon the proximity to the water that everyone envied.

She just wanted to live her own two-person world with Luo Qianhe. Even when Luo Qianhe went to see her senior brother, she was not happy and wanted to stop him.

Not to mention that Luo Qianhe was going abroad with her senior brother, which was simply intolerable to her.

In fact, she has been trying to control herself and not show it too obviously.

But days like this made her too tired, and also made Luo Qianhe extremely annoyed.

Finally, when Luo Qianhe decided to go to the Eagle Flag Country with her senior brother, she broke out completely.

After a big fight with Luo Qianhe, she broke up.

Luo Qianhe agreed. Going abroad with his senior brother would give him peace of mind and give each other a chance to cool down.

Over the past few months, Xiao Qin has thought a lot, and has come to the conclusion that his personality is too different from that of Luo Qianhe, and they are destined to be unable to get together.

She wanted to leave Kyoto and live in a place where no one knew her and she didn't know anyone else.

So she applied for a job online and happened to come across Jiamu Film's makeup artist recruitment.

After two rounds of interviews, she passed successfully.

The cooperation between Jiamu Films and Pangxingzhuang Film and Television City was hers.

She became the leader before going to work. This was her way of repaying Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo for taking care of her in the past few years.

When you leave Kyoto, let go of everything and everyone in the past.

No matter what, everyone regards Xiao Qin as a friend.

Especially Konoha Zhen, who has opened a beauty shop with Xiao Qin for so long, they both treat each other like sisters, and their relationship is deeper, so naturally they are on Xiao Qin's side.

It's just that no one should get too involved in this kind of thing. No one is wrong, it's just that the personality is inappropriate.

In addition, although Yi Mei'er is of mixed race and has just arrived in Kyoto, she has a very lovable personality, lively and cute, pretty, and has a sweet mouth.

Within a few days of arriving, I was already getting along with all the women at home.

Even Aunt Xiao and Aunt Fang like her very much.

This is not a deliberate move by Elaine to please everyone.

It's because this girl is really open-minded and seems to be naturally suited to this environment.

So she is now very popular with everyone, and Luo Qianhe also loves her very much.

Xiao Qin was naturally even more sad when he saw this scene. He didn't want to meet them and wanted to leave Kyoto right away.

Ning Xiruo sighed and said nothing more.

As soon as the car arrived at the film and television city, Lin Keer and Chen Rong were already waiting below the office building.

This five-story building is the office center of the film and television city, and Dream Media's office has been moved here.

Lin Keer walked to Ning Xiruo and said to her, "Boss Zou will be here in an hour. Brother He is waiting for you up there!"

Ning Xiruo frowned and asked Lin Keer, "Why is he here?"

Chen Rong on the side shook her head and said, "I don't know, but he came from the hospital!"

Ning Xiruo's expression changed and she quickly led everyone upstairs.

When they arrived at Lin Keer's office, Luo Qianhe was sitting on the sofa with a lot of photos on the coffee table in front of him.

Seeing Ning Xiruo coming in, Luo Qianhe raised his head and said, "Sister-in-law, come here and take a look!"

Konoha walked over to take a look first, his face changed drastically, he quickly moved his hands, hugged all the photos, and cursed at Luo Qianhe

"Damn pigeon, are you stupid? Why are you showing Xiruo these disgusting things!"

Luo Qianhe also reacted, scratched his head with an embarrassed look, hurriedly picked up the photo, and said to Ning Xiruo, "Sister-in-law, please stop looking at it, I'll just tell you the result!"

He arranged the photos like numbers and said to Ning Xiruo, "I went to the hospital to see

The patient who had a heart attack was so angry that he died.

He didn't die of anger, he died of drug allergy!

I checked the hospital's prescription records and there was no problem with prescribing and dispensing the medicine. "

"That's strange!" Ning Xiruo frowned and said, "Since there is no problem with the medicine, how could there be a drug allergy?

Could it be that the hospital didn't investigate the patient's physical contraindications?

This is a low-level mistake! "

Luo Qianhe nodded, squinted his eyes and said, "What's even more strange is that the patient had a drug allergic reaction in the early morning, more than five hours after his infusion!

The hospital promptly asked experts to take rescue measures, but they were unable to save her! "

Everyone's eyes widened.

What's happening here?

Aren’t drug reactions only supposed to occur during infusion?

Even if the drug evaporates, it will only be a delay of one or two hours. It has been so long since the infusion ended before the body has an allergic reaction. Is this person's reflex arc too slow?

Luo Qianhe put the photos into a bag and said to Ning Xiruo, "I have called Qiao Yanhui. He and Sister Qing are now at the Chengxi Branch.

I will give them the photos and let them investigate. "

Ning Xiruo looked at him and asked, "Geve, what do you mean..."

Luo Qianhe squinted his eyes and said, "This is not an accident, this is murder!

Only by using special drugs can such an effect be achieved.

But when I looked for evidence, I found that all the residue had been disposed of. "


The office suddenly became quiet, and everyone had solemn looks on their faces.

Lin Ke'er said angrily, "How come these people are so bad! It's just a quarrel. As for killing people?"

Miss Mu, I asked, Yun Nishang is engaged in props and costume rental, not Anhao Group, nor Muyang Company.

The dispute with the tourist was because they believed that the other person had damaged his costume and wanted compensation.


The other party said it wasn't them, and a quarrel broke out. Their clerk took action first.

The existence of such stores will only drag us down and bring a great negative impact to the film and television city.

I will inform them of the settlement immediately and drive them out of the film and television city! "

"Ke'er, don't get excited!" Ning Xiruo shook her head and comforted her, "This matter has not been fully investigated yet, so let's not act rashly.

And I don’t think this was done by the store. They couldn’t be so bold! "

Zhou Zhi said in a deep voice, "I don't think things are that simple. The other party may be coming after us!

I called Sister No. 1 and asked if there was any public opinion online.

Now let’s put this matter aside first. Mr. Zou from Jiamu Films is coming, so let’s prepare this matter first! "

Ning Xiruo nodded.

Lin Keer's cell phone rang. She picked it up and answered it. She suddenly frowned and said to the phone.

"Don't let them make trouble at this time!

Are there any reporters?

Brother Man is down there, he will take care of it!

The distinguished guest is coming, don’t affect today’s negotiations!

Okay, then let Brother Man handle it!

I'll be down in a moment! "

After hanging up the phone, Lin Keer said to Ning Xiruo, "Mr. Ning, I have to go down there! The family members of the deceased have come over and are making a fuss over Yun Nishang.

Brother Man had already brought people over to maintain order, but many reporters came over after hearing the news.

I'm afraid that Brother Man's efforts will be too rough and have a bad impact on us, so I have to go and have a look! "

Ning Xiruo stood up and said to her, "I'll go with you!"

Everyone stopped when they heard this, and Ning Xiruo said helplessly, "Sisters, I am not porcelain, I am not that delicate!

If we don't handle this properly, the impact on the film and television city will be disastrous.

Even for Anhao Group, it has a very bad impact.

How could I not show up! "

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