Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3043 You are all in the same boat

boom! boom! boom!

Gunshots rang out, and the tourists who were so crazy that their eyes turned red and lost their minds were frightened and stopped in their tracks.

Xu Qingtie walked over with a livid face and strode over with a gun.

Qiao Yanhui and several police officers followed her.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang finally squeezed through the crowd and rushed to the side of Ning Xiruo and the girls.

Seeing a bald man still holding Mombova's arm and refusing to let go, Sekiya kicked her in the stomach!

"He's beating someone! The security guard here is beating someone!" The bald man fell to the ground, clutching his stomach and yelling.

Guangu rushed over and stepped on his chest. He gritted his teeth and cursed, "If you call me again, I will kill you. Believe it or not?"

The bald man stopped talking, his eyes were filled with fear.

Because he saw the murderous look in Guan Gu's eyes, this man was definitely not just talking!

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang had already rushed to Ning Xiruo's side and asked nervously, "Xiruo, how are you?"

Ning Xiruo turned pale and shook her head.

She wasn't actually hurt, but she was frightened.

"Xiruo!" Xu Qing rushed over, grabbed Ning Xiruo's arm, and cursed at her

"Are you crazy! Why are you running around with a big belly? If something goes wrong with you, how will we explain it to Mr. Chen!"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and wanted to comfort everyone, but the next second she covered her stomach with her hands, her face looking extremely painful!

"Xi Ruo!" Everyone was frightened, and Guan Qing shouted, "Bowa!"

"Here it comes!" Mompowa rushed over, took out a small bottle, brought it to Ning Xiruo's mouth, and poured the contents of the bottle into Ning Xiruo's mouth.

Then she hugged Ning Xiruo's head with her arms, looked into her eyes and said, "Sister-in-law, follow me and inhale and exhale! Relax, it's okay!"

On the other side, Qiao Yanhui shouted angrily at a group of tourists, "Who was taking the lead in making trouble just now?"

The woman scolded him, "Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you're wearing a police uniform and holding a gun! If you want to cause trouble for these kind-hearted people, then arrest me first!"

Qiao Yanhui glanced at her and said, "You must be arrested!"


When he said this, all the tourists around him stopped doing it!

"What do you mean? If you don't catch the bad guys, catch the good guys? You don't care about the murderers, but you bully the victims first, right?"

"I should have told you that these people are all the same and only persecute honest people!"

"Who are you trying to scare people who are orphans and widowers? With so many media reporters watching, this matter must be investigated to the bottom of it! Otherwise, everyone will not agree!"

Everyone shouted "Yes, I won't agree!"

"I wonder who is making noise?" Xu Qing came over and stared at the tourists in front of him.

No one dared to speak, but everyone looked disdainfully, and they were obviously not convinced.

Xu Qing ignored them, walked up to the woman and said, "Orphans and widows?

According to our investigation, the deceased’s name was Fan Jingui, who was from Jinshawan, Outer Harbor.

He was divorced ten years ago and has not remarried in these years. Why did he come to Kyoto and find a wife like you? "

The woman looked a little flustered, but she still said loudly, "I am his ex-wife, and we are getting back together. Isn't it allowed? You are so capable, can't you even find out this?"

Xu Qing snorted coldly and said, "Okay, even if you are the ex-wife of the deceased, who are these two children?"

A policeman stood in front of the woman with a seven or eight-year-old child in his left and right hands.

The woman's eyes evaded and she said in a trembling voice, "This is my child..."

Xu Qing said coldly, "According to our investigation, Fan Jingui has no children at all because he has physical defects and is unable to have children.

Ten years ago, I divorced my ex-wife precisely for this reason.

These two children are at most seven or eight years old, right?

Could it be that two years after Fan Jingui divorced you, he gave birth to twins with you, and then they didn’t contact you for seven or eight years, only to reunite as a family after coming to Kyoto? "

"This..." The woman looked completely flustered and hesitated to say no.

Speak up.

Someone in the crowd shouted, "It is a fact that unscrupulous shops kill tourists. There are so many media paying attention to it."

You don't interrogate the murderer, but you are here to interrogate the victim's family and create difficulties in every possible way!

Is this the attitude of the Kyoto police? "

"Listen!" Xu Qing faced the crowd and shouted to everyone, "Our attitude is to enforce the law impartially and never condone rape!

The case will be investigated clearly, and this is also the process of investigation.

We will never let any bad person go, nor will we wrongly accuse any good person!

Not only do we need to find out the real cause of the victim's death, we also need to find out who is taking advantage of this incident to do some shady things!

Dear friends from the media, I believe you have seen and photographed what happened today.

Then please cooperate with the police investigation. We will not let anyone off the hook who takes advantage of this incident to commit crimes! "

Upon hearing these words, the crowd fell silent.

Someone huddled in the crowd and wanted to escape. Qiao Yanhui snorted and said, "The cameraman has already captured the scene just now!"

Who said what and what they did are all recorded on video.

Don't worry, you won't do anything wrong, and you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door.

When we need your cooperation later, all you need to do is confess truthfully.

We can forget about those who were taken advantage of and acted on impulse.

But for those who deliberately provoke and have ulterior motives, even if you run away now, we will catch you! "

A man came over and said to Xu Qing and Qiao Yanhui, "Two officers, I am Yu Zetao, a self-media cameraman. I want to ask this woman something, is that okay?"

Although they are old acquaintances, it is better to pretend not to know each other in such an occasion.

Xu Qing nodded to Yu Zetao.

Yu Zetao looked at the woman and pointed at the two children next to her and asked, "Excuse me, are these two children really your own?"

The woman

looked at him strangely and said, "Why are you asking this? Why should I answer you?"

The two children also turned their heads quickly, looked at her and shouted "Mom!"

There was a burst of dissatisfied complaints from the crowd.

"If they are not someone else's children, will they call me mom? This kid asked a really weird question!"

"A self-media cameraman, not a policeman, what right does he have to question the victim? Why should he tell you?"

"I thought media people were fair and objective, but now it seems, haha, it's really disappointing!"

Yu Zetao turned around and said to everyone, "Don't get me wrong, I have a reason to ask this.

I mainly want to know, since this lady is really the mother of the two children, why did she let the two children be in such a dangerous environment?

The two children were just squeezed down by everyone and stepped on several times!

If the police hadn't fired a warning shot, my colleagues and I would have tried our best to pick up the children, and the consequences would be disastrous!

But this mother never looked at the children from beginning to end, let alone a word of concern!

I wonder which mother can be so indifferent to her own children?

Can you answer me?"

Everyone quieted down and looked at the woman.

At this time, everyone also found something strange, as if they had never seen any emotional exchanges between them since they met the mother and the three children.

Apart from the few awkward calls of "Mom", they didn't think they were biological mother and son at all!

The woman was even more panicked, staring at Yu Zetao and shouting, "Don't talk nonsense here!

They are my children. I am just sad because my husband died and can't take care of the children..."

Xu Qing came over and took her arm and said, "It doesn't matter. We will investigate whether they are really related by blood!

Xiao Liu, take the three of them to different rooms and ask them to write their names and birthdays.

If they are different, control them immediately!"

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