Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3048 This is not the rule of our warriors

Chen Xin'an doesn't have to worry about the foundation's funds.

Donations from those present were limited, but the impact was huge.

This is a project led by the leader and with official participation.

As long as it is launched on the market, it is bound to be an influx of large amounts of capital.

The car that Chen Xin'an robbed has re-entered the National Bank.

Except for the parts that belonged to Miyamusashi, everything on the car also returned to the hands of their respective owners.

Those chaebols had just experienced a false alarm and had regained their strength, but not to the point of breaking their muscles and bones.

However, they have become cautious, eager for an opportunity to express their sincerity to the official to show that they and Miya Musashi have been completely separated.

After this incident, they truly understood that no matter how they develop, how much wealth and power they possess.

Once the official wants to deal with you, they can make you impoverished and have nothing in an instant!

The one who was really upset was Cha Min-ki.

He had just warned Chen Xin'an that he would attack those people if they were disobedient.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an would pull such a trick in the blink of an eye.

Even if he had extraordinary abilities, he would not dare to attack that group of people.

While others were rescuing, he was dealing with those being rescued. No one in Dongchao would let him go!

Chen Xin'an walked off the stage, and someone came over with two wine glasses. The expression on his face was half-smile, and he looked at him and said

"Mr. Chen is a noble and upright man with a heart for the world, which is admirable!

My name is Lou Zaiyuan, and I would like to make Mr. Chen as my friend. Can we have a drink? "

Chen Xin'an looked at him, smiled slightly, nodded, and took the wine glass in his hand.

Lou Zaiyuan waved, and the waiter who had been waiting next to him came over and filled their glasses with wine.

Lou Zaiyuan gestured to Chen Xin'an with a cup, Chen Xin'an touched it with him, and the two drank it down in one gulp.

Just as he was about to leave, Lou Zaiyuan stopped him and said, "Mr. Chen, one cup is not enough. According to the rules, we need to drink nine cups to make friends!"


The waiter at the side came over and was about to pour wine for Chen Xin'an, but Chen Xin'an took the cup away.

"Mr. Lou, you just have to make friends as long as you want to. Isn't it necessary to drink so many bars?"

Lou Zaiyuan shook his head and said, "The rules are the rules, and we can't change them!"

"Where is this rule? Why haven't I heard of it?" Chen Xin'an frowned.

Lou Zaiyuan smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "My rules!"

The people next to him gloated to Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Lou is Mr. Lou's personal bodyguard and also his full-time bartender!

I have never seen anyone who can drink Mr. Lou in so many years. "

Lou Zaiyuan said to Chen Xin'an, "I heard that Mr. Chen started his business by selling wine, so his drinking capacity should not be mentioned!

The next activity is for free play, why don’t we have a good time? "

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said with a smile, "Please spare me! I did start my career by selling wine, but I really don't have the drinking capacity!"

When we realize our feelings, we have friendship. We don’t have to fight for wine. Drinking too much can harm your health! "

"That won't work!" Lou Zaiyuan stopped Chen Xin'an who was about to leave, shook his head and said

“I know the Chinese wine culture, which usually talks about the deep friendship and profound meaning attached to wine.

Only when we drink enough can we be truly friends!

Mr. Chen has always been vigorous and fearless in his work. Why is he shrinking back now? "

People nearby gathered around and laughed and joined in the fun.

"Mr. Chen, don't be afraid!

I know that Chinese people are generally quite good drinkers! "

"Forget it, it's all just a lie!

They say how good Chinese wine is, a hundred times better than our soju.

I tasted it once. It tasted really bad. It had no alcohol content and was just like cold water! "

"I found that Chinese people just like

Huan has a tough mouth and is timid in everything he does!

Every time they drink, they are pushed back and forth, as if they are being fed poison!

Mr. Chen, don’t imitate those people and compete with Mr. Lou!

This is an old Beijing artillery piece specially flown from China. You must be familiar with this, so you are taking advantage of it. You wouldn’t dare to drink with Mr. Lou like this, right? "

Chen Xin'an raised her eyebrows and glanced at the tray in the waiter's hand.

There are three bottles of wine on it, they are really Chinese old Beijing art!

This is a fifty-six degree strong drink. I drank a glass just now but didn't pay attention.

Lou Zaiyuan glanced at Chen Xin'an, curled his lips and said, "Since Mr. Chen has given up, forget it.

Chinese men can only drink so much, so disappointing!

Still the Vesu people can drink it!

From now on, state banquets will still use wine from the Vesu people, Chinese people..."

He shook his head, and everyone around him burst into laughter.

Chen Xin'an also smiled slightly and said to Lou Zaiyuan, "Whether Huaxia's wine tastes good or not mainly depends on the person.

Those who understand wine will naturally understand it, but those who don’t understand wine...should only drink soda.

Since Mr. Lou wants to have a drink with me and have a deep friendship, then I have no choice but to sacrifice my life to accompany him!

But that’s not how we Chinese men drink. It’s so boring!

Mr. Lou’s rule is nine cups, so let me tell you my rule is that each person has one cup, blow to each other, and whoever falls first loses! "

The surrounding area fell silent, and soon burst into laughter!

"Mr. Chen, are you kidding me? Do you think you will be afraid of Mr. Pingchuilou if you say something right? You underestimate him!"

"Perhaps you have forgotten who you are facing! Mr. Lou is a national-level wine substitute! He is nicknamed the God of Bacchus! His drinking capacity is one of the best in the entire Dongchao!"

"Chinese people's ability to drink is something they boast about! When I saw Mr. Chen's behavior, I saw other people! I advise Mr. Chen to forget it, so as not to be embarrassed later when he gets drunk!"

Chen Xin'an was not angry when she heard what the people around her said, she just looked at Lou Zaiyuan with a smile and said, "Just ask Mr. Lou if you dare!"

Lou Zaiyuan smiled and put the wine glass on the waiter's tray, picked up a bottle of Beijing Pao, and motioned to Chen Xin'an, "I'll do it first as a courtesy!"

"No, you don't drink like this!" Chen Xin'an stopped him, shook his head and said, "Mr. Lou is the boss's understudy and bodyguard, and he is also a warrior!

Drinking like this is too ordinary. We warriors drink according to the rules of warriors! "

"Why are there rules again? Why do Chinese people have so many rules?" Someone next to him shouted impatiently.

Chen Xin'an laughed and said, "I said it's enough if I think about it. Mr. Lou said his rule is nine cups.

It was you who set the rules first, then I told you my rules, and now you think there are too many rules, isn’t that a bit..."

Before he finished speaking, everyone's faces turned slightly red.

It is said that the rules are set by one's own people first, and now others also say their own rules, which is of course reasonable and reasonable.

Lou Zaiyuan looked indifferent and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "How do you want Mr. Chen to drink this bottle of wine?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, picked up a bottle of Lao Beijing Pao from the waiter's tray, then bent down and placed it on the ground.

Everyone was stunned and looked at him inexplicably.

What is this for?

Is this guy going to lie down on the ground and drink like a dog?

Such a rule is really ridiculous and Mr. Lou would definitely not agree to it.

But just when everyone was about to ridicule, Chen Xin'an called to the people around him to step back, then put his hands on it and stood on his head!

Then he actually used one hand to support the ground, picked up the wine bottle with the other hand, bit open the bottle cap, and signaled to Lou Zaiyuan:

"Drink like this! Whoever falls first loses!

If Mr. Lou finds it difficult, he can put his hands on the ground and hold the bottle in his mouth.

Of course, if you can’t hold it with your hands, ask the person next to you to help support your body, or you can drink it upside down! "

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