Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3053 Thank you for solving my trouble


A long knife with cold light penetrated the roof of the car and stabbed from above!

Chen Xin'an had already pushed Qiu Yizhen away, otherwise this knife would have stabbed her into skewers!

With a sharp friction sound, the car stopped!

Chen Xin'an opened the car door fiercely and left a message, "Stay in the car and don't come out!"

I'll lead people away, you get out of here quickly! "

Qiu Yizhen was so frightened that she couldn't speak. Quan Suying also stayed in the driver's seat, not daring to move.


The shining cold blade beside him disappeared instantly, and someone shouted hoarsely, "Chen Xin'an, come back!"

As he spoke, he stabbed down again with the long knife in his hand!


Like cutting tofu, the blade penetrated the car roof again. The tip of the blade rubbed Qiu Yizhen's head and pierced her shoulder!

Qiu Yizhen cried out in pain, and Quan Suying reached out her hand desperately, trying to grab the blade with her bare hands!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an, who had already run out, looked back and shouted, "Miya Musashi, you are looking for death!"

The knife was retracted with a swish. Gong Musashi, dressed in black, was holding a long knife, standing on the roof of Lei Yu's car, looking at Chen Xin'an and saying

"Come on, only one of us can leave alive tonight!"

Chen Xin'an walked back with a gloomy face. He was afraid that Gong Musashi would attack the people in the car.

Miya Musashi assumed a posture with a long sword leaning on the ground, and the tip of the sword was pointing at the top of Qiu Yizhen's head!

He looked at Chen Xin'an with red eyes and said, "You bastard, you ruined everything for me!

I should be standing there drinking tonight. I am the one who is loved by thousands of people!

You took away all the glory that belonged to me!

And all my life’s savings have been emptied by you!

Chen Xin'an, you and I are inseparable!

Tonight, let's settle it! "

Chen Xin'an stood two meters away from the car, looked at Miya Musashi on the roof of the car and said, "Okay! Then let's end it completely.

Come down, let's go to a deserted place to fight for our lives, don't hurt other people! "


Musashi held the knife in both hands and laughed.

He looked at Chen Xin'an with contempt and said, "Are you stupid? Or do you think I will be as stupid as you?

Do you think that all the things you have done to me can be wiped out as long as I kill you?

Chen Xin'an, don't be too naive!

I will kill everyone who has anything to do with you in front of you!

I want you to taste all the pain in the world, and then die miserably in pain!

Let you go to hell and confess everything you did to me! "

"Hey!" A voice called from behind.

Miya Musashi turned his head slightly and took a look.

Quan Suying stood beside the car, pointed at him and cursed, "He provoked you, then you should seek revenge on him!"

What does it have to do with us? You come down, we will leave now, and we will not get involved in the grudges between you! "

Gong Musashi looked at her coldly and said, "If I want to blame you, I can only blame you for being with Chen Xin'an!

I have just said that everyone related to him must die! "

Quan Suying gritted her teeth and looked at him and cursed, "Are you a madman?

Do you know who is in the car?

Don't you know how much trouble you caused by hurting her?

Let me take the lady to the hospital quickly, otherwise..."

"Hahaha!" Miya Musashi stood on the roof of the car and laughed.

He squinted at Quan Suying and said, "No one dared to speak to me in such a tone before.

You call me Holy Master, you call me Sir!

But overnight, a woman dared to call me crazy in front of me!

Hahaha, Chen Xin'an, all this is thanks to you!

So you are going to die! You are going to die too! Everyone here must die! "

Quan Suying shuddered and looked at the man in black on the roof of the car in horror.

She finally knew who this person was!

Don't blame her for being timid, because the Holy Master's previous reputation was so great!

Even the object of his crush, Lou Zaiyuan, who is known as the best Taekwondo master in Dongchao, has to behave like a junior in front of this person, and is not even qualified to be a disciple!

Quan Suying trembled all over, pointed to the trunk and said, "You, you want to kill someone, I won't run away!

But the car, the people in the car, you, you can’t move..."

Gong Musashi sneered coldly, lowered his head and said, "Qiu Daxun's daughter, right? So what?"

Do you know what Qiu Daxun promised me?

He broke his promise first, so don't blame me for attacking his daughter!

And I know that this little girl has a crush on Chen Xin'an.

I just don’t know if this person named Chen would be sad if she died? "

Quan Suying turned pale and shouted to Gong Musashi, "No! She has nothing to do with Chen Xin'an!"

Even if you kill her, Chen Xin'an won't be sad.

Just let her go, she is innocent and has nothing to do with the whole thing! "

"Chen Xin'an!" Gong Musashi didn't listen to what Quan Suying was saying at all. He just yelled and then pushed down with both hands.

The blade penetrated the roof of the car again and penetrated into the car!

"Ah!" Quan Suying shouted in horror, "Miss!"

She wanted to rush over at all costs, but through the open window glass, she saw the tip of the long knife hanging above Qiu Yizhen's head and touching her hair.

But it didn't touch her scalp, just a little less than the thickness of a coin!

She was so scared that her hands and feet were weak and she was dripping with cold sweat. She didn't dare to move for fear of angering Miyamusashi.

"That's it?" Chen Xin'an, who was not far away, yawned, shook his head, as if to wake himself up, looked at Gong Musashi and cursed

"The majestic Saint Master of Dongchao has actually reduced himself to the point of threatening his opponents with a woman's life. Will others laugh to death if word spreads about this?

Miya Musashi, are you old and confused, or are you just so angry that you don’t know what this woman is doing to me?

Say, are they just insignificant passers-by?

If you want to kill her, move quickly. We'll fight again when it's over!

Can't you lift the knife?

How about I help you? "

"Chen Xin'an!" Quan Suying gritted his teeth angrily, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed, "How could you do this to Miss? You bastard!"

Chen Xin'an made a look like vomiting, but just spat on the ground, raised her head and curled her lips and said to Quan Suying

"Then what should I do to her?

It's just a woman. How many do I, Chen Xin'an, want? Isn't it just a matter of just beckoning and just playing with her?

Like her, among the women I have met, her beauty is not considered top-notch, and her figure is average.

If I hadn't been the daughter of the boss, do you think I would have been entangled with her for so long?

That is to say, this identity makes it more exciting for me to play. Besides this, what other advantages does she have?

I can't get rid of my worries, now is my chance!

Miya Musashi, he is a man, so hurry up and do it!

I also have to thank you for solving my trouble. I will settle the score with you after you kill them both.

It doesn't matter, you take your time, I'm not in a hurry! "

While he was talking, he actually walked to the side of the road, sat on the curb, and beat his chest, as if he felt uncomfortable and wanted to vomit.

"Chen Xin'an, you are simply not a human being! You are just a cold-blooded beast!" Quan Suying was so angry that she wanted to take Gong Musashi's knife and cut Chen Xin'an into seven or eight pieces!

I really didn’t expect that the young lady would fall in love with such a guy with a human face and a beast heart!

Not to mention forcing him to accept the lady, but since the lady is so infatuated with you and has done so many things for you, if you don't accept your feelings, you should treat her as a friend, right?

I didn't expect that he would be so unkind and unkind to the lady, and he just treated her as a plaything!

Gong Musashi squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Xin'an sitting on the edge of the building, his face uncertain.

After a while, he seemed to have figured out something, turned his head and cursed Chen Xin'an with a grin, "Are you kidding me?"

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