Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3055 You are prepared and so am I

The sound of police sirens was particularly harsh in the dark night.

Even the vehicles of the Red Rock Terrace escort team followed the police car to the place where they met Miya Musashi before.

This must have been called by Qiu Yizhen.

However, Chen Xin'an and Gong Musashi were no longer here. Police cars and escort vehicles circled around several times but found no trace of the two.

Beside the artificial lake, two figures quickly collided with each other and immediately separated.

Chen Xin'an lowered her head and looked at the knife wound on her chest, feeling frightened for a while.

If he had been slower for one second, he would have been disemboweled by this old Yinbi!

In front of him, Miya Musashi held a sword high in both hands, with the blade tilted forward and the tip pointing to the sky, a typical Japanese warrior defensive posture.

I have to say that this old boy's sword skills are really strong and he can't find any weaknesses at all.

Chen Xin'an felt that her internal strength had made a breakthrough, but when she actually fought against a master like Miya Musashi, she realized that the gap in strength was still obvious.

In fact, after realizing the inner strength, it has broken the natural law that boxing is afraid of young people.

The longer you practice, the stronger your inner energy will be, and the deeper your understanding of inner energy will be.

In a battle, it's not who's more flexible, but whoever has the most moves that wins.

A fatal move is the most powerful.

Even if he has not received the nourishment of blood exchange in the recent period, even if this may be the end of Miya Musashi's strength, there is still a lot of pressure for Chen Xin'an, and he may be killed by one careless move!

Maybe Miya Musashi without a knife gave Chen Xin'an the confidence to exchange his injuries and risk his life.

Now that the opponent has a knife in his hand, Chen Xin'an feels that he really has no chance at all and can't get close at all!

The cold light flickered, Miya Musashi quickly changed from defense to offense, and struck Chen Xin'an with another knife!

This old Yinbi really hates Chen Xin'an to the core, and he will behead him every time!

Chen Xin'an didn't hesitate, quickly backed away, and then ran away!

In front of this long knife, Chen Xin'an's crossbow arrows and steel needles were of no use, and instead caused a waste.


Running is the best defense method. No matter how strong your sword skills are, as long as I withdraw from your attack range, your sword cannot hurt me!

Of course, it is not easy to escape in front of Gong Musashi. This is the reason why Chen Xin'an has wounds on his body.

By the artificial lake, Chen Xin'an jumped directly into the flower pond, rolled forward, and rushed over.

Behind him, large branches and leaves were cut off with a knife and scattered in the air.

Gong Musashi, who was holding a long sword, also rushed across the flower pond. As soon as he came out, Chen Xin'an in front shouted "Hit!"

Miya Musashi didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but he knew that his opponent was very cunning and would not talk nonsense!

At this moment, he subconsciously raised his long knife and blocked it in front of him!

At the same time, something hit the long sword, directly breaking the sword, and then drilled heavily into Miyamusashi's chest!

Miya Musashi groaned, jumped back, and hit the ground with a thud!

Chen Xin'an stopped, glanced at Miya Musashi who was lying on the ground behind him, and breathed a sigh of relief and said, "hit!"

On the roof of the awning not far away, Han Yunmei, who was lying on her stomach, got up excitedly and shouted to Li Qi, who was still aiming next to her, "Master, I'm hit!"

There was no expression of joy on Li Qi's face, he just frowned and said, "Yunmei, you are getting carried away again!

I said, don't move after shooting, even if you hit the target.

Just wait..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Qi's expression suddenly changed and he stood up and rushed towards her!

Chen Xin'an walked towards Miya Musashi cautiously. Was this old Yinbi really shot to death?

Just when he was still about three meters away from Miya Musashi, Miya Musashi, who was lying on the ground, suddenly sat up, holding a broken knife more than a foot long in his hand!

He flicked his arm, and the broken knife flew towards his head like an arrow from the string!


The target is not him!

Chen Xin'an stood still as the broken knife flew over his head and disappeared into the night sky!

Thirty meters away, the broken knife struck directly at Han Yunmei's back!

Li Qi had already rushed over, pushed Han Yunmei away, and the broken knife passed through his chest!

Bang bang!

Both of them fell from the awning, which was not spacious!

Regardless of her own pain, Han Yunmei got up and ran to Li Qi's side, picked him up, and cried, "Master! How are you? Don't scare me!"

At a distance of thirty meters, the flying knife was still so accurate and powerful. Chen Xin'an finally saw the terror of a master with the fifth level of internal energy!

But after Miya Musashi threw the knife, he also vomited a lot of blood!

He grabbed the handle of the knife on the ground, with a nearly three-foot blade still on it. He stood up unsteadily, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Chen Xin'an coldly!

"Bunny, I knew you wouldn't lead me here for no reason!

I know you have an assistant who is good at sniping, but he never showed up, just preparing to ambush me!

But if you are prepared, so am I!

And I'm ready to get rid of him first as soon as he appears! "

Gong Musashi looked at Chen Xin'an and laughed. He grabbed the clothes on his chest with his left hand and tore it aside, revealing the bulletproof vest underneath!

I didn’t expect Lao Yinbi to wear this thing!

Chen Xin'an's face fell, and her heart sank.

He is now more worried about the situation of Li Qi and Han Yunmei, but he does not dare to turn around or get distracted, because if there is a slight flaw, Lao Yinbi will kill him!

Gong Musashi shook off the broken knife in his hand, rubbed his chest, spit out a mouthful of blood, and said to Chen Xin'an with a sinister smile.

"I lost my favorite knife and added a body armor to block the shot and save my life. It was already worth it!

Chen Xin'an, what else do you have in mind?

Without assistance, what will you use to offset it?

Block my pursuit? "

He walked forward step by step, and Chen Xin'an stepped back step by step.

Seeing that there was an artificial lake behind him, Chen Xin'an had no way to retreat. Gong Musashi snorted and slashed at Chen Xin'an with a knife!

Chen Xin'an turned around to dodge, but Gong Musashi pressed forward step by step. The sword light weaved into a web, covering Chen Xin'an!


Blood splatters continued to appear on Chen Xin'an's chest, back, and arms!

Miya Musashi's sword skills are magical. Even if he uses a broken sword, it is still sharp, making Chen Xin'an very defensive.

If this continues, even if the injury is not fatal, Chen Xin'an can still die from massive bleeding!


Gong Musashi kicked Chen Xin'an into the air, and with a plop, he fell into the artificial lake!

The bright red blood instantly dyed a large area of ​​the lake red.

Chen Xin'an, who fell into the lake, sank instantly and was invisible.

Gong Musashi walked to the lake with a gloomy face and stared at the water carefully, trying to find Chen Xin'an and determine whether he was alive or dead.

After five full minutes, Chen Xin'an didn't even come up.

After Miya Musashi finally exhaled a long breath, he began to breathe rapidly!

The huge physical exertion made it almost impossible for him to maintain himself.

But in front of Chen Xin'an, he had to try his best to hide it to avoid letting that bastard see the flaw!

In just the blink of an eye, Miya Musashi's body was soaked with sweat.

This kind of control of body breath and perspiration function is what he has practiced most skillfully over the years, and it is all used for showing off in front of dignitaries.

After dealing with Chen Xin'an, it's time to deal with the man and woman!

Such a little fly didn't require much effort on his part.

So he can rest here for a while and wait until his breath is almost restored before going there.

But just after he took a breath, the water surface suddenly crashed with a loud noise, and someone suddenly broke out of the water!

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