Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3059 If you don’t let in, you won’t enter.

Because of Qiu Yizhen's relationship, the captain of the Hongshitai Guards has never been very good at dealing with Chen Xin'an.

But this guy is not stupid, and he will not blatantly confront this "national hero" who is now at the top of the Dongchao and highly regarded by the leaders.

It's just that when they meet, they are verbally provocative and within the scope of their duties, they disgust the other person.

In his opinion, Chen Xin'an is his biggest love rival. If he can make the other party look embarrassed, that will be the happiest thing for him.

Of course Chen Xin'an also knew this guy's little thoughts, but he was too lazy to pay attention to it. Now he was not in the mood to tangle with him, so he frowned and said

"I told you, he is my apprentice and he came with me!

If you don’t dare to let him in, then report it to the boss and ask the boss for advice..."

"No need!" Lou Zaiyuan interrupted him directly and said impatiently

"The boss won't pay attention to such a trivial matter!

If you have to ask your superiors for instructions on everything, then why do you need me as the guard captain?

Chen Xin'an, do you understand the rules?

Don't think that just because the boss thinks highly of you, you can do whatever you want.

Where do you think this is?

It's your honor to be invited by Dashou!

You actually brought people to attend without permission..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "I told you, I have already reported to the Hongshi Platform in advance!"

"I also said, I didn't receive the notice!" Lou Zaiyuan spread his hands and said to Chen Xin'an

"So I'm sorry, it's my duty, Mr. Chen, please don't embarrass our escort team!"

Lei Ming was grateful and came out to smooth things over, "Master, then I won't go in! I'll just wait for you here!"

A proud smile appeared on Lou Zaiyuan's lips.

Chen Xin'an had been in a bad mood for the past two days. Hearing the news of Hu Bing's sacrifice made him feel very sad.

Of course he understood that it was inevitable for soldiers to die on the battlefield.

But for the brothers he brought out with his own hands, he certainly didn't want to hear such bad news!

Zhang Ji'an had told him before that kindness does not control troops.

This is Chen Xin'an's character weakness. The battle is too dangerous. He would rather go alone than let his brothers die!

Now that Lou Zaiyuan is deliberately making things difficult here, Chen Xin'an feels that he can't stand it any longer!

As if sensing Chen Xin'an's anger, Lou Zaiyuan subconsciously took a step back, moved his hand to his waist, and said to Chen Xin'an with a wary look on his face.

"Chen Xin'an, don't mess around!

I think you know what kind of place this is.

If you take any action that threatens the safety of the Red Stone Platform, no matter what your identity is, the guards will not let you go! "

"Master..." Lei Ming stepped forward and took Chen Xin'an's arm.

Chen Xin'an looked at Lou Zaiyuan, took out his cell phone with an expressionless face, and made a call.

When the call was connected, Chen Xin'an said into the phone, "Secretary Bu, please tell Mr. General that I will not attend the dinner!"

For no special reason, your guard captain blocked me at the gate and refused to let me in!

There is no need to call to inform. Since even my apprentice is not qualified to enter, then I won’t go. Goodbye! "

Lou Zaiyuan's face turned pale. He didn't expect that Chen Xin'an would file a complaint!

This is directly naming the number one secret next to the chief. If the chief knew that he was deliberately making things difficult for the people he valued, would he, the captain of the guard, still do it?

"Chen Xin'an, you..." Seeing Chen Xin'an really turning around and leaving, Lou Zaiyuan was completely panicked!

Who dares to believe that someone dares to magnify a pigeon?

What an honor it is to be personally invited by the leader to share the family dinner?

This guy actually gave up and walked away!

No one else would be able to do such a thing, right?

If this is reprimanded by the boss, investigate

Come on, he, the guard captain, will definitely not be able to eat and walk around!

"Mr. Chen, you have something to say!" Lou Zaiyuan panicked, hurriedly stepped forward to stop Chen Xin'an, and said with a wry smile.

"How can you tell Secretary Bu like this!

I didn't stop you, I stopped people who were not invited. This is also my responsibility. You have to understand me!

Mr. Chen, don’t leave in such a hurry, we can discuss anything if you have anything..."

It’s no wonder that Lou Zaiyuan is not impatient, because he knows the character of the guy in front of him somewhat, and what he said is not to scare people, he really dares to do this!

Seeing that Chen Xin'an had already asked his apprentice to wave to the car, Lou Zaiyuan panicked completely and simply stood in front of Chen Xin'an. Just as he was about to speak, Secretary Bu's voice came from the headset.

Although there were no unpleasant words, the tone of the words was not polite, which made Lou Zaiyuan's face turn blue and white as he lectured him, and he was even more worried that Chen Xin'an would just walk away.

Then Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang, and it was Bu Xianting calling.

Chen Xin'an was still thinking about not answering and hanging up on the spot, but Lou Zaiyuan had already clasped his hands together and made a pleading look.

After thinking about it, Chen Xinan still answered the phone.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen. There was a communication error in the office and we didn't report it to the escort team in time.

All the responsibility lies with me. Mr. Chen must not argue with Captain Lou and others.

They didn't do anything wrong. After all, their responsibilities were theirs and they didn't dare to relax.

Mr. Chen has a lot. Don’t worry about our mistakes. I will apologize to Mr. Chen in person later.

The chief is already at home waiting for Mr. Chen’s arrival. You two should come in now and don’t keep the chief waiting for too long..."

Listening to Bu Xianting's apology, Chen Xin'an glanced at Lou Zaiyuan beside him.

At this moment, the guard captain looked panic-stricken and no longer as tough as before. He stood beside him with a smile and did not dare to speak. Chen Xin'an calmed down and nodded to Lei Ming.


"Okay, I'll go there now!"

Lou Zaiyuan quickly waved to the front, and a security guard drove over in a golf cart and asked Chen Xin'an and Lei Ming to get in the car.

Lou Zaiyuan and two escorts also got into the car and drove towards Gyeongbokgung Palace.

This place is really heavily guarded, with almost every sentry every three steps and a post every five steps.

Zaiyuan went upstairs, probably to resolve the embarrassment between the two parties, and kept introducing Chen Xin'an to the security situation at Hongshitai.

Chen Xin'an and Lei Ming just listened silently and did not express any opinions.

Qiu Yizhen was already waiting at the entrance of Gyeongbokgung Palace. When she saw Chen Xin'an getting out of the car, she came over and said with a smile, "Xin'an, I will tell you good news later!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at Lou Zaiyuan, who looked disgusted and embarrassed, and sighed softly.

From Qiu Yizhen's face, Chen Xin'an couldn't see any trace of how she had cried and ran away in anger some time ago.

It was as if nothing unpleasant had ever happened between the two of them.

But I am really grateful to others for being able to get rid of the entanglement of the Blue Rubik's Cube.

So even though he knew that she was acting a little too intimate now, Chen Xin'an didn't push her away.

Lei Ming on the side didn't even think about taking another look.

Of course he could tell that this young woman was somewhat close to the master, but he wouldn't think much about it.

He is clear about his master's feelings for his wife, so he has always had unconditional trust in his master.

Chen Xin'an followed Qiu Yizhen inside and asked, "What's the good news?"

Qiu Yizhen took the opportunity to hug Chen Xin'an's arm with both hands, as if to whisper to him.

Chen Xin'an frowned and wanted to push her away, but seeing her serious look, it didn't look like she was trying to take advantage of him, so she had no choice but to endure it.

Qiu Yizhen put her red lips to Chen Xin'an's ear and whispered, "The National Fund has exceeded the 10 billion donation mark! Now both Blue Cube and Saimdang want to take over it!"

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