Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3075 I will give you a big gift

I originally thought that the four crew members would go out and play all night. After all, Dongchao is a country where entertainment comes first.

The bar industry and performing arts industry here are well-known. Large nightclubs in Chaojing often meet A-list celebrities coming to spend money. The four crew members who have always loved to have fun will not miss this opportunity.

Unexpectedly, the four crew members reported to the business suite in high spirits early in the morning. After asking, they found out that they didn't go out at all last night and went to bed early to rest.

Just to be in good condition today, take the boss home!

This is why Chen Xin'an admires the four crew members and keeps hiring them with high salaries.

It is true that he loves to play, but it will never affect his work. He always knows the balance between the two very well. Such people are reliable and make people feel at ease in their work.

Han Yunmei prepared breakfast for everyone, handed Chen Xin'an a plate with bread, and said to him

"Boss, Mr. Jin Enzai is here with his motorcade. It's in the restaurant down below. Just let them know when we leave!"

There were also some people from Guangtian who were waiting in the restaurant downstairs.

Do you want to meet them later? "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Yes! I am now..."

Before he could finish speaking, his cell phone rang. Chen Xin'an took it out, took a look at it, and answered the call.

"Secretary Bu, are you going to work so early?

No need, we already have the car... Okay, then thank the freshman for me and follow his arrangements!

The flight was at ten o'clock. After breakfast at about 8:30, we set off directly to the airport!

Isn't this... a bit too grand?

Then I would like to thank Mr. Laob once again for taking the trouble! "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an said helplessly, "There's no need for Boss Jin to arrange a car, Hongshi Terrace has already prepared it!"

Let's eat slowly and don't be in a hurry. We will go downstairs at half past eight and leave directly by car.

The car of the Red Rock Terrace Guards is accompanying us! "

Li Qi and Lei Ming looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Boss, this is a grand event!"

"My master is awesome!"


Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't like these fancy things, but the boss personally arranged it and he couldn't refuse it, so he might as well enjoy it!

After everyone finished breakfast, they took the elevator downstairs together.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Chen Xin'an asked everyone to get out first. He walked out of the elevator. Lei Ming and Li Qi followed him and stood beside him.

The three of them walked into the restaurant together. The hall was actually full of people in the early morning.

Seeing Chen Xin'an walking in, someone shouted, "Brother An!" Everyone roared and stood up.

Good guys, they are all old acquaintances!

At the front were Wang Gil-sung and Ping Hyung-joon, followed by Kim Eun-jae, sisters Shin Nam-joo and Shin Yoo-jung, and even Quan Doo-tae from the Chaogyeong Police Department came over.

Jin Enzai also brought a lot of brothers over, including many familiar faces, and they all came to say hello to Chen Xin'an.

"I've prepared a Rolls-Royce for you!" A voice came from behind.

Chen Xin'an turned around and saw Wen Chengmin in a brown suit walking over. Next to him, Liu Zhiyan took his arm and nodded to Chen Xin'an.

"Mr. Chen, long time no see! It's time to say goodbye, and I don't know when we will see each other again!"

At this moment, the two of them had changes that were very different from before, mainly in temperament. It was like they were completely different people, which made Chen Xinan amazed.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "If you have time, you can go to the capital of China to find me, and then let me fulfill my duty as a landlord."

Wen Chengmin nodded and said, "There may be a lot of opportunities in the future! Brother Snake and I have been talking on the phone recently, and there should be a lot of cooperation in the second half of the year."

Don't worry, what happened in the past has nothing to do with me. Our Wen family has settled our differences with Brother Snake and become friends.

In the future, Xinghai’s business will focus on shipping, so there will be many opportunities for us to deal with each other! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said with a smile, "Brother Snake's matter

Love, I won't get too involved.

So you can discuss it yourself if there is any cooperation.

But if you have any trouble, you can tell me. If I can help, I will definitely help! "

Wen Chengmin smiled and said, "From now on, Xinghai Group and Anhao Group will be partners.

If you have foreign trade shipping business, please Mr. Chen must first consider our Xinghai Group.

As long as the order is from Anhao Group, we will definitely conduct the transaction at the lowest discount! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him sideways and asked, "Is this what Miss Wen Er promised for you?"

Wen Chengmin laughed loudly, nodded and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from Mr. Chen!

My sister asked me to say goodbye to Mr. Chen and wish you a safe journey!

Let's go, the car is waiting outside! "

"Go aside!" Jin Enzai came over, knocked Wen Chengmin away with his shoulder, put his arm around Chen Xin'an's shoulder and said

"Brother Yanjun is my lifelong friend, Kim Eun-jae, so of course he wants to ride in my car!"

"You..." Wen Chengmin's face turned red with anger.

Jin Enzai curled his lips and cursed, "What, is it great to be a boatman? Do you think you are in the lap of Anhao Group?

Who cares about that bit of mosquito meat?

Brother Yanjun, when you go back, I will give you a big gift! "

"What kind of gift do you have to wait until I get back? Can't you give it now?" Chen Xin'an looked at Jin Enzai strangely and asked.

Jin Enzai chuckled and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I have changed suppliers for all the products that Chaojing Yaohan imports from China every year.

We have already talked on the phone with my siblings, and a new company has been established there to specifically deal with the import needs of Chaojing Yaohan. "

Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly and said, "Why didn't Xi Ruo tell me?"

Jin Enzai chuckled and said, "I don't want to distract you! Besides, it's useless to tell you now. You can't help in Chaojing. It won't be too late to make arrangements when you go back."

Let me tell you first, Chaojing Yaohan faces the entire Dongchao in terms of many raw materials.

\u003eSo it can be said that changing agents and suppliers for this batch of import bills is a very big thing.

I believe you can eat it. My brothers and sisters are also smart people and are first-rate business geniuses.

I'll leave it to you to take responsibility. I won't care if I don't save the money here. The peace of mind is for sure! "

Chen Xin'an angrily yelled, "Get out of here! The hands-off shopkeeper is my patent, you still want to snatch it away?"

My wife is pregnant now. If you dare to let her worry about this, I would rather not do this business! "

Jin Enzai was startled, covered Chen Xin'an's mouth and cursed, "My brother, do you know how much trade volume this is? This is no joke!

Okay, I know you love your wife, so I'll take care of the things that need to be run away from here. I won't be tired of my sister-in-law!

Let’s go, get in the car first, let’s talk while walking! "

Wen Chengmin said dissatisfiedly, "I'm also ready. There are some details I want to discuss with Mr. Chen, so you'd better get in my car..."

"Okay, you two, stop arguing!" Chen Xin'an quickly reached out to stop him and said to the two of them.

"Secretary Bu Xianting came to see him off on the order of the chief, and was followed by a convoy of Hongshitai Guards.

If you two have the ability, fight with them! "

Kim Eun-jae and Moon Sung-min were both dumbfounded. No matter how good they were, they would not dare to compete with the official people. Wang Jixing and Ping Hengjun gave a thumbs up and praised

"Brother An is awesome! Hongshitai sent someone to see him off, and he's treated like a foreign guest!"

"Of course, it doesn't matter how much trouble An Geer has solved for Hongshitai. Such treatment is well deserved!"

Chen Xin'an reached out and patted their shoulders, then hugged the two of them and said in a deep voice

"I know what you think.

But you must know that Kong Zhenjing is not the target, and your ideals can go further!

And your road is much longer than his!

These friends of mine in Dongchao have all been taken care of.

If you encounter problems in the future, you can ask them for help.

I just want you to remember one thing and live well! "

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