Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3032 Better than I expected

In fact, from the last time he came here, Chen Xin'an had already seen the status of this young man named A Shi in this area.

These can be seen from the attitude and tone of others talking to him.

Ah Shi didn't speak, just frowned and looked at Chen Xin'an.

This guy is indeed very generous, which I already knew the last time I met him.

He agreed to the price A Shi casually quoted without any hesitation, making A Shi a huge profit.

There are ghetto businesses in the slums, and they also have ways to make money.

It's just that there are not many customers as generous as Chen Xin'an, so it is difficult to meet them.

This is also one of the reasons why A Shi can remember Chen Xin'an. Xiuwang

But now that we are going against the Blue Cube, it is not a matter of money.

If they really offend the Blue Rubik's Cube and the government pacifies this area, then homeless people like them will not even have this last place to live!

"Ashi, it hurts!" The white-haired woman standing next to her said with a cry.

Ah Shi trembled, looked at her and said, "Sister, bear with me! I will buy you medicine tomorrow!"

"But I can't stand it anymore, please let me rush!" The girl seemed to be in pain, and even her voice was trembling when she spoke.

A Shi ran over and wanted to hug the girl, but he didn't dare. He said to her: "No! Sister, you know the consequences of running cold water. I can't cause you lifelong injuries just because of the temporary pain!"

The woman smiled sadly, shook her head and said, "I don't have a lifetime! I'm sick and I won't live long..."

"Sister, I don't allow you to talk nonsense!" Ashi's eyes turned red.

Chen Xin'an frowned, walked towards the girl, stretched out her hand and said, "Give me your hand!"

"What are you doing!" Ash shouted angrily, and several companions nearby also rushed over.

In the darkness, there seemed to be many dark shadows ready to move.

Han Yunmei quickly said to everyone: "Don't be nervous, everyone, he is a very powerful doctor and can treat patients!"

Ah Shi stopped, looked at Chen Xin'an suspiciously and asked, "Are you really a doctor? Can you cure my sister?"

Chen Xin'an looked at the woman and said, "I have to find out what's wrong with her! Don't be afraid, give me your hand!"

The woman looked hesitant and looked at A Shi.

Chen Xin'an said to her: "The way I look at you now is very similar to the skin cancer of albinism.

But I want to listen to your pulse and heartbeat to determine the extent of your current condition. "

Hearing Chen Xin'an's words, Ah Shi no longer hesitated and said to the woman: "Sister, he may have a few tricks, please ask him to help you take a look!"

The woman felt relieved and handed her hand to Chen Xin'an.

Putting his finger on the girl's pulse, Chen Xin'an said to A Shi: "Take care of my friend. Don't disturb your sister and me for twenty minutes!"

Ah Shi no longer hesitated and said to Li Qi and the others, "Follow me! Brother Shichang, lead your men to guard here."

The tall boy said angrily: "Ashi, you don't really believe this guy, do you? Sister Zhiying's illness is one that even experts shake their heads..."

"Shichang!" The companion next to him pulled him and shook his head.

Ah Shi looked at Shi Chang with a gloomy face and said, "I don't care what experts say, as long as there is hope, sister, I will not give up!

Whoever cures my sister will be my Ah Shi’s reborn parents and savior!

I will repay him by working as a cow or a horse for him all my life! "

"Ashi!" The woman's eyes turned red and she cried out, "You fool!"

Ah Shi grinned at her, waved his hand and led the people away.

Many figures appeared in the darkness, and they dispersed as A Shi left.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chenggang and the three of them broke out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, I didn't do anything just now, otherwise these people would be hiding in the dark like ghosts. Once they rush out, I won't even have time to react!

Chapter 3032 is better than I expected.

Looking at Chen Xin'an who was diagnosing Zhiying's pulse, Shichang cursed angrily: "I don't care if you are a real doctor or a fake doctor. If you dare to pretend to lie to my sister Zhiying and Ashi, I will kill you!"

Chen Xin'an cursed without opening her eyes: "Shut up! Get away, don't affect my diagnosis and treatment!"


Shi Chang was so angry that he wanted to rush over, but suddenly remembered the steel needle Chen Xin'an used just now, and was so frightened that he quickly stopped.

The companion next to him happened to come over to pull him, so he borrowed the donkey from the slope and snorted angrily at Chen Xin'an before retreating to the side.

There were many lanterns hung on the trees, and the light was much better than before. ..

Ah Shi came over and looked at Chen Xin'an under the big tree and Sister Zhiying with a silver needle in her head. She frowned and asked Shi Chang, "What are you doing? What's wrong?"

"I don't understand!" Shichang shrugged his shoulders and said in a lowered voice, "But Sister Zhiying doesn't complain about the pain. Does this... work?"

Ah Shi's eyes brightened, he glanced at Chen Xin'an with a complicated expression, and said to everyone: "You guys go to bed, I'll be waiting here!"

Shichang asked with a worried look: "Ashi, do you believe these people?"

Ah Shi nodded and said in a deep voice: "We have no temptation for them.

These people are not here to check us out.

I trust my gut, these guys are trustworthy!

If he really has a way to save my sister, no matter who he is, I will admit it!

Let ***, ***, let me go to jail, I will go! "

Shichang and his companions looked at each other, but they did not persuade him.

Because everyone knows that the relationship between Ah Shi and Sister Zhiying is too deep!

He patted A Shi on the shoulder and said, "Then let's go to sleep for a while. If we need anything, just call us!"

"Wait a minute!" Ashi turned around and said to Shichang: "There is something in the sky! Release our pigeons to drive the thing away!"

Shichang nodded, beckoned to his companions and said, "Let's fly the doves with me!"

After they left, Ah Shi found a place to sit down and looked at Chen Xin'an and Sister Zhiying quietly.

I don’t know how long it took, but Ah Shi felt his body sink. When he opened his eyes, Zhiying was standing in front of him with an extra piece of clothing on his body.

Ah Shi quickly sat up, looked at Zhiying and asked, "Sister, how long have I been sleeping?"

"Not long, less than ten minutes! Why don't you go and have a good sleep?" Zhiying looked at him with a gentle voice.

Ah Shi shook his head, stood up nervously, walked around her and asked, "Sister, are you now..."

"It doesn't hurt anymore! Mr. Chen said it's just a temporary pain relief, and he has to continue taking medicine!" Zhiying said with admiration as she looked at Chen Xin'an, who was squatting on the ground writing next to her. ..

Chen Xin'an stood up, rubbed off the prescription she had just written on a tree branch with her feet, and said to Ah Shi:

"No, I have made several prescriptions for this kind of medicine, all of which have flaws and are not suitable for your sister's condition.

My junior brother has to do this job!

You ask your sister to prepare, send her to China, and ask my junior brother to help her decide the recipe! "

Ah Shi's face turned pale and he asked Chen Xin'an: "You mean, my sister's illness..."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "It's better than I thought, and there's no cancer yet.

However, careful treatment is also required.

The environment here is really bad, and her condition is only getting worse.

Let her go to my junior brother and take care of her for about half a year, and she should get better! "

Ah Shi said excitedly: "Can my sister's disease really be cured? Okay, then I will prepare and send my sister to China!"

"Wait a minute!" Chen Xin'an waved her hand, stopped Ah Shi, frowned and said, "You seem to have misunderstood what I said!"

Ah Shi waved his hand and said, "I know what you mean! Don't worry, no matter how much money it costs, I will give it to you exactly as long as you can cure my sister's disease!"

Chapter 3032 is better than I expected.

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