Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3172 The one you killed was my sister

An old residential building in the South Third Ring Road of Kyoto.

This is a gathering place for Beipiao people, and the whole building is full of outsiders.

They come from different parts of the world and don't know each other well, so they rarely interact with each other. Maybe they have lived across from each other for several years and don't even know each other.

A skinny woman hurried up to the fifth floor, hurriedly took out the key, opened the door without closing it, and rushed in.

Soon there was a thunder-like sound, and the stench spread out.

After a while, a skinny woman’s yelling came from behind: “Gou Cao’s fat man!

I gave my mother expired soy milk to drink, but I let him touch two handfuls of it for nothing!

Next time I will smash up your bun shop! "

At the corner of the stairs, Xu Qing, dressed in casual clothes, stood by the railing and fanned her nose with her hands. The stench almost made her faint.

Finally, there was no movement in the room. Xu Qing just wanted to go in, but the woman he had never expected to meet came out again, holding a black convenience bag in her hand.

Xu Qing quickly turned around and walked to the other side of the corridor.

But the woman behind her saw her and shouted: "Hey, stop!"

Xu Qing frowned, but did not stop or look back.

Did she recognize him?

We did meet up last night, but we just passed each other. Could it be that this woman has a photographic memory?

The woman behind him quickened his pace to catch up. When Xu Qing was hesitating whether to have a showdown with her directly, his shoulder was already being pulled by the woman.

"Can't you hear me? Can I lend you a light?"

The skinny woman held a crumpled cigarette in her mouth and looked at Xu Qing with squinting eyes.

"No, I don't smoke!" Xu Qing shook his head.

"Hey!" The skinny woman raised her hand with disdain, looked Xu Qing up and down, and asked with squinting eyes: "Do you have money? Lend me ten yuan to buy a lighter!"

Seeing Xu Qing motionless, the skinny woman said impatiently: "Be quick! I don't believe you don't even have ten yuan!"

As she said that, she actually started to search Xu Qing's pockets.

Of course Xu Qing would not let her turn over. After all, there was a police gun and handcuffs behind her, which would reveal her secrets at the touch of a finger.

However, she did not retreat. Instead, she took a step forward, pushed the skinny woman away with both hands, and asked her, "What are you doing!"

The skinny woman couldn't stand firmly. She took two steps back and hit the wall behind her. It seemed that she didn't expect that this woman would dare to refuse and resist, and she was quite powerful!

She leaned against the wall and stared at Xu Qing blankly, as if hesitating whether to rush forward and be hard on him.

However, seeing the look on Xu Qing's face, it seemed that she was not a good person, and she was relatively tall. She would definitely suffer a loss if she tried to do it, so she snorted and cursed Xu Qing:

"Damn it, just talk if you don't have any! You're a poor man, you don't even have ten yuan to pay for this! You're wasting my time!"

She turned around and left, Xu Qing didn't stop her, just looked at her coldly.

When there was no sound from the stairwell, Xu Qing quickly chased after him.

That woman was really good at running. She took Xu Qing to a small supermarket for a while, to an underground mahjong parlor for a while, and to an arcade arcade for a while.

Xu Qing felt that his legs were sore. The woman didn't have a definite destination yet.

It wasn't until two o'clock in the afternoon that the woman came out of the arcade, looked at Shi Zhong behind the bar, then went out and walked along the road to the public toilet on the street.

This public toilet is on the second floor, and the first floor is the garbage transfer station.

Xu Qing didn't want to smell the smell again, so he simply waited below.

But after waiting for more than ten minutes, the woman didn't come down.

Did she sneak away?

Did you find someone following you?

Impossible. Xu Qing is quite confident in her tracking skills. After all, when she was in the Dongshan Municipal Bureau, she was from the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

When he was about to go up to look for it, two men also went up to the second floor.

What surprised Xu Qing was that the two people stopped in the men's room and went directly to the women's room over there!

Xu Qing frowned and followed immediately.

When she entered the women's restroom, she found that there was no one around!

It’s strange, where have people gone? Is there a secret passage here?


Xu Qing's eyes fell on the closed toilet doors.

She walked into the toilet, and the toilet where she was still talking immediately became silent.

Xu Qing deliberately stepped over and pushed the doors open one by one. Five of the six toilets were empty. Only the last one could not be pushed because there was someone in front of him!

Xu Qing walked to the first toilet, closed the door tightly, stayed there for a while, opened the door after flushing, and walked out.

When she reached the door, she ducked and stood aside.

After a while, the door to the toilet at the back opened, and the skinny woman's face poked out.

She glanced outside, then shrank back, and said, "Brother Hao, he's gone!"

At this time, Xu Qing tiptoed back again, opened the door of the penultimate toilet, walked in quietly, and put his ear against the wooden wall.

"Brother Hao, where is the stuff? Give it to me quickly, I can't hold it in anymore!

Why is this the only thing? Didn't we agree on two packs? "

"Twist-fried Chicken, do you think I'm doing charity? One pack is pretty good, do you want more?"

"Yes! Give it to me quickly, I'll drink it now! Brother Hao, wait for me for a while..."

There was a sound of opening a can, as if someone was drinking something.

After a while, a woman's comfortable hiccups were heard.

"Twist-fried chicken, you should use it sparingly! You drank it all in one pack. Aren't you afraid of dying here?"

"Brother Hao, you don't know the beauty of these things! These new products are so exciting!

Drinking it mixed with this beer is more enjoyable than taking an injection!

Brother Hao, for the sake of completing my task, please give me another pack! "

"Twist Chicken, don't blame me for not giving you a chance! As long as you can sell all the goods on the South Third Ring Road, I will send you three bottles every day from now on!

But if I knew that you dared to steal and use the goods before they were finished, you would know what I, Zhong Zihao, am up to! "

"I know! Don't worry, brother Hao, I will definitely do what you asked me to do!"

Can you also give me the hard-earned money? "

"I can't forget that little money of yours! How can you do big things with me with such little potential! Ayuan, give her the money!"

"No, Brother Hao, didn't we promise three thousand? Why is there only one thousand!"

"Do you think my medicine is free? The remaining two thousand is worth the package of medicine!"

"But Brother Hao, we have agreed that if we kill that woman, we will reward her with two packs of medicine and three thousand yuan!

Now I'm fine with missing one packet of medicine, and I'm still being shortchanged by two thousand dollars. That's not okay! "

"No way! Who said it to you? Did I agree?"

"The big boss said it, and he said it in front of you! Brother Hao, you can't deny it! Otherwise, I'll go find the big boss!"

"Are you looking for death? Twist chicken, don't forget, the one you killed was my sister!

Although they are not actual sisters, they are all members of the Zhong family after all!

You killed my sister, and I have to treat you like a hero. Not only do I give you medicine for free, but I also give you money?

Do you think I am a fool? "

"The big boss asked me to do it. If you want to cause trouble, just go to him. It has nothing to do with me!

But you have to give me the promised amount of medicine and money. How much risk did I take to complete the task? You can't just criticize me if you say you want to.

Brother Hao, you know I have to drink every day. This little money is not enough for me to drink for a few days. You have to give it all to me!

Otherwise, I will go to the big boss now and let him make a comment! "

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