Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3181 You are such an old fox

That group of people has always been rampant in the world. Anyone who interferes with their actions will be killed regardless of whether they are civilians or not!

Therefore, Lei Ming's situation can be said to be very dangerous!

If you are not careful, your life will be left in the outer harbor!

And with the Eagle Flag Country's attitude towards Peng Jiahai, his battle with those special forces members was simply inevitable.

Asking him to protect Peng Jiahai is basically asking him to die!

Seeing Chen Xin'an's face, Li Ruoshan sighed softly and said, "Xin'an, I know the relationship between that young man and you.

But if you want him to grow, this kind of self-challenge is the most tempering thing! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at Li Ruoshan and said: "Old Li said it is so easy!

Why don't you tell me what will happen if such a challenge is not passed? "

Li Ruoshan said with a straight face: "Xin'an, you have to know that Xiaolei is a soldier, this is his fate..."


Chen Xin'an slapped the tea table. The tea that Li Niandong had just brewed jumped up and spilled the tea all over the table!

"I never believe in bullshit fate!

I just think that everyone is born from father and mother, there is no hierarchy!

Lei Ming died on the battlefield, I won't say anything, because that was the path he chose!

But now, if you ask him, a newcomer, to deal with the best warriors in the world, is that his life?

That means asking him to die!

Since you know that others are going to deal with you, wouldn't it be better not to let that expert participate?

Isn't it stupid to rush to die?

Even if we have to go, why not send more experts to protect it?

If you can't do it openly, can't you come secretly?

The special operations team members can go there blatantly, but you are still here looking around, what do you mean? Isn’t one’s own life worth that much? "

"Chen Xin'an, grandpa didn't mean that!" Li Niandong turned pale with fright, stood beside Chen Xin'an, and pressed his shoulder.

This guy is really brave!

What is grandpa's identity?

Even Mr. Hua is polite when talking to grandpa.

Who dares to slam the table in front of him, risking his life?

Chen Xin'an ignored this at all, waved her arm, broke away from Li Niandong's hand, and said to Li Ruoshan:

"Old Li, I want to find someone else to train you, but Lei Ming won't do it! I'll call him now and ask him to come back. You can rearrange the person!"

Li Ruoshan looked at him expressionlessly and said, "If you dare to make this call, I will deal with you!

I will make everything you have obtained over the years turn into nothing!

Do you want to try it? "

Chen Xin'an stood up, glared at Li Ruoshan and said, "Then try it!

Do you think the things I got came from your charity?

No matter who you are, if you want to deal with me, you have to pay the price!

Let me take a step back and tell you that you, Mr. Li, are so powerful that it is easy to deal with me, a common man.

Taking away everything from me is just a piece of cake for you.

So what?

You have no idea what I care about most!

So what if you take away all these external things?

What I want is people, do you understand? "

"You..." Li Ruoshan's face was ashen and he stared at Chen Xin'an, wishing he could give him a big mouth!

What is his identity?

Who dares to challenge him?

Do you really think these words are just angry words and just talk?

For a person of his stature, every word he says may be true. With a snap of a finger, a person can plummet to the bottom of the clouds and lose everything!

But facing this guy, he was completely helpless!

You can't really deal with him just because of one or two angry words, right?

Li Niandong was so frightened that his hands and feet were cold. He didn't drink tonight. How could Chen Xin'an be drunk?

Did he forget who he was talking to?

But think about it, isn’t this normal?

This guy is Chen Xin'an!

Others were obedient and cautious in front of Grandpa, but this guy had no scruples and made no secret of it.

He looks more like a grandson than Xiaobei, his biological grandson!

But grandpa has a hot temper, and Chen Xin'an is not accustomed to giving in. If these two people quarrel, it will only become more and more fierce, and no one can stop it!

In the end, no matter who made an uncontrollable decision in anger, it was the last thing she wanted to see!

Li Ruoshan's face was gloomy, he looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Chen Xin'an, you disappoint me!"

Chen Xin'an said tit for tat: "Just be disappointed if you are disappointed, I didn't want to satisfy you!

Do you think I am just like your children, being submissive to you and wanting to please you?

Sorry, I can not do it! "

Li Ruoshan said angrily: "What do you mean by this?"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said, "What do you mean, don't you know what you mean?

Look at your family’s dinner together, how obedient and polite everyone is!

They did whatever they were asked to do, each one more docile than the other.

But is this a family?

Children are not like children and do not have any lively nature.

You are not as mature as an adult, you seem to have the final say in everything, and everything you do depends on your face!

Let me tell you, this is not a family, this is a machine!

I don’t want my apprentice to become a machine for you. You just say a word and let him die!

You like to train people, why don't you train your children and grandchildren?

Why not let them die? "

"Chen Xin'an!" Li Niandong shouted, pulling Chen Xin'an's arm and trying to get him to sit down.

Chen Xin'an didn't listen to her, waved his arm and looked at Li Ruoshan with burning eyes.

The old man's face remained the same as before, and he said calmly: "Then where do you think Xiaobei is now?"

Chen Xin'an was stunned and looked at Li Ruoshan in disbelief.

Li Niandong beside him tugged on Chen Xin'an's sleeve and whispered: "Xiao Bei went with Professor Peng!

And although things over there are dangerous, Lei Ming is not the only one holding it together.

There are people protecting Dragon Shield and Dragon Fang secretly. If there is danger, they will take action as soon as possible! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and stared at Li Ruoshan, speechless for a while.

Li Ruoshan ignored him and just put away the tea sets expressionlessly.

Li Niandong hurried over to help, and while cleaning up, he said to Chen Xin'an: "That exchange meeting was the most cutting-edge event in the industry.

The Eagle Flag Country has decided to send the most advanced aircraft to the exhibition.

Because they want to find big customers, they can’t do it without showing off.

But we are on their transaction blacklist, and we can’t buy it no matter how much money we pay.

Of course, we also have our own methods to obtain the model, but we can only dismantle it in the outer port and cannot bring it back.

This is why Professor Peng must make this trip, and he must go in person!

As for the security force, originally we participated in the name of civilians. Neither the official nor the military could intervene, and we could only use private security.

And it should not be too high-profile, so as not to arouse suspicion from the Eagle Flag Country.

Once the other party stops all transactions, then all our efforts will be wasted! "

Li Ruoshan picked up a cup of poured tea, placed it in front of Chen Xin'an and said:

"Peace of mind, sometimes, if we want to do something, we have to take risks and make sacrifices.

I know it would be difficult for everyone to accept.

However, such risks and sacrifices are meaningful and necessary, and they are of great benefit to China! "

Picking up the cup of tea, Chen Xin'an drank it all in one gulp, put down the cup, and said in a deep voice:

"You are such an old fox!

You are doing this just to force me to intervene! "

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